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Suggestion for Perl6 summaries

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Piers Cawley

Nov 2, 2003, 11:34:12 AM11/2/03
to Ron Grunwald,,
Ron Grunwald <> writes:

> Hello Piers,
> I really enjoy reading your Perl6 summaries, and that you send them
> out so reliably every week. I was just wondering whether it would be
> worthwhile adding a paragraph to the beginning or end of the summary,
> stating what the various acronyms, such as IMCC, PMC, or PIR, stand
> for and perhaps give a one-line explanation of each (if that's
> possible) ?

Good idea. I *would* just provide a pointer to docs/glossary.pod, but
it looks like it's missing a definition of (at least) PIR. If anyone
more competent than myself were to fill in the appropriate
definitions I would, of course, be enormously grateful.

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