Logistics for Meetings on September 7-8, 2010

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Aaron Silvers

Aug 31, 2010, 3:54:57 PM8/31/10
to CMI Harmonization

The CMI Data Model Harmonization meetings on September 7-8, 2010. On
behalf of the gang at ADL, we are very much looking forward to meeting
with you.

The agenda is located here: http://bit.ly/cmiharmonizationagenda

Details and logistics for participating in the discussions are below.

==If you are attending the meetings ON-SITE==

The meetings will be held here:

ADL Hub Co-Laboratory
1901 N. Beauregard St, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22311

We are arranging to make an assortment of sandwiches and
beverages available
from Panera to accommodate informal discussion and networking
over lunch.
Please budget $12 for lunch on Tuesday. If you have any questions
or dietary requests,
contact scormharm...@adlnet.gov

==If you are attending the meetings VIRTUALLY==

218-486-8700 | Access Code: 197551

* Caveat: If you indicated in your registration that you are
participating from
outside the United States, call-in information will be sent to
you individually
before the event.

==BEFORE we meet==

We are looking to spur discussion around the ideas and issues
that need to be addressed
in this effort. Please share your thoughts in any of these three
channels (and please share
the links -- we'd like to encourage broad participation):

1. We have the Google Group for this effort: http://bit.ly/cmiharmonizationgroup

2. We have an IdeaScale site (with apologies for the need to
create an account

3. We have a hash tag set up on Twitter to thread discussion and
links together: #cmiharmony

If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know. I look
talking with you on-site and online.



Aaron E. Silvers
Community Manager
Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative
[t] @mrch0mp3rs
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