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Guitar World Interview fakey

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Sep 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/9/98
Hey all.... just reading the Guitar World interview on Princefam. I saw
it's written by Belgian reporter Serge Simonart. And guess what? He does
the same trick in this article as he did in his book "Fuck Off And Other
Quotes": he steals quotes from other interviews and pretends like he asked
the question. In his book there's a story about him walking into Owen
Husney (the man who got Prince his Warner contract) in a Minneapolis record
store. Than he states that famous story about Husney taking the demos to
Warner and that the Warner people asked: "Who is this group?" (I think you
all know that story). Simonart stole this story LITERALLY from the Prince
Omnibus (BBC?) documentary!!! I have the proof on video! AND WORST THING
IS: HE DOES THE SAME NOW!!! In the GW-interview he says to Prince: "It's
interesting to hear that Elvis Presley is been an influence on you" and
Prince says: "I was brought up in a black'n'white world... black and white,
night and day, rich and poor.... (blahblahblah)". THIS IS A LITERALLY QUOTE
FROM THE 1985 MTV INTERVIEW!! I have the proof on CD! And there's another
quote about Prince telling about the Miles Davis tapes he'll release one
day; I have literally read that somewhere else before! (I think it was in
Dutch magazine OOR)

Man, what a fake reporter... I suspect him from stealing more quotes...
This kinda journalism makes me wanna vomate! It certainly puts the whole
"trust thing" at the beginning of the interview in a bad taste

If any1 recognizes more quotes, I'll gladly read them in this group!! Let's
make a quiz of it! Let's call it "Serge's Sources" :)

Oh well... maybe there's a nice job for him at an English tabloid... ;)

Just thought to let y'all know!!




r. burnett

Sep 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/9/98
doesn't he quote P as saying his bassist is sonny T? did i miss

~these are the days of wild~

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