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José Duarte

Jul 28, 2023, 9:19:11 AM7/28/23
to external developers
Hello everyone! 

This week we have released:
- Actyx 2.16.0
- Actyx Node Manager 2.11.0
- Actyx CLI 3.2.0

This release focuses on data management: ephemeral streams allow you to keep storage usage under control in a continually running system, while the new management of inactive topic data allows you to clean up after a swarm reset. 

You can learn more about ephemeral streams through our tutorial:

As for topic management, you can read about it's CLI interface on:

And the Node Manager has a new item on its sidebar that will take you to the new "Topic Management" view!Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 14.14.17.png
We're looking forward to hear back from you!

Finally, we wish you all a great weekend!

José Duarte
Distributed Systems Engineer @ Actyx

José Duarte

Jul 28, 2023, 9:24:14 AM7/28/23
to external developers, José Duarte
Small correction: We have released both Actyx 2.16.0 and 2.16.1, the former ships all the new features while the latter adds a small improvement.

Apologies for any confusion!
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