Many directions we could take. We may want to take the opportunity to look at other frameworks. Could be material design, bootstrap 4, or something else. It seems like the jump from 3 to 4 would be a decent amount of work so why not look into others?
One could also recommend at keeping respondr as bootstrap 3, and creating another profile (aka front end) with a different framework. Much like we did when we migrated from universality to respondr. I don't think we should keep evolving the same profile.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
Among the things about MD to add to what has been reported by Julien ( which I confirmed unreservedly by the way), there is this :
with the official release of Angular 2 ( )
A few of the things you can expect in the near future from the Angular team:
· Bug fixes and non-breaking features for APIs marked as stable
· …
· Angular Material 2
· …
Just my 5 cents in €uros : so MD 1 or MD 2 ?
A way to handle all these questions (Bootstrap, MD, foundation, whateverHypeStuff), is to wonder which minimal version of [Devices>Device version/OS>OS version/browsers>browser version/ >Devices specific functionalities] do we target for uP5…
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De la part de Julien Gribonvald
Envoyé : mardi 6 septembre 2016 19:44
À :
Objet : Re: [uportal-dev] Bootstrap v4
Long story short, shipping a beta means we’re done breaking all your stuff until our next major version (v5). We’re not perfect, but we’ll be doing our best to keep all the classes, features, and docs URLs as they appear now in this release. We can always add more things, but we cannot take away.