Hey all,
Well, I had my first crack at updating
amk's parrot-gen.py for use with imcc.
I'm kind of approaching it slowly, and
going test-first: I started a new file
and am only pulling in code a bit at a
time to pass the next test.
So far all it does is "print" and a
single if/else block based on a constant
(it emits hard-coded labels for now so
you only get one).
The tests then take the generated PIL
code and actually run it in an imcc
So far, it's all pretty straightforward.
Right now, most of his code is tied up
in a method called compile_expr(), and
it seems imcc does a lot of the same
work for you, so we may have to start
from scratch with that part...
Anyway, not bad for a few hours worth of
work. The code is here if anyone wants a
look while it's still small. :)
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Michal J Wallace
Sabren Enterprises, Inc.
contact: mic...@sabren.com
hosting: http://www.cornerhost.com/
my site: http://www.withoutane.com/