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C++ parser front end

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Bernt Kullbach

Oct 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/12/99

I now have been looking for C++ parser front ends for
some time.

What I could find so far is EDG, which is very expensive
if used commercially, and John Lilley's PCCTS-based
C++ parser, which as far as I know is be the best free
C++ parser availiable but which nevertheless needs a
lot of work.

So, does anyone know a commercail C++ parser front end
apart from EDG, or has anyone worked on John Lilley's
PCCTS-based C++ parser?


Bernt Kullbach Institute for Software Technology
voice: +49 261 287 27 04 University of Koblenz-Landau
fax: +49 261 287 27 21 Rheinau 1
e-mail: D-56075 Koblenz
www: Germany

Thomas David Rivers

Oct 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/12/99
Yes - EDG is quite expensive...  But - it comes
highly recommended from several people, and is
successfully used in several commercial offerings.

I've been looking into the C++ parser used with
TenDRA.  The distribution claims that the C++
parser is very robust - but I haven't tried it myself.

It has it's own parser-generation tool (which is LL(K)... hmm)
which means you have to really understand things before
the parser  itself becomes apparent.

The TenDRA distribution seems to allow re-use of the code;
the license appears to be similar to a BSD license.

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Bernt Kullbach

Oct 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/12/99

I now have been looking for C++ parser front ends for
some time.

What I could find so far is EDG, which is very expensive
if used commercially, and John Lilley's PCCTS-based
C++ parser, which as far as I know is be the best free
C++ parser availiable but which nevertheless needs a
lot of work.

So, does anyone know a commercail C++ parser front end
apart from EDG, or has anyone worked on John Lilley's
PCCTS-based C++ parser?


Bernt Kullbach Institute for Software Technology
voice: +49 261 287 27 04 University of Koblenz-Landau
fax: +49 261 287 27 21 Rheinau 1
e-mail: D-56075 Koblenz
www: Germany

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Bruce Stephens

Oct 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/12/99
Thomas David Rivers <> writes:

> I've been looking into the C++ parser used with TenDRA.  The
> distribution claims that the C++ parser is very robust - but I
> haven't tried it myself.
> It has it's own parser-generation tool (which is LL(K)... hmm) which
> means you have to really understand things before the parser  itself
> becomes apparent.
> The TenDRA distribution seems to allow re-use of the code; the
> license appears to be similar to a BSD license.    

Disadvantages are that it's pretty picky (which may or may not be a
problem), and it doesn't have much of a library. (You'll probably
want to be able to parse programs using <iostream>, for example, so
you'll have to find or construct a header that'll pass through
TenDRA's front-end.)

Also, the main web site seems to be down. There are mirrors around,
of course.

OpenC++ may also be an option:

Greg Comeau

Oct 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/13/99
In article <> Bernt Kullbach <> writes:
>I now have been looking for C++ parser front ends for
>some time.
>What I could find so far is EDG, which is very expensive
>if used commercially, and John Lilley's PCCTS-based
>C++ parser, which as far as I know is be the best free
>C++ parser availiable but which nevertheless needs a
>lot of work.
>So, does anyone know a commercail C++ parser front end
>apart from EDG, or has anyone worked on John Lilley's
>PCCTS-based C++ parser?

We are a licensee of EDG, so maybe there can be some mid-point
for you, so what exactly is it that you want to do with the front-end?

- Greg
Comeau Computing, 91-34 120th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418-3214
Producers of Comeau C/C++ 4.2.38 -- NOTE 4.2.42 BETAS NOW AVAILABLE
Email: / Voice:718-945-0009 / Fax:718-441-2310
*** WEB: ***

Andy Glew

Oct 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/15/99
> We are a licensee of EDG, so maybe there can be some mid-point
> for you, so what exactly is it that you want to do with the front-end?

I don't know what Berntt wants,
but I know that I'd love to have a C++ front end
so that I could create a "reflective API" for C++.

Oct 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/19/99


> Are there any examples of fun things that people have done with
> OpenC++? When I do a web search for OpenC++, I just get the software
> itself: surely some people are using it for things they can reveal to
> the world?

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