Object Detector

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Jap Ruban

2024年1月4日 中午12:59:511月4日
收件者:Android CameraX Discussion Group
Hi Team,
  Can we use tensor TensorFlow Lite  Object detection in the Doc Scanner ?
or Otherwise which  TensorFlow   is suitable for the doc scanner?
Please guide me 

Xi Zhang (张熹)

2024年1月4日 下午1:59:051月4日
收件者:Jap Ruban、Android CameraX Discussion Group
We have a sample using CamearX+TensorFlow on GitHub. Not sure what you mean by Doc Scanner though. Could you give me a pointer?

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Jap Ruban

2024年1月4日 下午2:46:491月4日
收件者:Android CameraX Discussion Group、xi...@google.com、Android CameraX Discussion Group、Jap Ruban
Thanks for the reply.

Actual requirement of my project is, I want to develop a document scanning application like camscanner, scanbot sdk  (document scanning sdk).

In these applications the camera preview is opened and as the camera detects a document, it places an overlay automatically (bounding box - by detecting the contours ) and then captures only the image that is inside the bounding box.

I surfed in google but could not get a proper guideline or reference, I would greatly appreciate any guidance, reference or samples in developing the above requirement in android native or flutter.

Xi Zhang (张熹)

2024年1月5日 上午11:54:491月5日
收件者:Jap Ruban、Android CameraX Discussion Group
There are open source examples of document scanning like this one. You need to configure CameraX based on your choice of solution. For example, if your algorithm runs on the CPU, you need the ImageAnalysis to get a CPU accessible image. Let me know what your algorithm input looks like, and I can help you with the CameraX part.
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