uPortal upcoming release

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Chris Beach

не прочитано,
7 сент. 2022 г., 15:52:3907.09.2022
– uPortal Developers
Hello folks!

We plan to cut a new release of uPortal this Friday.

Please have all in-progress efforts merged by EOD Thursday (Central time). Any help testing the tip of master between now and EOD Thursday would be greatly appreciated!

This release will contain the workaround/fix for the Java 8u332+ issue ( https://github.com/uPortal-Project/uPortal-start/issues/570 ).

Please let me know if this release schedule will adversely affect you.


Benito Gonzalez

не прочитано,
7 сент. 2022 г., 20:20:1507.09.2022
– Chris Beach, uPortal Developers
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the update and finding a solution to this issue that has been plaguing us for a while now. Kudos!!


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Julien Gribonvald

не прочитано,
8 сент. 2022 г., 02:49:2208.09.2022
– uport...@apereo.org

Hi Chris, great news even if it's not totaly satisfying !

Else is it possible to have a review on this PR: https://github.com/uPortal-Project/uPortal/pull/2524 and it merged ?

I've this feature on production, not used by the esco-content-menu, but it will come...

After I think that we should test this one https://github.com/uPortal-Project/uPortal/pull/2504 even if with the uPortal-start we can't run with java 11, I think that we could run the portal on java 11 after.


Julien Gribonvald

Chris Beach

не прочитано,
8 сент. 2022 г., 12:27:5108.09.2022
– uPortal Developers, julien.g...@recia.fr
Hi Julien!

> even if it's not totaly satisfying
I agree - I wasn't thrilled with the solution, however I think it's a good workaround for now. As the feasibility for replacing Xalan with Saxon was considered and a proof of concept attempted, the current XSL in uPortal was found to be non-conformant (at least according to Saxon), and the reflexive way Java code was being called from the XSL was not supported in the free version of Saxon. It's possible that in uPortal 6, all the XSL will be replaced (effort is currently in review).

I've reviewed and took the feature for a spin locally - looks good!  I've merged it into master now.

I'm currently troubleshooting this PR. While we can build uPortal on Java 8 or 11, uPortal-start fails to log users in with Java 11. It's possible more uPortal core changes will be needed to support Java 11, so I'd like to hold off merging this PR for now. Please let me know if it's a blocker for your efforts.


Julien Gribonvald

не прочитано,
9 сент. 2022 г., 04:08:3609.09.2022
– uport...@apereo.org

Thanks Chris !

for the java 11 part, for me the problem is only with uPortal-start. I've tried on more simple project (where I reuse this client) and the war overlay system is outdated and can't run with java 11 as it doesn't deploy correctly the app ! And I think there is a big work to find an other module to replace it, or to update it (I wonder if it's unicon who created it/or contributed/ or forked) and that's the main problem for me. But did you try to run uPortal-start witj java 8 and run the portal with java 8 and 11 ?

After this isn't a problem if this PR is marged latter, but it would be great if we can build at least uPortal with java 11.


Julien Gribonvald

Chris Beach

не прочитано,
9 сент. 2022 г., 11:48:1109.09.2022
– uPortal Developers, julien.g...@recia.fr
Hi Julien,

uPortal compiles and uPortal-start builds / runs with Java 11. However, when you log into the portal with Java 11, the user login silently fails to succeed and you're 'logged in' as a guest user - but there is no errors on the page nor the portal logs.

I am hesitant to merge the uPortal Java 11 PR - as I've been digging into this login issue, it appears to have something to do with the Spring web flow, and while the changes compile, I'm uncertain if there are any regressions. While the PR does compile in Java 8 or 11, I'd like some more testing / review before we merge it.

- Chris

Jonathan M. Tran

не прочитано,
9 сент. 2022 г., 11:52:2709.09.2022
– uPortal Developers, julien.g...@recia.fr, Chris Beach
> I am hesitant to merge the uPortal Java 11 PR

+1, the Java 11 support PR should not be merged for this upcoming release

Thanks all

From: uport...@apereo.org <uport...@apereo.org> on behalf of Chris Beach <cbe...@unicon.net>
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2022 08:48
To: uPortal Developers <uport...@apereo.org>
Cc: julien.g...@recia.fr <julien.g...@recia.fr>
Subject: Ex: Re: [uportal-dev] uPortal upcoming release
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Julien Gribonvald

не прочитано,
9 сент. 2022 г., 12:11:5309.09.2022
– uport...@apereo.org

Hi Chris,

Ok for uPortal-start, but is it working with the master branch ? on my case I had problems with uPortal-start that deployed empty folders sometimes But I didn't test recently, as I merded back only the latest uPortal-start source last month ( a bit more, before my holidays), to deploy the latest uPortal version in production and with my change.

So I have to do some test on my context !


Julien Gribonvald

Chris Beach

не прочитано,
9 сент. 2022 г., 19:21:3009.09.2022
– uPortal Developers, julien.g...@recia.fr
Release update - the uPortal code looks good in `master` and passed the testing, however, there is an issue with Sonatype and the signature files that is blocking the artifacts from being published.

I'll pick this back up Monday. We should have the release available by EOD Monday 9/12.

- Chris

Benito Gonzalez

не прочитано,
9 сент. 2022 г., 20:53:1809.09.2022
– Chris Beach, uPortal Developers, julien.g...@recia.fr
Thanks Chris!! Appreciate all your hard work on this.


Julien Gribonvald

не прочитано,
12 сент. 2022 г., 04:01:4912.09.2022
– Benito Gonzalez, Chris Beach, uPortal Developers

Hi Chris,

I'v indicated some informations around that on slack some month ago if you can read it ! (Without paid account you can't read old messages)

Julien Gribonvald
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