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The Troll FAQ V 1.1 Part 2

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Dec 18, 2002, 4:40:41 PM12/18/02
The Troll FAQ

v 1.1


Part 1
Thread Starters

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

The Troll FAQ

Part 2


The Tradition

Traditional trolling is *hit and run*, that is, the troll
doesn't post followups. Tradition has become something
that's seldom practiced. Most trolls engage groupers.

Engagements often take the form of a few posts featuring
personal attacks, with the idea being the grosser the
better. Others involve the engagement of a group or a
grouper over a longer period of time. These types of
engagement trolls often have a goal and plan.

The key to the short term personal attack troll is to be
as grossly insulting as possible. In fact, that's the
only requirement or technique. Since its obvious how to
do this, the balance of this portion of the FAQ will
address engagements that are longer term.


An important thing to remember when engaging is that
while you may win some points, you don't win an argument
directly by what you post. You win because of what you
opponent posts.

Specifically, calling your opponent an idiot or something
similar doesn't let you win. You win when you provoke
your opponent into idiotic behavior. At that point, if
that is recognized by his fellow groupers, then you can
observe he's an idiot. But that must be the last point,
not the first, something missed by most engagement trolls.

Regardless of what you post, or what your opponent does,
the final judgment of victory is what the groupers think.
Patience, and emphasizing reasonable conclusions that may
be drawn from a target's own words are the keys. Humor
can work as a wonderful slam.

Hijacking Threads

Hijacking threads is a recommended practice for engagement
trolls. One effective technique is to take a minor point
of the previous post, usually one that is mostly off topic,
and expand on it. Another technique is to followup with an
attack on the previous poster in a way marginally related
to the topic of the thread.

When hijacking a thread by expanding on a tangential topic,
adding x posts to topical groups is usually effective and
recommended. Serious consideration should be given to
changing the subject line.

Engaging Where It Counts

Chasing minor points that are likely to be losers is a
waste of effort. Concentrate on those points where you
have established an advantage. Superior results can be
obtained where that advantage is unrecognized by your

More stunning than what any troll posts is when a grouper
admonishes a fellow grouper. That need to be the goal.

Post Around The Target

If you're picking a fight with someone, an effective
technique is to not always answer his posts directly.
If someone slightly disagrees with the target, respond
to that post instead, and support that poster rather
flame the target.

This leaves the target with the feeling he's looking in
on a discussion about him, almost like he wandered into
it unwelcomed. It can be very disconcerting to him.

You Must Have Support

The best support is that of the groupers. Getting
support from some of the groupers is a priority with
engagement trolls. Overwhelming a group with a gang
troll is a lot less efficient than inducing some of
the groupers to do some of the troll's work for him.

Crossposts can often be used to gain support with
trolls involving issues. It is more difficult to
do this with crossposts when the issue is a grouper.

Getting support may take time. If a grouper is flushed
out, its effective, as he becomes more irritated and
less rational, for the troll to post more and more
*reasonably*. For example, if the grouper is posting
profanity seasoned insults to the troll, its a
tremendous contrast if the troll politely explains why
the grouper is wrong.

Being reasonable, in the judgement of the groupers,
is a way a troll can build support for himself. The
reverse of this is its also a form of criticism of
the targeted grouper.

Starting Threads For Engagements

This can be highly effective when one personna starts
a thread, and another personna does the engagement. It
is important that the two personnas not have exactly the
same viewpoint. However, there is tremendous ability
to direct discussion with this technique.

The personna that starts the thread can set up topics
for discussion by the engagement personna. It doesn't
matter if the engagement personna agrees or disagrees
with the points made, as long as there is opposition to
both viewpoints.

With careful planning, the engagement personna can delay
entry into the thread until it can be determined which
side has the advantage, then intervene on behalf of the
other side. Remember, the goal is not to win an argument.
Its to create an unwinnable one runs almost forever.

Have a Goal and Plan

This is mainly what separates a troll from a flamer. A
flamer is likely to heap on the most blatantly insulting
material he can in each post. A troll will hold back,
understanding the value of a set up for a bigger spank.

Being spontaneous is important, but it must be controlled
and directed by the needs of the goal and plan. But its
also important to remain aware of opportunity and adjust
goals and plans and create additional ones.

Create Illusions

There's little illusionary about a straight up *in the
face* flame. Goals and plans often benefit from illusions.
Post things that can be misconstrued, but at the same time
can be later explained with devastating effect to those
who missed the real meaning.

Personna Creation

One thing often missed is the enhancement of personna
creation. If a group is to be trolled over a period of
time, its best to create personnas to do the posts.

A personna must remain consistent in viewpoint. More
importantly, be certain the viewpoint isn't completely
your own viewpoint. Remember, you're not posting as
*yourself*. You posting as a created personna.

A personna may be part of you (appropriate only for
those who have personality and interests to spare) or
may be modeled after someone you know well. Have a
clear idea of *who* that personna is. Better personnas
are possible when they are defined in advance. That
helps prevent the error of inconsistency.

Important factors are the age, gender, marital status,
profession, and education of the personna. Remember,
you're not posting what *you* would, you're posting
what the personna would.

Gang Trolls

If involved in a gang troll, you must communicate with
the other trolls. Unless you've known the others for
a long time and trolled with them often, you're not
going to be able to be effective without coordination.

The old alt.syntax.tactical newsgroup invasion FAQ is
good reading on the subject of gang trolls, but the
degree of coordindation envisioned by the FAQ is often
an impossibility in actual engagement trolls. Its great
theory that often doesn't work well in the field.

Everyone needs to be aware of the essence of each
personna that is posting. Be sure to discuss major
posts in advance. Usenet doesn't happen in real time.
There's little that can't wait a day while trolls
communicate privately on the next move.


You don't win an argument because of what you post.
You win an argument because of what your opponent

Engaging in existing threads is less effective than
a combination of thread starters and engagement.

Be humorous. It promotes grouper support against the
target, or at minimum, if they laugh, silences their
support of the target.

Enage where it counts. A troll's own position is
degraded when he looks silly. Chasing probable
losing situations is a good way to look silly.

Be patient. Turn up the heat a little at a time,
and make sure the hook from the last step is firmly
set before trying to continue.

Get grouper support.

Create personnas and keep their posts in character.


There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at
without result. --- Winston Churchill

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