CAS - adding JWT Authentication issue

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Michael JOIGNY

da leggere,
26 feb 2018, 06:10:1726/02/18
a CAS Community
Hi Everyone,

I would like to add the possibility to use JWT Authentication to my CAS Server, i followed this link but it's not working.

Im using CAS Version 4.2.7 and Java Version : 1.8.0_40, i followed this steps below :

Step 1 : adding the token dependency to my pom.xml


Step 2 : adding the alas name in my deployerConfigContext.xml

NB : i'm already using this in my config :

<util:map id="authenticationHandlersResolvers">
<entry key-ref="proxyAuthenticationHandler" value-ref="proxyPrincipalResolver" />
<entry key-ref="primaryAuthenticationHandler" value-ref="primaryPrincipalResolver" />
<entry key-ref="ldapAuthenticationHandler" value="#{null}" />

<alias name="acceptUsersAuthenticationHandler" alias="primaryAuthenticationHandler" />
<alias name="personDirectoryPrincipalResolver" alias="primaryPrincipalResolver" />

 <alias name="tokenAuthenticationHandler" alias="primaryAuthenticationHandler" />

So when i restart my CAS server, logs says :

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'authenticationHandlersResolvers': Cannot resolve reference to bean 'primar
yAuthenticationHandler' while setting bean property 'sourceMap'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'tokenAut
henticationHandler' is defined

So I added the bean id below :

<bean id="tokenAuthenticationHandler"
class="" />

Then after restarted, it's ok no more logs.

Step 3 : adding the secret in my HTTPSandIMAPS-10000001.json

  "properties" : {
    "@class" : "java.util.HashMap",
    "jwtSigningSecret" : {
      "@class" : "",
      "values" : [ "java.util.HashSet", [ "my_secret_key" ] ]

Step 4 : generating my token using my secret key with

For example : jwtgen -a HS256 -s "my_secret_key" -p -e 9200 -v

algorithm: HS256

"iat": 1519642449,
"exp": 1519651650

"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "HS256"


Step 5 : curling my CAS Server with one of my service using my token

curl -i "https://myserver/cas/login?service=https://my_url_service&token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1MTk2NDI0NDksImV4cCI6MTUxOTY1MTY1MH0.G7JjoEu......"

CAS Logs :

2018-02-26 11:58:12,570 INFO [org.jasig.cas.web.flow.InitialFlowSetupAction] - <Setting path for cookies for warn cookie generator to: /cas/ >
2018-02-26 11:58:12,570 INFO [org.jasig.cas.web.flow.InitialFlowSetupAction] - <Setting path for cookies for TGC cookie generator to: /cas/ >
2018-02-26 11:58:12,574 DEBUG [] - <Created https://my_url_service based on org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.WebApplicationServiceFactory@2fe3ffc2>
2018-02-26 11:58:12,575 DEBUG [] - <Extractor generated service for: https://my_url_service>
2018-02-26 11:58:12,581 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.util.RegexUtils] - <Pattern ^ is a valid regex.>
2018-02-26 11:58:12,582 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.util.RegexUtils] - <Pattern ^(http?|https?)://.* is a valid regex.>
2018-02-26 11:58:12,801 DEBUG [] - <View resolved: /WEB-INF/view/jsp/default/ui/casLoginView.jsp>
2018-02-26 11:58:12,940 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <No properties file found for [classpath:custom_messages_en] - neither plain properties nor XML>
2018-02-26 11:58:12,941 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <No properties file found for [classpath:custom_messages] - neither plain properties nor XML>
2018-02-26 11:58:12,942 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <No properties file found for [classpath:messages_en] - neither plain properties nor XML>
2018-02-26 11:58:12,942 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <Loading properties [] with encoding 'UTF-8'>
2018-02-26 11:58:13,002 WARN [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <The code [login.forgot.password] cannot be found in the default language bundle and will be used as the message itself.>
2018-02-26 11:58:13,002 WARN [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <The code [login.not.subscribed] cannot be found in the default language bundle and will be used as the message itself.>
2018-02-26 11:58:13,003 WARN [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <The code [login.subscribe] cannot be found in the default language bundle and will be used as the message itself.>
2018-02-26 11:58:13,003 WARN [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <The code [] cannot be found in the default language bundle and will be used as the message itself.>
2018-02-26 11:58:13,004 WARN [org.jasig.cas.web.view.CasReloadableMessageBundle] - <The code [] cannot be found in the default language bundle and will be used as the message itself.>
2018-02-26 11:58:15,243 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.util.CasSpringBeanJobFactory] - <Created job$ServiceRegistryReloaderJob@5784c77a for bundle org.quartz.spi.TriggerFiredBundle@5ffb6449>
2018-02-26 11:58:15,245 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.util.CasSpringBeanJobFactory] - <Autowired job per the application context>

No tickets are created, am i missing something ?

Kind Regards,



da leggere,
10 gen 2019, 11:59:5710/01/19
a CAS Community
Hi Michael,

Did you get a solution to your issue below ? I am also running into similar issue. Can you please let me know.


Michael JOIGNY

da leggere,
11 gen 2019, 05:38:3211/01/19
a CAS Community
Hi smudigan,

I've upgraded CAS version to 5.2.3 to use JWT TOKEN SERVICE now.

So i can't help your on this part.

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