Firebase Remote Config gradual feature rollout across multiple devices/platforms

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Andrei Kun

Jun 12, 2024, 1:31:37 AMJun 12
to Firebase Google Group

We are looking to use Firebase Remote Config for A/B Testing and Gradual feature rollout and we are struggling to setup a proper percentage rollout condition that is also considering users across multiple platforms and devices.

For instance we want to start targeting 10% of our user-base where a user would be identified across all their apps (iOS, Android and Web).

At the moment I am unable to find such option in Firebase Remote Config condition. I believe this is a pretty common usecase for feature rollouts as I don't want same user to have feature enabled on their iOS app but disabled on Web or the other way around. By same user I mean same authenticated user. 

Can you advise if such usecase would be possible with Firebase Remote config?


Joe Spiro

Jun 13, 2024, 11:58:22 AMJun 13
to Firebase Google Group

You can use User Properties and Audiences as the conditions for admission to an A/B test and this will apply across apps for the user.

Be advised though that you need to plan this carefully as both mechanisms are subject to hard quantity limits: User Properties have a hard limit of 25 (which are non archivable aka any use is permanent) while Audiences have a limit of 100 but are archivable. Also take note that both take different amounts of time to apply before the assignment can be acknowledged by Remote Config conditions.

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