Get right physical cameras characteristics when zooming

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Luc Savelli

Jul 16, 2024, 5:53:48 AMJul 16
to Android CameraX Discussion Group
Hello CameraX Team, 

I'm using the back camera in a Preview + ImageAnalysis use case. I need for my app to get some characteristics (lens distortion, focal length...). I'm interested in zooming the image in/out. Unfortunately, on devices supporting logical multi camera, I did not found any way to catch the changes of physical camera stream when zooming, and to get the correct camera characteristics of the underlying physical camera. Moreover, I cannot see any changes in the camera characteristics of the logical camera when zooming in/out. It's always returning the same characteristics, corresponding to the main back camera.
Any tips/advices ? Maybe new APIs in future CameraX releases ? 

P.S : I'm using a Pixel6 Pro with Android 14

Thanks in advance

Jul 17, 2024, 2:19:45 AMJul 17
to Android CameraX Discussion Group, Luc Savelli
Hi, thanks for the question. Currently there's no way to get the information of the physical camera. Depends on the OEM implementation, the active physical camera could change based on different reasons, not only zooming. We'll consider this feature request and see what it can be improved.
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