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LXR - source-code indexing

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Zach Lipton

Jan 8, 2003, 6:46:07 PM1/8/03
I am pleased to announce that LXR has been installed on to index
the source of parrot and perl5 (additional modules, such as perl6, can be
added as needed).

So, you might be asking: "What is LXR?" LXR is a source-code indexing tool
that was originally developed for the Linux kernel. With LXR, you can browse
the source, search by filename (regular expression match), search by
contents (regular expression match), or search for identifiers (functions,
preprocessor macros, etc...). Furthermore, all source files are linkified,
so that clicking on a function name gives the location where it was defined,
and all references to that function (this works with subroutines in perl
code too). LXR will even allow you to do diffs between two versions,
comparing (for example) how a file changed between the 5.6.x branch and the
5.8.x branch.

"And where can I get this tool if it is so great?" That's easy! Just hop on
over to and choose the source-tree you want. You can
then select the version you want to browse with from the top of the next

But of course, there is always a catch. LXR is running rather slow at the
moment, despite mod_perl. I think this is mostly because it needs more use
for the cache to build up, but I'm going to try to do some more profiling
and see where the problem is. Occasionally, LXR will return a blank or
near-blank page. If you hit this bug, hitting reload a couple of times
should make the correct file show up. The code is updated every night,
parrot is pulled from the cvs repository at 11:00pm, and perl5 from the
activestate rsync server at 1:00am. If you would like more frequent updates,
please let me know and I can arrange for more.

Please let me know about any bugs you hit or feature requests, and I'll do
my best to incorporate them. Remember, it's


Dan Sugalski

Jan 9, 2003, 2:03:39 PM1/9/03
to Zach Lipton,
At 3:46 PM -0800 1/8/03, Zach Lipton wrote:
>I am pleased to announce that LXR has been installed on to index
>the source of parrot and perl5 (additional modules, such as perl6, can be
>added as needed).

Cool. Thanks, Zach.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski even samurai have teddy bears and even
teddy bears get drunk

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