Reminder: September 17 CMI Harmonization Study Group meeting

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Tyde Richards

Sep 10, 2010, 12:35:25 PM9/10/10
Dear All,

At the CMI Harmonization meeting earlier this week we agreed to the following plan for carrying work forward.

Prior to the meeting the IEEE LTSC extended the term of a study group examining issues related to CMI standardization. We can begin work under the aegis of that study group. The initial expectations are that we will minimally:

- review proposed data model additions from ADL (IEEE ballot comments) and LETSI (RTWS Project)
- assess the feasibility of a "core" CMI Data Model that minimally reflects AICC and ADL requirements
- make a recommendation on enabling "extensions."

Starting next Friday, September 17, we will hold weekly telecons beginning at 8am U.S. Pacific. Normally these will be 1 hour telecons. The telecon next week will address planning and organizational issues. Please allocate 2 hours for the initial meeting in case we need it.

We will use the LETSI screen sharing (dimdim) and teleconferencing numbers if practicable (below). We may need to make other arrangements if there are a large number of participants. Please email me at if you plan to attend so I can make appropriate arrangements. I will send out an update/reminder next Wednesday, September 15.


Joint Study Group meeting

Date: Friday September 17 (occurs weekly)

Time: 8am U.S. Pacific

Screen sharing:

Skype phone: +9900827049304412

Conventional phone: local number + access code 9304412
US 201-793-9022
Austria 0820 401 15470
Belgium 0703 57 134
France 0826 109 071
Germany 0180 500 9527
Ireland 818 27 968
Italy 848 390 177
Spain 902 881 270
Switzerland 0848 560 397
United Kingdom 0870 0990 931

Tyde Richards

Sep 15, 2010, 4:47:03 PM9/15/10
Dear All,

Another reminder that this Friday, September 17, at 8am US Pacific there will be a the first of a series of weekly telecons following up on last week's CMI Harmonization meeting. Normally meetings will last one hour. The initial meeting will discuss organizational and scope issues so please allocate 2 hours in case we need the extra time.

Prior to the meeting the IEEE LTSC extended the term of a study group examining issues related to CMI standardization. We can begin work under the aegis of that study group. The expectations coming out of last weeks meeting are that we will minimally:

- review proposed data model additions from ADL (IEEE ballot comments) and LETSI (RTWS Project)
- assess the feasibility of a "core" CMI Data Model that minimally reflects AICC and ADL requirements
- make a recommendation on enabling "extensions."

We will treat these as agenda topics. Participants will have an opportunity to propose and discuss additional agenda items at the beginning of the meeting.

I will give a brief presentation on the status of IEEE 1484.11.1 data model as this is immediately relevant to the issues of data model additions and an extension mechanism. The highlights are:

- the 1484.11.1 data model has just been through a 5 year "reaffirmation ballot"
- the IEEE LTSC has an approved project for an amendment to the 1484.11.1 data model
- the amendment scope is limited to the ballot comments (that include extensions) and Web service (RTWS project) issues
- this effectively means agreeing to and defining between 1-7 new data elements
- if people are willing to proceed with commitment, we can be ready to ballot within 3 months and done in approximately 6 months

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