[CIKM-2024] - Student Travel Awards

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Antonela Tommasel

Jul 15, 2024, 10:42:45 AM (14 hours ago) Jul 15
to AIxIA mailing list

* We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this Travel Award call*
* For the online version of this Call, visit: https://cikm2024.org/cikm-2024-student-travel-awards-faq/


CIKM 2024: 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Boise, Idaho, USA

October 21–25, 2024


Thanks to the generous support from the National Science Foundation, ACM SIGIR and ACM SIGWEB, CIKM will provide travel awards to selected students attending the CIKM 2024 conference.

NSF Student Travel Awards

Thanks to the generous support from the National Science Foundation, we will provide travel awards to selected US-based students attending the CIKM 2024 conference.

The travel award will cover the cost of the conference registration (main conference and workshops/tutorials if desired) and some travel expenses. The awards will be competitive in the sense that only some applicants are guaranteed to receive a travel award.

Awardees are expected to register for the main conference and arrange travel and accommodation. Recipients will be reimbursed after the conference upon submission of the expense receipts.

--- Eligibility
Applicants need to be full-time students (graduate or undergraduate) at a US-based academic institution. Applicants do not need to have an accepted paper to be eligible.

The selection will be made based on the following criteria:
* Students selected to present at the PhD Symposium will be given priority
* Students from under-represented groups will be given priority
* Students with accepted papers (main conference, tutorials, or workshops) will be prioritized. – PhD students will be prioritized.
--- Application Procedure
Please submit the following materials (in a single PDF file) with your application:
* Student’s full name and email address
* Name and address of student’s school
* (If available) Advisor’s full name and email address
* 1-2 page CV including the duration of the program (Ph.D., Master) along with reference to the accepted paper(s)
* A brief statement from the student about (i) their research (summarizing a broad view of his/her research with motivation, problem description, approach, and progress), and (ii) how they would benefit from attending CIKM, enriching CIKM and their local community; the statement must be written in English and needs to comply with the two-column ACM proceedings format.
* A letter of endorsement from the student’s advisor (is available) or department chair
* (Optional) demographic data for reporting purposes: Gender, Ethnic background

The student must submit the necessary materials to apply for a grant through the button below

--- Important dates
* Award Application Submission Due July, 31 2024
* Award Acceptance Notification: August, 10 2024

All deadlines are 11:59 pm anywhere on earth

--- Special Notes from US NSF Grants
* To get reimbursement of the airfare by using US NSF, you must book flights with US-flagged carriers (a carrier operating under a code share agreement with a US carrier is considered a US flag carrier, as long as the ticket is issued using the US flag carrier’s airline designator and flight number).
* Your airline ticket purchases must comply with the Fly America Act (U.S. carrier or code shared flights are used). Enclosed please find links to the GSA Fly America Act and Code Share fact sheet.
* For eligible flights with US-flagged carriers, we suggest you book flights directly from USA airlines, e.g., United Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Hawaii Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Alaska Airlines, etc. Even if the flights are operated by a foreign airline (e.g., Air Canada), it is still eligible as long as you book the flights from USA airlines. However, it may not be eligible if you book a flight from travel agencies (e.g., priceline).

ACM SIGIR Student Travel Awards

The SIGIR Student Travel Award Program (https://sigir.org/general-information/travel-grants/) provides funding for students who are members of ACM SIGIR to help cover the cost of travel and lodging to attend and contribute to CIKM 2024.

SIGIR is pleased to offer Student Travel Award for students presenting their accepted contributions at CIKM 2024. 

For awardees, the award will cover the cost of in-person registration (main conference and workshops/tutorials if desired) and U$D 1,000 stipend towards travel and accommodation costs.

--- Eligibility
To be eligible, the student must: 
* Be a SIGIR member. (SIGIR student travel awards are only open to SIGIR members. If you are not,  you can click here to join SIGIR before continuing.)
* Be an author of an accepted contribution. 
* Be the author presenting said contribution. 

These awards are competitive (i.e., not every applicant will receive an award).  We will prioritize students presenting with accepted contributions on the main conference track; students from underrepresented countries; and students who have not received an award in the past. 

--- Application Procedure
To be considered for an award, the student must submit an application and their academic advisor must complete a statement of support (a link to the advisor will be sent directly as soon as the student provides all the information requested in their application). 

--- Important dates
* Award Application Submission Deadline: July 31 2024
* Award Acceptance Notification: August 10 2024

All deadlines are 11:59 pm anywhere on earth

Please do not register for the conference ahead of the notification date as SIGIR Awards cannot reimburse you for the registration. If awarded a travel award, you will receive a code for a registration fee waiver. 

ACM SIGWEB Student Travel Awards

Thanks to the generous support of ACM SIGWEB, we will provide travel awards to select students attending the CIKM 2024 conference. This award is designated to support student diversity and students from underrepresented regions.

The travel award will cover the cost of the conference registration (main conference and workshops/tutorials if desired) and some travel expenses. The awards will be competitive in the sense that only some applicants are guaranteed to receive a travel award.

Awardees are expected to register for the main conference and arrange travel and accommodation. Awardees will receive a complimentary registration code to cover their registration. Recipients will be reimbursed for travel expenses after the conference is over upon submission of the expense receipts.

--- Eligibility
Applicants need to be full-time students (graduate or undergraduate). Applicants do not need to have an accepted paper to be eligible.

--- Application Procedure
* Please submit the following materials (in a single PDF file) with your application:
* Student’s full name and email address
* Name and address of student’s school
* (If available) Advisor’s full name and email address
* 1-2 page CV including the duration of the program (Ph.D., Master) along with reference to the accepted paper(s)
* A brief statement from the student about (i) their research (summarizing a broad view of his/her research with motivation, problem description, approach, and progress), and (ii) how they would benefit from attending CIKM, enriching CIKM and their local community; the statement must be written in English and needs to comply with the two-column ACM proceedings format
* A letter of endorsement from the student’s advisor (if available) or department chair
* (Optional) demographic data for reporting purposes: Gender, Ethnic background
The student must submit the necessary materials to apply for a grant through the button below.

--- Important dates
Award Application Submission Due July, 31 2024
Award Acceptance Notification: August, 10 2024
All deadlines are 11:59 pm anywhere on earth

Travel Award Selection Committee

* Tyler Derr Vanderbilt University
* Sumit Purohit Pacific Northwest National Lab
* Giovanni Stilo University of L’Aquila
* Yu Wang Vanderbilt University

For further information (please check the FAQ document first), please contact the CIKM2024 Travel Awards Selection Committee by email to cikm2024-travelawards [at] easychair [dot] org
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