i try to find the derivative of abs function
and Mathematica answer
what mean that
i try to find the derivative of Abs[x]
and i have this
In: D[Abs[x],x]
Out: Abs`[x]
i don't know the mean of `
please help
tha mean that the derivative of Abs[] can be different for
real and complex arguments. For real arguments you have
D[Abs[x], x] // FullSimplify[#, Element[x, Reals]] &
f'[x] is an abbreviation of Derivative[f][1][x]
b.t.w.: what happened to Mathematica's creativity regarding
In[1]:= $Version
FullSimplify[Abs'[x], x \[Element] Reals]
Out[1]= "4.0 for Microsoft Windows (July 16, 1999)"
Out[2]= Sign[x]
in version 5?
Peter Pein, Berlin
D[x(2UnitStep[x]-1), x]
2*x*DiracDelta[x] + 2*UnitStep[x] - 1
Simplify[%, #]& /@ {x<0, x>=0}
{-1, 1}
D[If[x<0, -x, x], x]
If[x < 0, -1, 1]
Bob Hanlon
The meaning of ` is, in this case, simply "derivative". But I'm sure that
still leaves you unsatisfied.
I'm glad you asked your question. It has now prompted me to write something
which I had been intending to write for some time anyway:
In this newsgroup we often get questions concerning differentiation or
integration of user-defined piecewise-defined functions. The standard
response seems to be to rewrite the function in terms of UnitStep.
I was surprised and disappointed recently when I attempted to differentiate
or integrate certain built-in functions, such as Abs and Sign. For example,
I did not like
In[1]:= Assuming[Element[x, Reals], D[Abs[x], x]]
Out[1]= Derivative[1][Abs][x]
since such an output is not helpful. One solution to this problem is the
same as the solution when a piecewise-function is user-defined, namely,
rewrite it in terms of UnitStep:
In[2]:= RealAbs[x_]:= x*(2*UnitStep[x] - 1)
In[2]:= Simplify[D[RealAbs[x],x]]
Out[2]= -1 + 2*UnitStep[x]
In[3]:= Simplify[Integrate[RealAbs[x],x]]
Out[3]= (1/2)*x^2*(-1 + 2*UnitStep[x])
Of course, something similar can be done for other built-in functions
such as Sign.
Hope this helps,
David Cantrell
It's interesting that that works as desired, considering that
In[1]:= Assuming[Element[x, Reals], Simplify[D[Abs[x], x] ]]
Out[1]= Abs'[x]
doesn't work as desired. Anyway, perhaps my prior suggestion of rewriting
in terms of UnitStep is still of some use since
In[2]:= Integrate[Abs[x], x] // FullSimplify[#, Element[x, Reals]] &
Out[2]= Integrate[Abs[x], x]
doesn't work as desired.
BTW, I didn't mention it in my prior post, but perhaps the nicest form
for that real antiderivative is just 1/2*x*Abs[x]. Could anyone manage
(without going to lots of trouble) to get Mathematica to give that form?
David Cantrell
> Jens-Peer Kuska <ku...@informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>> tha mean that the derivative of Abs[] can be different for
>> real and complex arguments. For real arguments you have
>> D[Abs[x], x] // FullSimplify[#, Element[x, Reals]] &
>> Sign[x]
> It's interesting that that works as desired, considering that
> In[1]:= Assuming[Element[x, Reals], Simplify[D[Abs[x], x] ]]
> Out[1]= Abs'[x]
> doesn't work as desired.
It's just the difference between Simplify and FullSImplify:
Assuming[Element[x, Reals], FullSimplify[D[Abs[x], x]]]
Observe also that:
ComplexExpand[D[Abs[x], x]]
> Anyway, perhaps my prior suggestion of rewriting
> in terms of UnitStep is still of some use since
> In[2]:= Integrate[Abs[x], x] // FullSimplify[#, Element[x, Reals]] &
> Out[2]= Integrate[Abs[x], x]
> doesn't work as desired.
> BTW, I didn't mention it in my prior post, but perhaps the nicest form
> for that real antiderivative is just 1/2*x*Abs[x]. Could anyone manage
> (without going to lots of trouble) to get Mathematica to give that
> form?
Well, almost:
Integrate[Abs[t], {t, 0, x},
GenerateConditions -> False]
> Regards,
> David Cantrell
>> nikmatz wrote:
>>> i try to find the derivative of abs function
>>> D[Abs[x],x]
>>> and Mathematica answer
>>> Abs`[x]
>>> what mean that
Andrzej Kozlowski
Chiba, Japan