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CameraX photo capture freeze (frequently)

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Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj

Mar 4, 2022, 2:35:54 PM3/4/22
to Android CameraX Discussion Group

I am facing a similar problem ( for capturing photo. I am trying to take multiple photos using our app. Preview and taking the first photo is always fine. But when I try to take a second or third photo, camera stops taking photos. 
Log is attached here. Thanks in advance.

imageCapture.takePicture(image, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this),

                new ImageCapture.OnImageSavedCallback() {


                    public void onImageSaved(@NonNull ImageCapture.OutputFileResults outputFileResults) {

                        runOnUiThread(() -> {






                    public void onError(@NonNull ImageCaptureException exception) {





Android CameraX Discussion Group

Mar 4, 2022, 4:55:16 PM3/4/22
to Android CameraX Discussion Group, Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj
Hi Mohammad,

Can you tell us what device and OS this is seen on? Have you tried it on any other devices?


Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj

Mar 4, 2022, 5:00:25 PM3/4/22
to Android CameraX Discussion Group
I have faced this problem with Samsung A71 5G (Android 11) and Samsung S10+(Android 11). I have implemented night mode in this application, so I only tried with only CameraX vendor extension supported devices.


Charcoal Chen

Mar 7, 2022, 1:20:41 AM3/7/22
to Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj, Android CameraX Discussion Group

I tried to run the extensionstestapp with NIGHT mode on Samsung S10+ (sm-g975u1, Android 11) and A71 (sm-a715f, Android 11) devices in our test lab, but I can't reproduce the problem.

By checking the log, it looks the issue is related to the following log. But it is unclear to know what caused the issue since I can't reproduce the problem.

03-04 13:24:44.454  8506 10413 W System  : A resource failed to call release.
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: RuntimeException while executing runnable CallbackListener,$3@4a46dae with executor java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@601e74f[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 4]
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task CallbackListener,$3@4a46dae rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@601e74f[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 4]
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy.rejectedExecution(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.reject(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at androidx.concurrent.futures.AbstractResolvableFuture.executeListener(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at androidx.concurrent.futures.AbstractResolvableFuture.complete(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at androidx.concurrent.futures.AbstractResolvableFuture.setException(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at androidx.concurrent.futures.CallbackToFutureAdapter$SafeFuture.setException(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at androidx.concurrent.futures.CallbackToFutureAdapter$Completer.finalize(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at java.lang.Daemons$
03-04 13:24:44.457  8506 10413 E bstractResolvableFuture: at

Could you help to provide more information to help us clarify this issue?
  1. Could you provide the model number (SM-XXXX) of the devices which you can reproduce the issue?
  2. What is the issue occurrence rate?
  3. Are there any reproduce steps that is easier to reproduce the issue?
  4. Is it possible to provide a sample project with the source code to reproduce the issue? Or, could you help to check whether the issue can be reproduced by enabling NIGHT mode in the CameraXBasic sample app?
If there is any other information which you think it might related to the issue, please also provide it. Thanks.

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Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj

Mar 7, 2022, 1:07:03 PM3/7/22
to Charcoal Chen, Android CameraX Discussion Group
Thank you so much for the analysis. 

1.    Could you provide the model number (SM-XXXX) of the devices which you can reproduce the issue? Samsung S10+ (SM-G975U1) and A71 5G (SM-A716V)

2.    What is the issue occurrence rate? – The occurrence rate is very high (one per 2-3 events).

3.    Are there any reproduce steps that is easier to reproduce the issue? – In our app(I have attached one screenshot of our app) we need to take multiple photos. This issue is only happening for either the second or third capture, not the first capture.

4.    Is it possible to provide a sample project with the source code to reproduce the issue? Or, could you help to check whether the issue can be reproduced by enabling NIGHT mode in the CameraXBasic sample app? – I checked with CameraXBasic sample app which is working fine. I have attached a java file from my project where I have implemented image capture.

NB: I have tested our app with the CameraX vendor extension not supported devices(Pixel 4a and other devices) where I didn’t face this issue(not a single time).



Charcoal Chen

Mar 7, 2022, 10:47:04 PM3/7/22
to Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj, Android CameraX Discussion Group

I might need more time to reproduce the issue. But I have one question after checking the code. I found you always call the InitCamera() function to unbind all and recreate use cases after capturing an image. I'm thinking whether it is necessary. It seems there is no change related to the uses' case settings. Maybe you can try to NOT unbind all and recreate use cases after capturing an image. This might be a faster approach to fix the issue before I reproduce it and find a solution for it.

Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj

Mar 8, 2022, 9:56:55 AM3/8/22
to Charcoal Chen, Android CameraX Discussion Group
I did it and I think the issue is fixed. Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. 


Ultima Ratio

Aug 21, 2024, 7:22:34 AM8/21/24
to Android CameraX Discussion Group, Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj, Android CameraX Discussion Group,
I have certain Samsung devices (Android 14) which are freezing in punch-to-zoom... The Jetpack app works fine. Zooming code is basically the same..

But for whatever reasons, it says, it has no useCase...

The same code works fine, if I am in video mode. 

It also works fine on Pixel Android 14 devices. I am switching to useCaseGroup and try again... If its still not working, I will post the log output.

Ultima Ratio

Aug 21, 2024, 10:34:25 AM8/21/24
to Android CameraX Discussion Group, Ultima Ratio, Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj, Android CameraX Discussion Group,
Ok, the issue is again the ImageCapture.CAPTURE_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG property..

If you add a simple pinch to zoom listener to the CameraXBasic example and upgrade it to 1.4.0-rc01 and then setCaptureMode(ImageCapture.CAPTURE_MODE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG), the preview "freezes" when you pinch to zoom..

BUT: Only for Samsung Android 14 devices. Samsung Flip4-5G and Samsung S24 Ultra. 

Same code works fine on Pixel 7A and Pixel Tablet (both Android 14). It also works fine  with the front lens camera, which is kinda strange.

Video also works, but video doesnt have this captureMode property anyway.

BR, Joerg

PS.: Can provide a minimal example based on the CameraXBasic if someone needs it.

Kailiang Chen

Aug 21, 2024, 12:20:49 PM8/21/24
to Ultima Ratio, Android CameraX Discussion Group, Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj,
I've verified this issue is reproducible on Samsung s24 Ultra but not Pixel 8 Pro and Xiaomi 14 Ultra.
I've filed the bug: for further investigation.

My hypothesis is it's a device-specific issue for reprocessing. 
We need to add CTS for reprocessing and report this bug to Samsung after we verified there is no bug in CameraX.

Kailiang Chen

Aug 21, 2024, 12:23:27 PM8/21/24
to Ultima Ratio, Android CameraX Discussion Group, Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj,
I'll disable the ZSL for these Samsung devices in our quirk as a temporary fix.
I've verified it will work on Samsung s24 Ultra.

Nov 15, 2024, 8:43:20 PM11/15/24
to Android CameraX Discussion Group,, Android CameraX Discussion Group, Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj,,
ZslDisablerQuirk needs to include SM-G991U as well, as taking multiple pictures causes it to stop working. While it's reported to work, after taking around 7 photos in rapid succession, the preview layer of the camera will freeze up and logcat will display the following errors:

2024-11-15 17:41:22.668 16438-16645 BufferQueueProducer     com.example.reactnativecamerakit     E  [ImageReader-4032x3024f22m9-16438-1](id:403600000003,api:4,p:1587,c:16438) dequeueBuffer: waitForFreeSlotThenRelock: timeout. dequeuedCount: 0, acquiredCount: 0
2024-11-15 17:41:23.670 16438-16455 BufferQueueProducer     com.example.reactnativecamerakit     E  [ImageReader-4032x3024f22m9-16438-1](id:403600000003,api:4,p:1587,c:16438) dequeueBuffer: waitForFreeSlotThenRelock: timeout. dequeuedCount: 0, acquiredCount: 0
2024-11-15 17:41:24.672 16438-16645 BufferQueueProducer     com.example.reactnativecamerakit     E  [ImageReader-4032x3024f22m9-16438-1](id:403600000003,api:4,p:1587,c:16438) dequeueBuffer: waitForFreeSlotThenRelock: timeout. dequeuedCount: 0, acquiredCount: 0
2024-11-15 17:41:25.673 16438-16455 BufferQueueProducer     com.example.reactnativecamerakit     E  [ImageReader-4032x3024f22m9-16438-1](id:403600000003,api:4,p:1587,c:16438) dequeueBuffer: waitForFreeSlotThenRelock: timeout. dequeuedCount: 0, acquiredCount: 0
2024-11-15 17:41:26.675 16438-16645 BufferQueueProducer     com.example.reactnativecamerakit     E  [ImageReader-4032x3024f22m9-16438-1](id:403600000003,api:4,p:1587,c:16438) dequeueBuffer: waitForFreeSlotThenRelock: timeout. dequeuedCount: 0, acquiredCount: 0
2024-11-15 17:41:27.678 16438-16455 BufferQueueProducer     com.example.reactnativecamerakit     E  [ImageReader-4032x3024f22m9-16438-1](id:403600000003,api:4,p:1587,c:16438) dequeueBuffer: waitForFreeSlotThenRelock: timeout. dequeuedCount: 0, acquiredCount: 0
2024-11-15 17:41:28.681 16438-16645 BufferQueueProducer     com.example.reactnativecamerakit     E  [ImageReader-4032x3024f22m9-16438-1](id:403600000003,api:4,p:1587,c:16438) dequeueBuffer: waitForFreeSlotThenRelock: timeout. dequeuedCount: 0, acquiredCount: 0

(the message is repeated infinitely every 1 second, the viewfinder preview is frozen, and attempting to grab more pictures will either be extremely slow or never succeed)

Nov 15, 2024, 8:44:46 PM11/15/24
to Android CameraX Discussion Group,,, Android CameraX Discussion Group, Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj,,
I forgot to add references:
which is confirmed by a separate library that ran into the same issues, albeit a different phone:

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