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automating Outlook [repost]

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Wesley J. Chun

Aug 28, 2002, 3:04:35 PM8/28/02
klassa at wrote in message news:<>...
> From: klassa at
> Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
> Subject: automating Outlook [repost]
> Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 15:19:39 -0000
> [ I managed to let this one slip by without a subject last time.
> Sorry for the repost. ]
> If you're interested in my motivation for this, see the footnote[1].
> Bottom line: I wanted to be able to edit my drafts, in Microsoft
> Outlook, with the editor of my choice. In this case, Emacs. The
> following script does this for me... You tell Outlook to start a
> reply, and then you hit the "Edit" button that this script creates.
> It sucks the text out of Outlook, puts it into Emacs (you need to
> tweak the paths), then puts it back into Outlook when you're finished.
> The thing I'd like to add, still, is the ability to put an icon into
> the system tray, rather than have it be a free-floating application
> with a button. The sample code I found was a bit hard to grok (given
> that I'm not a Windows programmer, nor more than a novice python
> programmer). If you know how to do that, and would care to add it in,
> I'd love to hear from you. :-)
> The only snag I've found is that you can't run the script without
> having run first, to make the Outlook library available.
> The full dynamic dispatch mechanism doesn't work, for some reason.
> That said, here's the script. It's undoubtedly ugly, but the
> important stuff is there. :-)
> -- snip --
> import win32com.client
> import os
> import Tkinter
> from Tkconstants import *
> def launch():
> # Default to an empty body.
> body = ""
> # Get a handle to Outlook.
> o = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
> # Work our way down to the reply (a "MailItem").
> insp = o.ActiveInspector()
> if insp == None: return
> item = insp.CurrentItem
> if item == None: return
> # Grab the body.
> body = item.Body
> # Should make this a guaranteed-unique file...
> fh = open("c:/temp/editor.txt", "w")
> # Write the body. Had to add a try/except because of ASCII
> # encoding problems when the reply is in one of Outlook's more
> # funky formats.
> try:
> fh.write(body)
> except:
> fh.write("")
> fh.close()
> # Launch emacs to edit the file. Should make this configurable.
> # Note that by default, Emacs seems to come up in Unix mode, and
> # so the ^M characters are visible. A persistent, bound-to-a-key
> # Emacs macro takes care of that nicely, however.
> os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT,
> "d:/Editors/emacs-20.7/bin/emacs",
> ["d:/Editors/emacs-20.7/bin/emacs", "c:/temp/editor.txt"])
> # Read the result back into memory.
> fh = open("c:/temp/editor.txt", "r")
> body =
> fh.close()
> # Store it as the body of the reply.
> item.Body = body
> # Create a single button that, when clicked, takes care of the rest.
> if __name__=='__main__':
> tk = Tkinter.Tk()
> frame = Tkinter.Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2, background="white
> ")
> frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
> button = Tkinter.Button(frame, text="Edit", command=launch,
> background="white")
> button.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
> tk.mainloop()
> -- snip --
> Comments welcomed.
> John
> [1] Every so often, I make it a point to try some other language or
> tool, so as to widen my perspective a bit. For example, I'm an ardent
> emacs fan, but I've learned vi so that I'm able to edit anywhere
> (well, on any Unix machine), and so as to appreciate other ways to
> edit files.
> In this same way, I decided to try Microsoft Outlook. I'm an exmh
> hacker/fan (have been, for years), but thought I'd try Outlook just to
> see what my business/marketing/managements friends have to deal
> with. :-)
> My one biggest gripe is that you can't use the editor of your choice
> when you edit your drafts. The Outlook editor is okay... I mean,
> it's like every other Microsoft editor -- that is, reasonable, but
> lacking features (like the ability to reflow your text).
> So, I decided to give Outlook the ability to use the editor of my
> choice. I'm also a perl fan, but discovered that what I wanted to do
> was a lot harder (or at least seemed to be) in perl. So, I turned to
> python. Python seems to have a lot of nice Win32 support... This is
> maybe my fifth or sixth small python script, and I'm liking it
> (python) more and more.

scrolling forward a year and a quarter...

i've taken John's cool tool and added a ton more comments for
those of you who *really* want to get to the meat of the matter
as well as some important code to map characters to Emacs/Vi*.
below's the 0.2 release of outlook.pyw.

it's a nice tool for those forced to use a Win32 env. at work.
feedback, improvements, suggestions, and comments welcomed!


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, 2001

Silicon Valley-San Francisco Bay Area Python Users Group (BayPIGgies)

wesley.j.chun :: wesc at : henderson, nv : cyberweb at

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#!/bin/env python
outlook.pyw (OutLook editor launcher) -- allows one to edit an open e-mail
mesg from Outlook using Emacs or *Vi* rather than "Notepad--". :-)
NOTE: requires Python 1.6 and newer (use of string methods)

created by John Klassa (klassa at on 2001 May 29
updated by Wesley Chun (cyberweb at on 2002 Feb 28

$Id: outlook.pyw,v 0.2 2002/08/28 18:04:06 wesc Exp wesc $

from os import spawnv, P_WAIT, unlink
from tempfile import mktemp
from Tkinter import Tk, Button, Frame, Label
from Tkconstants import *
from win32com.client import Dispatch

def launch():
'''launch() spawns your favorite editor to edit the Outlook compose
window (either new or reply), then returns that data to Outlook...
change the 'ed' variable to switch editors.'''

# Get a handle to Outlook.
o = Dispatch("Outlook.Application")

# Work our way down to the reply (a "MailItem").
insp = o.ActiveInspector()
if insp == None: return
item = insp.CurrentItem
if item == None: return

# Grab the message body in the reply.
body = item.Body

# Write the body... need to "encode" the string because Outlook uses
# Unicode with bunch of unprintables (ASCII chars > 128). Also, since
# we are going from DOS2UNIX2DOS, we have the \r\n vs \n issue, re-
# sulting in those fabulous ^M characters. A persistent, bound-to-a-
# key Emacs macro takes care of that nicely, but the solution imple-
# mented here is to just wipe the '\r's now, then add them back when
# we reread this file back before returning the body to Outlook.
tmp = mktemp() # generate a unique tmp filename
fh = open(tmp, "w")
fh.write(body.encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace('\r\n', '\n'))

# Launch editor to edit the file (should make this configurable).
#ed = r"d:\emacs-20.7\bin\emacs" # emacs editor binary
ed = r"c:\progra~1\vim\vim60\gvim.exe" # *vi* editor binary
spawnv(P_WAIT, ed, [ed, tmp])

# Read edited file back into memory, restore '\r's, and kill tmp file.
fh = open(tmp)
body ='\n', '\r\n')

# Store it as the body of the reply. Note that we are merely
# sending this data back to Outlook -- it does not prevent MS from
# mucking with your message. For example, it may add your signature
# again, or it may remove newlines. MS software... what can you do?
item.Body = body

# Create the Tk(inter) GUI app with the appropriate label and buttons.
if __name__=='__main__':
tk = Tk()
f = Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2).pack()
Label(f, text="Outlook Edit Launcher v0.2").pack()
Button(f, text="Edit", fg='blue', command=launch).pack(fill=BOTH)
Button(f, text="Quit", fg='red', command=tk.quit).pack(fill=BOTH)

Paul Boddie

Aug 29, 2002, 5:04:52 AM8/29/02
to (Wesley J. Chun) wrote in message news:<>...


> it's a nice tool for those forced to use a Win32 env. at work.
> feedback, improvements, suggestions, and comments welcomed!

As someone who is into casual Outlook automation, I must say that this
is a really cool addition to my working environment that could
actually make a day-to-day difference - time will tell, of course.
Thanks for the hard work! :-)


Paul Boddie

Aug 30, 2002, 6:57:55 AM8/30/02
to (Paul Boddie) wrote in message news:<>...
> [outlook.pyw]

For those of us in "international" environments, it might be nicer to
be able to use more than the basic 26 letters of the Latin alphabet
(not to mention accented characters and all the other alphabets). Here
are some interesting amendments to the script:

#fh = open(tmp, "w")
fh = open(tmp, "wb")
#fh.write(body.encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace('\r\n', '\n'))
fh.write(body.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').replace('\r\n', '\n'))

This writes the Unicode text out as UTF-8-encoded bytes, and we want
to make sure that all the information gets out - not just the bottom 7

If you're using gvim, it's possible to force the application to
recognise the encoding:

#ed = r"c:\progra~1\vim\vim60\gvim.exe" # *vi* editor binary

ed = r"c:\progra~1\vim\vim60\gvim.exe"

arg1 = r'--cmd "set encoding=utf-8"'
#spawnv(P_WAIT, ed, [ed, tmp])
spawnv(P_WAIT, ed, [ed, arg1, tmp])

Here, we've added an extra argument which appears to do the trick.

Finally, we need to read in that UTF-8 text:

#fh = open(tmp, "r")
fh = open(tmp, "rb")
#body ='\n', '\r\n')
body = unicode(, "utf-8").replace('\n', '\r\n')

And now I can really be productive. Well, more productive than before,


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