libavif v1.0.4 release

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Yannis Guyon

Feb 15, 2024, 4:00:34 PM2/15/24
to AV1 Discussion
Hello everyone,

libavif v1.0.4 has been released.
The source code of the release can be checked out from
the git repository [1] using the release tag v1.0.4.
avifenc.exe and avifdec.exe binaries for Windows are
distributed as a zip archive [2].

Here is the change log:

[1.0.4] - 2024-02-08

* AVIF_ENABLE_WERROR is set to OFF by default.
* Fix wrong alpha plane deallocation when decoded tile pixel format does not
match reconstructed output image pixel format.
* Fix identical chunk skipping optimization when writing animation data.
* Fix ID selection for artificial grid alpha item when decoding a grid of tiles
which each have an associated auxiliary alpha image item
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