Pixelated preview when using CameraEffect

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Anton Ivanov

Oct 17, 2024, 7:54:21 AM10/17/24
to Android CameraX Discussion Group
I'm trying to build a custom CameraEffect using this as a reference.
Everything works fine except that preview is pixelated when using CameraEffect(it's of much better quality when effect is not added).
I suspect it's because surfaceOutput I get in onOutputSurface is of 864x1920 resolution while the preview is 1920x1440 but I don't get how to change it.

My vertex and fragment shaders are pretty basic: 
uniform mat4 u_TextMatrix;
attribute vec4 a_Position;
attribute vec2 a_TextCoord;
varying vec2 v_TextCoord;

void main() {
v_TextCoord = (u_TextMatrix * vec4(a_TextCoord, 0.0, 1.0)).xy;
gl_Position = a_Position;

uniform mat4 u_TextMatrix;
attribute vec4 a_Position;
attribute vec2 a_TextCoord;
varying vec2 v_TextCoord;

void main() {
v_TextCoord = (u_TextMatrix * vec4(a_TextCoord, 0.0, 1.0)).xy;
gl_Position = a_Position;
Also I set up CameraX like this:
val previewUseCase = Preview
Size(1920, 1080),
.also { it.setSurfaceProvider(previewView.surfaceProvider) }

val useCaseGroup = UseCaseGroup


Setting up of external texture is pretty basic as well - just GL_LINEAR.

What am I doing wrong here? Could you point out please.


Anton Ivanov

Oct 17, 2024, 8:27:50 AM10/17/24
to Android CameraX Discussion Group, Anton Ivanov
Ok, it seems I found the issue.
I forgoyt to do setDefaultBufferSize

Christian Deschenes

Oct 17, 2024, 9:38:06 AM10/17/24
to Anton Ivanov, Android CameraX Discussion Group



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Christian Deschenes

Oct 17, 2024, 9:42:02 AM10/17/24
to Anton Ivanov, Android CameraX Discussion Group
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