Remove principal from audit logs

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Jeremiah Garmatter

Jul 22, 2024, 11:38:22 AM (3 days ago) Jul 22
to CAS Community
Is it possible to remove the user's principal from audit logs in CAS 7?

I resolve all relevant user attributes with the principal instead of using a separate LDAP connection. It seems like SAML2 authentications want to print every resolved attribute in the principal and it really clutters the logs. Anyone know of a way to remove principal attributes from the log files? I would like to keep the logs intact, just remove the principal field if possible.

Here's an example of one of these auth attempts:
2024-07-22 09:15:37,387 INFO [org.apereo.inspektr.audit.AuditTrailManager] - 2024-07-22T13:15:37.386909125!my-username!{result=Service Access Granted, principal=SimplePrincipal(id=my-username, attributes={cn=[my cn], department=[Office of Information Technology], displayName=[my name], duoAud=[some code], duoAuthCtxAccessDeviceIp=[an IP], duoAuthCtxAccessDeviceLocationCity=[my locality], duoAuthCtxAccessDeviceLocationCountry=[United States], duoAuthCtxAccessDeviceLocationState=[my state], duoAuthCtxApplicationName=[CAS - DUO Universal], duoAuthCtxAuthDeviceHostname=[a phone number], duoAuthCtxAuthDeviceIp=[an ip], duoAuthCtxAuthDeviceLocationCity=[a location], duoAuthCtxAuthDeviceLocationCountry=[United States], duoAuthCtxAuthDeviceLocationState=[a state], duoAuthCtxEventType=[authentication], duoAuthCtxFactor=[duo_push], duoAuthCtxReason=[user_approved], duoAuthCtxResult=[success], duoAuthCtxTimestamp=[1721653942], duoAuthCtxTxId=[an id], duoAuthCtxUserKey=[a key], duoAuthResult=[allow], duoAuthResultStatus=[allow], duoAuthResultStatusMessage=[Login Successful], duoAuthTime=[1721653942], duoExp=[1721657542], duoIat=[a number], duoIss=[a duo endpoint], duoPreferredUsername=[a username], duoSub=[a username], eduPersonNickName=[name], EmailAddress=[an email], givenName=[a name], memberOf=[A very long list of groups], organizationalunit=[Office of Information Technology], pwdLastSet=[data], schoolName=[data], schoolNumber=[data], sn=[surname], telephoneNumber=[a phone number], title=[a title], UDC_IDENTIFIER=[a value], uid=[username], username=[a username], userType=[data]}), service=my-service, requiredAttributes={}}!SERVICE_ACCESS_ENFORCEMENT_TRIGGERED!!my server IP!

Ray Bon

Jul 22, 2024, 10:56:27 PM (3 days ago) Jul 22

You can add a filter to the Logger

        <!-- DEBUG Created seed map='{username=[loginname]}' for uid='loginname' -->
        <Logger name="" level="warn" >
            <RegexFilter regex="Created seed map=.*" onMismatch="DENY" />


From: <> on behalf of Jeremiah Garmatter <>
Sent: 22 July 2024 06:45
To: CAS Community <>
Subject: [cas-user] Remove principal from audit logs
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Jeremiah Garmatter

Jul 23, 2024, 12:41:28 PM (2 days ago) Jul 23
to CAS Community, Ray Bon
Thanks Ray,

As usual, you always have helpful advice.
Log4j filters remove the entire log entry, which I would've preferred to keep merely without the principal, but it doesn't make much difference for my use case. I was able to remove the line from the audit log only so if we want to see that info we can pull it from the cas log still. Here's what I ended up changing in log4j2.xml:
        <Logger name="org.apereo.inspektr" additivity="false" level="info">
            <AppenderRef ref="casConsole"/>
            <AppenderRef ref="casFile"/>
            <AppenderRef ref="casAudit">
                <!-- Custom log filter, remove log entries that include principal attributes from our audit log only. Principal will remain in cas.log.-->
                <RegexFilter regex=".*attributes=.*" onMatch="DENY" onMismatch="NEUTRAL" useRawMsg="false" />
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