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Anna's Cosmetics

Aug 13, 2023, 11:11:07 AM8/13/23
to Anna's Cosmetics | Deoxycholic Acid Injection
Do you want to remove the double chin or the bra bulge, but find Kybella overly expensive? Don’t despair! If you want to buy Kybella alternative, your best option is deoxycholic acid injection GeoLysis.

To buy deoxycholic acid online, contact me via Telegram @annas_cosmetics

But if you need advice about choosing the best anti-aging products, then contact me via chat at


It’s deoxycholic acid with exactly the same concentration as Kybella – 10 mg/ml.

Find GeoLysis featured in an article published by the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. The article is called “Fat Busters: Lipolysis for Face and Neck“. In that article the writer compares GeoLysis with such famous lipolysis injections as Lipostabil and Kybella.

However, if you trust me and my expertise, then find my own comparison with Kybella below.


Deoxycholic acid injection GeoLysis works out to be a much better value for money. See below how it compares to Kybella:

First, GeoLysis comes in a vial containing 5 ml of active substance while Kybella has only 2 ml.

Second, there are 5 vials in one GeoLysis pack while there are only 4 vials in one box of Kybella.

Last, but certainly not least: considering the above mentioned volume of each products, when you buy deoxycholic acid injection GeoLysis, you get 25 ml of deoxycholic acid. However, when you buy Kybella you get only 8 ml. Concentration of the active substance is exactly the same: 10 mg per 1 ml.

Therefore, GeoLysis works out to be the exact alternative to Kybella, just at a fraction of its cost and in double quantity!

So, would you like to know my final verdict? Don’t delay and buy deoxycholic acid injection GeoLysis today!


Administer deoxycholic acid into submental fat using 30G x 13 mm insulin needle.

Divide treatment area into points spaced 1 cm apart. Administer 0.2 ml of deoxycholic acid into each point. The maximum number of points is 50. Maximum amount of deoxycholic acid that can be used in a single session is 5-10 ml depending upon the treated area.

3-4 sessions every 4-6 weeks may be required.

After the treatment, apply ice compress to minimize discomfort and swelling. In some patients side effects may last up to 10 days.

Do not administer into marginal mandibular nerve.

Make sure to administer 6 mm and deeper to prevent ulcers.


Volume & Packaging: you are welcome to buy 1 vial of 5 ml or 3 vials of 5 ml or a pack of 5 vials of 5 ml. Please note if you purchase a full pack of 5 vials, it comes without the outer box. However, every vial has detailed information written on it, e. g. name of the product, concentration of active substance; name of the manufacturer, country of manufacturing, marketing company, expiry date, batch number.

Storage Conditions: keep the vial must remain hermetically closed. To maintain intact its quality, store it between 10℃ and 25℃. Protect from sunlight.

Active Substance & Strength: sterile solution of deoxycholic acid in pure alcohol with a concentration of 10 mg/ml and pH 5.5-7.

Note: Sterile packaging. For professional use only. Must be administered strictly by a medical esthetician.

Deoxycholic acid injection GeoLysis is manufactured in Spain.

IMPORTANT: Lidocaine inhibits lipolysis, therefore for best results do not mix deoxycholic acid with liquid lidocaine.

And last, but not least: remember to contact me via Telegram @annas_cosmetics if you want to buy deoxycholic acid injection.

With kind regards,
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