update CW 28

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Roland Kuhn

Jul 14, 2023, 11:07:33 AM7/14/23
to Actyx users
Hi everyone!

A lot has happened since my last update — please excuse that I misinterpreted the lack of replies as lack of interest, and thanks for telling me about this error!

First: please ignore the two emails that erroneously made their way to this mailing list. They were unforeseen side effects of an administrative change I made on github this morning; settings are now fixed so that this shouldn’t occur again.

I had hoped to clear up the above mishap in combination with a release announcement, but alas, even though all binaries are built and tested there is a hiccup in the release process that keeps the website from being updated — we’ll fix that early next week. Of course, this wouldn’t have happened had we not reworked our CI/CD pipelines to move from Azure to GitHub (for reasons of usability and cost); this also prompted the above change that led to the stray emails.

So, what we’ll release early next week are Actyx 2.16 and Actyx CLI 3.2, with the following new features (Node Manager will follow shortly):
  • the long-awaited ephemeral event streams that allow you to configure event retention policies
  • the ability to list the stored topic data on a node and delete non-active topic data — this and the above give you the tools to keep your Actyx node disk usage under control in the long run
  • a small convenience in AQL: you can use appId(me) (literally) to filter for events emitted with the currently running app’s ID (as per its manifest)
We also removed the code for migrating data from ActyxOS v1 to Actyx 2.x — we’re not aware of installations still in need of this feature, and if we missed your case then you can migrate to 2.15 first and then update to the current release.

Another interesting development is that I’m currently on my way to the ECOOP conference (a well-known academic event) to present a paper formalising our Actyx computational model. This is quite unusual since we are not a research lab, but it seems that what we’ve implemented with Actyx and machine-runner/machine-check is pushing the envelope of distributed systems research!

Regarding machine-runner: we have meanwhile made a few public releases, growing and maturing the library and its APIs based on usage at one of our commercial partners. This library is also innovative enough to have been accepted at the ISSTA conference, conveniently collocated with ECOOP.

We have also extended the AQL documentation with recommendations on how to optimise query performance.

Have a nice weekend,


Dr. Roland Kuhn
CTO — Actyx AG

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