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Another Foggy Moment #225

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Nov 16, 2003, 9:13:00 PM11/16/03
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Another Foggy Moment

These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.


WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

- 225 -

The crowd in U Dub's salmon return pond must be down to stems and
seeds now. It's so dark in the mornings or evenings I pass by it
that I can't see very well into the water. All I can detect is the
occasional body stirring. No more swirling crowds. The Life & Death
Pow-Wow is pretty much over. Soon the pond will be drained for the
winter and the stage set for the appearance of their babies in the

Being the superstitious old fool I am, I always said a prayer
whenever I stop by the pond:
Lord God, King of the Universe, Master of All Worlds.
You who created the salmon and entrusted them with
specific tasks to perform in the daily maintenance of
Your creation. These faithful servents have survived
five years of wandering the oceans and have mysteriously
found their way back to their birth place to perform
their final two tasks - to produce a new generation and
to die. May their children prosper and serve You as
faithfully as they have. We are children of a common

The Yoshino Cherry trees in the Quad are almost devoid of leaves
and drifting off to their winter sleep. When they reawaken in the
spring, it will be a spectacular sight. The ospreys are anxiously
moving into the still-leaved trees at the Lake Washington head of
the ship canal. But still not the groaning, twittering crowd that
will populate them once the leaves have dropped. And the ravens
continue to throng in by the thousands for the post-game Sunday
morning brunch at Husky Stadium. They get as excited as kids on
Christmas morning and kick up a heck of a racket. Far as they're
concerned, ALL games should be home games.

The coach had his Boyz hard at it in the big Fieldhouse next to
Husky stadium all week after their loss to Arizona last weekend.
They shipped out for Cal later in the week, beaten, battered and
running on fumes. Oh well. The early betting line gave them the
edge. But only one game really counts - the Apple Bowl against
Wazoo the week after. They GOTTA win that one or we'll be up to
our ears in gloating drunken farmers.

Around 11pm Monday night a bunch of firetrucks came storming up
our quiet little sidestreet with their sirens screaming. Right
behind them came two ambulances. Whenever something like that
happens I always think one of the frat boys who love to shoot
down the street with the pedal to the metal in their hot Daddy-
mobile finally creamed somebody at the intersection. Wrong again.
Turned out a couple frat boys nearly suffocated in the basement
of their frat house - carbon monoxide poisoning. A lot of those
places are dumps. Housing for people with more money than brains.

Manchester United, perrenial leaders of the English Premiership,
will be returning to America next summer. New York and Chicago
are definite venues and a third has yet to be named. Seattle
didn't even get hinted at. Sigh. They'll be playing continental
teams like Real Madrid (with former Man Utd star David Beckham).
No other English teams will be touring. So much for the rumor
about Liverpool coming here next summer. It's early. Hopefully
that will change.

Poor Prince Chuck. The heir apparent to the British throne got outted
this week by his previous valet who revealed he polished more than
Chucky's shoes. Any guy who would prefer an ugly broad like Carmella
over Princess Di is suspect at any rate. Carmella looks like a frik'n
guy who got a sex change operation. So now the Limmies King-To-Be
has turned into a Queen-To-Be. From Royal Twit to Royal Twinkie.
Oh Chuckie! You cad!

On Saturday thousands of Washington state National Guards took their
first step towards Iraq as they marshalled for the trip to Ft. Lewis
to train for their mission. Fully aware that their Commander in Chief
lied his way into Iraq and that his dirty little war has little if
any support from their fellow Americans, these morons have no excuses.
If they have any fantasies about serving their country they can forget
them. Fact is, their country could get along just fine without their
useless and unwanted contribution. And we still remember 9/11 when
our jackasses-in-uniform sat there and watched thousands of us die.
Bleed, baby, Bleed! You got a long to go before you catch up with us.


An acquaintance worked with Gary Ridgway, the confessed Green
River serial killer, for nearly 20 years at the big Kenworth
factory south of town. He said everyone called Ridgway "Green
River Gary". He mentioned him before but I had no idea who in
hell he was talking about. I do now.

Ridgway gave them many reasons to consider it pretty much a
foregone conclusion that he was the Green River killer. Aside
from acting frik'n weird, he was forever repainting his truck.
One week it was blue; the next week it was brown. He kept
changing the color in case anybody spotted him picking up or
burying his victims. His co-workers called the cops on him so
many times they were finally told by the cops to shut up and
quit calling.

The cops knew for decades that Ridgway was the Green River killer.
They staked him out time after time, even as he killed. But they
were so obligingly sloppy about it that he knew they were watching
and just waited them out. We're not talking about a particularly
bright or clever guy. We're talking about a guy who had a dead-end
job painting trucks for a living because he was too stupid to get
anything better. The cops had to have been REALLY obvious for an
idiot like that to notice them.

It's difficult to conceive of the cop's sloppiness as anything
but deliberate. He was killing little whores. Cops don't like
whores. No doubt there were many of them who felt he was performing
something of a public service. You know the spiel - cleaning up the
trash on the street. And as long as he restricted his activities to
hookers, they wouldn't interfere. In case he was tempted to cheat,
they periodically let him know they were watching him. By any other
name: complicity in murder. Mass murder at that. Gary couldn't have
done it without their help. Amazingly, not a single one of them had
the balls to stand up and say, "This is wrong." Of all the cops
who knew over the decades - not one had the guts to do the right

If they wanted to take him out they could easily have set him up
and blown him to kingdom come any time they wanted. Regardless of
how obvious the circumstances, no court or coroner's jury in this
state would fault them for their mistake/accident/whatever. King
County has NEVER, in the entire history of its Coroner's Court, ever
found a cop guilty in ANY service-related death. The cops knew the
System would cover for them. Their present whinning bullshit about
being outmanouvered because they followed the rules and Gary didn't,
just don't hack it. They only follow the rules when it's to their
advantage to do so. Otherwise, they ignore the rules.

The Little Stinker, our Gubnatorial Dwarf, has been strangely quiet
about all this. Just a couple years ago he executed a Space Cadet,
a guy who didn't even know what planet he was on, for the killing
of a single person. Here's a guy who killed 48 people. You'd think
a law 'n order guy like Stinky would be all hot to trot to string
the son of a bitch up, wouldn't you? Nah. He's quiet as a little
mouse. Obviously his dirty little fingerprints are all over the
Ridgway deal too. Say...wasn't he the KingCo Prosecutor back then?
No wonder he's keeping his little mouth shut. He was fully aware
of what was going on.

Kenworth managed to keep their name from being associated with their
employee. Though they not only hired the cocksucker, they kept him
on their payroll despite police investigations and many, many
complaints from fellow employees. If they'd have yanked his paycheck
a loser like him would have been SOL for a long time. And no more
free paint jobs.

Why so many serial-killers in Washington state? That's easy - we
don't have professional, competent law-enforcement. Killers got
a ticket to ride. Like the guy who killed a federal judge here.
They ain't got a clue about that one either.


Dang. I didn't realize Hooterville was charging its citizens for
the street lights. I always assumed it was just another civic
utility. Greasy Greg's slimey effort to stick his citizens with
that bill got thrown out of court this week. He thought he had
bought an exemption from the little whores in the State House
but turns out the little whores screwed up and didn't write
their exemption properly. You get what you pay for eh.

So when do we get a rebate for the illegal city billing? There was
no mention of that. Nor any mention of where Mayor Greg's gonna
get the $6 MegaBucks to cover street lights. Maybe he can ask his
buddy Paul Allen for it. Paul's stink'n rich. He could afford it.
Oh...that's right. Being rich, he don't have to pay taxes. Not
that he would live in a Hicktown like Hooterville if he could help
it anyways.

Sooner or later it might dawn on our political retards that it
isn't the taxes we object to so much as the lying. If they tried
being more or less honest and forthright occasionally, they
might get better results. Don't hold your breath waiting for that
to happen.


If you ride KingCo Exec "Cadillac" Sims' stinking Metro Transit
buses, be careful of where you sit. Stay away from any seats that
have a conspicuous cut on them or you may find yourself staring
down the business-end of a cop's Roscoe.

A buddy who works for Metro Transit says Druggies are passing their
Goodies via slits in the seats. They cut 'er open and slip in their
stuff. Then get up and move to another seat while their 'customer'
quickly sits down in their warm spot to retrieve the stash. Of course,
things don't always go smoothly. Some times somebody else grabs the
seat first. Seattle-istas are notoriously rude in that way.

The drivers have been alerted to the trick and call it in whenever
they become aware of suspicious goings-on. A few stops further down
the route, surprise!, a couple cops board and bust. If you happen to
grab the seat by mistake - tough luck. You're guilty by default. You
didn't know about the Crack in that slit under your butt? Yeah right.
Tell it to a judge and jury.

Metro Transit is turning into an Urban Adventure Ride. But "Cadillac"
don't have this problem. He don't ride no stinking buses. He Cadillac's
to work and back. Buses are for Little People.



Last week I stumbled across an interesting link to a full translation
of the Babylonian Talmud. It's a transcription of the highly-regarded
Sochino translation and has a lot of related material on the same
website to lend perspective.

The Babylonian Talmud is a huge and very controversial Jewish religious
work that is said to have begun back in the days after the fall of the
First Temple in Jerusalem when the Assyrians invaded Judea and hauled
many Jews off to slavery in Babylon. Popes have ordered it burned. Kings
have ordered death for anyone possessing it. Jew-baiters have often used
passages from it to justify their hate. Jewish sects like the Pharaisees
considered it superior in significance to the Bible itself. Many modern
Rabbis, heirs to the Pharaisees traditions, consider it to be at least
on a par with, if not of greater import, than the written Torah most
Christians refer to as the Old Testament.

As with many extra-Biblical works, the basic premise is: God may have
written/inspired the Bible but it is man who interprets it. Needless to
say, there are many ways to interpret it. And if you imagine yourself
to be under Divine Guidence while doing so, you would be inclined to
believe you possess the One, True Interpretation. Many Christian and
Jewish sects/heresies/cults owe their existence to their 'inspired'
interpretations of the Bible. With over 60 copyrighted versions of the
Bible in existence, there are even many mainstream interpretations to
choose from, ranging from subtle to crude. Throw in the obvious fact
that both times the Jerusalem Temples were destroyed, virtually the
entire written Torah went with them. It had to be rewritten from
memory by guys like Ezrah.

The Talmud is Judaism's "Oral Torah" and was supposedly passed for
centuries literally by word-of-mouth. After the Romans trashed
Jerusalem and the Second Temple, not long after Christ's resurrection,
the Temple priests were replaced in prominance by the Rabbis of the
Diaspora. It was they who committed this oral record to paper for
the first time.

It is an amazing document made up of many seperate books and plumbs
the heights and the depths, incorporating within itself everything
from the most exquisitely profound religious insights to the most
disgusting and obscene worldly perversions. It has it all, in a way
even the Bible doesn't.

References, both coded and explicit, can be found to Christ and
Christians. References that reflect the torment and persecution
Jews suffered for centuries at the hands of Christians. Reasonably
enough, it ranges from outright condemnation to bitterly sarcastic
black-humor. Victims aren't inclined to sympathize with their
tormentors. It is these passages that Jew-Baiters have embraced
to justify their hatred and led to many Christian efforts, over
the millenia, to have the Talmud destroyed. Obviously failed

Under the guise of exploring the meaning of the written Torah,
justifications for the most disgusting of pervsions are also
indulged in in great detail with arguments so self-serving that
no morally astute person would dream of embracing them. The sort
of stuff no Rabbi in their right mind would expose a congregation
to. There are comparable Christian documents. But unlike Christians,
Jews haven't censored out the embarassing parts of their written
traditions. It is a legitimate part of the record of their religious
exploration and one that shares common ground with religous
explorers of every persuation throughout human history. Sometimes
such exploration leads in contrary directions. To pretend otherwise
is dishonest and deprives following generations of valuable clues
as to what to look for and expect in such a pursuit. Besides, the
Talmud was not for 'general consumption'. It was to be studied only
by those who were considered mature and adept enough to deal with
its subject matter. People who would know what parts to skip.

On the other hand, much of it has the only record of the thoughts
and prayers of many of Judaism's earliest Torah Giants. The most
ancient roots of their vast and rich spiritual treasury.

Transcribing the Talmud must have been an arduous and enormous job
for whomever did it. Making it available on-line makes it available
to a far wider audience than it's ever before had. And a much more
diverse audience as well. No doubt it will be mis-used at least as
much as properly used. An equal certainty is that those who are
inclined to deliberately misinterpret it, will freely do so. Never
the less, risk involved was a worthwhile one. Previously the
size and cost of it limited it to far smaller audience. That it is
both a Jewish and human treasure is beyond question. Christianity's
'oral record' is dispersed and divided. It has nothing comparable
to the Talmud.

(aka The War Against Terrorism)

As American blood continues to drip, drip, drip onto the hot sands
of Iraq and yet more maimed and mutilated hobble off to dreary VA
hospitals all for the greater enrichment of Halliburton, Bechtel and
President Yellowbelly's ego...

Our Lying Hillbilly Hitler Wannabe was off to Limeyland this week
to see his pet poodle Tony and hob-nob with Gay Prince Charlie. The
Secret Service better tell Chuck to keep his hands in his pockets
when he's around Yeller. Don't want him pinching any Presidental butt
in front of the reporters.

Yeller's back to his Mood Swings again. One day he wants to bug out
of Iraq soon as possible; next day, he's committed forever. Back and
forth. Forth and back. Just can't make up his tiny little hillbilly
mind. God must be sending mixed signals eh. Sounds like it's time
they changed that aluminum plate in his skull. The built-up corrosion
is interferring with communications from the Mother Ship.

He did let slip what would justify him bugging out of Iraq: finding
Saddam and Osama. That's easy. He already knows exactly where both
of them are. He's been saving them for the up-coming election so he
can pull them out of his hat like Magic Bunnies. Does this mean he
might pull them out of his hat earlier? Sure sounds like it.

Too bad about the dead Wops. To my mind they are no different than
a gang of muggers who got caught in the act and blown away. They
had no business being in Iraq. Not being bright enough to mind
their own business, they paid the price for their stupidity. Maybe
that fat greasy Wop PM "Benito" Berlusconi can slip the Pope a few
Lira to have them declared Holy Martyrs to Fascism. The Pollock
would go for something like that if provided with proper incentive.
He's for sale.

It's curious that the only goons and thugs our Hillbilly Hitler
Wannabe can find to help him mug the Iraqis are the same goons
and thugs who helped Hitler - Italy, Poland, Japan and Spain.
All nations with a prominent recent history of dictatorships.
They were losers back then and are still losers. They got a real
talent for picking the wrong side.

The Wops might be too stupid to forget it and go home but the Japs
aren't. First they were going to send troops to Iraq then changed
their minds and decided not to, then changed their minds again and
decided to go ahead and do it and, finally, now have decided they
won't afterall. Stay tuned. They'll probably change their minds again.
Don't hold your breath waiting for their donation. That ain't gonna

The retards in the Pentagoon still haven't got the vaguest clue who
they're up against in Iraq. As a result, they keep mindlessly lashing
out at anyone and everyone even as they continue to die in ever larger
numbers. Rack up another grand Pentagoon failure. No point in having
the most technologically formidible military juggernaut in human
history if you put a bunch of monkeys at the controls. Only a monkey
would be dumb enough to join a loser operation like that. People with
brains get REAL jobs.

How probable is it that Muslims would be bombing pilgrims to Mecca?
Not very. What plausible motive could they possibly have? It makes
about as much sense as the Legion of Mary bombing the Vatican. While
the Saudi government has often been the target of citizens seeking
to overthrow their monarchial dictatorship, those efforts have
always been aimed at members of the Royal Family and their hired
thugs. Other citizens, let alone religious pilgrims, have never
been the intended target, though more than a few who were in the
line of fire died of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Much like us and the Israelis, Muslim snuff-freaks have little
regard for the lives of innocent bystanders.

That gibberish about the Saudi King raising an 'iron fist' against
Islamic militants had everyone rocking with laughter on the floor.
The Saudi King is a human vegetable who has been incapable of sitting
up by himself for more than two minutes since his stroke in 1995.
He doesn't even recognize his own name any more, let alone the face
of his son Prince Abullah who really runs things there and keeps the
Old Man ticking to retain his power. The only 'iron fist' Fahd's been
displaying is the one up his fat butt to keep him from falling over.

My guess is that this is the CIA's answer to Muslim suicide bombers.
Our spooks have put together their own stable of suicide bombers
with which to terrorize Muslims. At least that's plausible. Al Qaida
is wholly-owned subsidiary of the CIA - they invented it and they
continue to market it. In this case, warning of an impending AQ
attack as they bugged out US embassy staff, then staging the attack
and finally immediately having AQ claim credit before moving the
embassy staff back. We knew when the attacks would occur and when
it was safe to go back. AQ didn't even claim credit for 9/11. Why
would they claim credit for something lesser like this? Don't make
sense. I'm sure the timing hasn't been lost on the Saudis.

Financier George Soros announced this week that he's going after
President Yellowbelly's ass. George is no ordinary financier. He
single-handly brought the Bank of England to its knees a couple
decades ago and, more recently, single-handedly set off the series
of events that destroyed the economies of Asia's Baby Tigers
(Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, etc.) in the space of only a
few days. All involved governments who were flogging grossly
over-valued currencies. As Big Dick-Swingers go, George is one
of the biggest in the world. Many whinned about his indulgence
in soft-money campaign contributions. Pshaw! All's fair in love
and war. This is war. Either you're in to win or kindly step
away from the table. We gonna have us a Hillbilly BBQ and Yeller's
the main course.



American bishops met in Washington, DC this week and deliberately
avoided any discussion of the on-going Pervert Priest Scandal. In
fact their leader, Bishop Gregory, declared the crisis essentially
over and done with. He commended his fellow bishops for their fine
work though over 20% of them still haven't responded to inquiries
from the lay oversight group the bishops themselves appointed. The
hot topic of discussion was how to target Catholic politicians who
don't submit to the bishops imagined authority. A recent poll of lay
Catholics resulted in 2/3rds giving the bishops a vote of
no-confidence. Nobody listens to those clueless idiots any more.

California: Archdiocese of Los Angeles -
Cardinal Mahoney continues his fight to keep out of
public view as many of the documents collected by a
Grand Jury as possible. He's resisted every effort by
the Grand Jury to collect the documents as well. A
tenative ruling on Mahoney's claims was reached by a
retired judge who is acting as a 'Master' on parts of
the case. But his ruling was sealed and its contents
not revealed!
Diocese of San Diego -
Fr. Franklyn Becker managed to escape prosecution for
his numerous sexual abuse crimes thanks to the Supreme
Court striking down California's no-statute-of-limitations
rule. His victims are seeking other forms of redress.
Fullerton -
Fr. Gerardo Jarencio Tanilong of Our Lady of Guadaloupe
in Santa Ana, was ordered to stand trial for lewid acts
against a 15-year old girl. The girl's mother said Fr.
Gerardo fondled the girl in the back seat of the family's
car as the mother drove him to various locations to say
Conneticut: New Haven Diocese -
A lawsuit against Fr. Joe Buckley was filed this week
alleging he sexually assaulted a 14-year old hitchhiker
he picked up in 1971. The hitch-hiker is 49 years old now
and claims Fr. Joe took him home, liquored him up then
assaulted him.
Louisiana: Diocese of New Orleans -
Fr. Charles Coyle, now living in Puerto Rico, relieved of
his clerical title for sexual abuse, has been named in
yet another abuse lawsuit dating from his time as a priest
and teacher at a diocesean-run high school.
Massachusetts: Diocese of Springfield -
Fr. Paul LaFlamme described the woman he's been Shacked
Up with lately as a 'sexual predator'. After he got her
pregnant, she sued both him and his bishop.
Diocese of Worchester -
Fr. Dave Kerrigan, who was fired by his bishop after
criticizing the latter's handling of diocesean affairs,
held his first anniversary mass for the independant
congregation of disaffected Catholics he now leads. It
was at the local Marriot Hotel.
Fall River Diocese -
Fr. Don Turlick, a former therapist at the Massachusetts
Treatment Center for the Sexually Dangerous, who released
convicted child rapist Paul Nolin, now accused of raping
and murdering another child after his release, is still
answering for his actions. Fr. Turlick was said to have
had a sexual relationship with Mr. Nolin while the two
were at MTCSD.
Fr. Bernard Kelly of St. Joseph's parish was relieved
of his post. He was another priestly 'friend' of killer
Paul Nolin.
Boston -
Convicted child molester Fr. Richard Lavigne is the
chief suspect in a murder involving the death of a
13-year old altarboy he befriended 30 years ago but
the records for that investigation have been sealed.
Another victim of Fr. Lavigne is seeking to have them
unsealed for use in his case.
Missouri: St. Louis -
Fr. Ken Roberts, author of "From Playboy to Priest" was
accused in court this week of sexual abuse when he was at
St. Mary's School in Bellville (TX) outside Dallas. He was
transferred to St. Louis diocese after his stint in Texas.
Fr. Bryan Kucher was convicted on three of six counts of
statutory sodomy for his actions involving an 8th grader
from his parish. Fr. Kucher will do three years in the
county jail.
Nevada: Diocese of Reno -
Fr. Bob Buchanan of Our Lady of Snows was sued this week
for sexual molestation dating from previous work he did
at a San Diego (CA) school. It was filed in California
Superior Court by a 45-year old woman - a former student
of the school.
New Hampshire: A brief has been sent to the Vatican by parishoners
of the diocese asking that Bishop McCormack and his
Auxillary be immediately removed. They cited his
incompetence in dealing with sexually abusive clergy.
Fr. Steve Kucharski who was indicted on felony theft
charges after stealing cash from his parish's Christmas
Eve collection, says the cops didn't honor their plea
bargain agreement after he agreed to plead guilty. The
local prosecutor turned it down. His trial starts this
Fr. Gerard Desmarais of St. Joseph's in Manchester,
resigned his priesthood last week in protest of Bishop
McCormack's incompetent leadership. A fill-in pastor
was parachutted in and begged parishoners to continue
coming. Fr. Desmarais was pastor there for 9 years.
New Jersey: American Boyschoir School (Princeton)
A state appeals judge ruled that the Charitable Immunity
Act gives ABS complete immunity from being sued for ANY
sexual misconduct by its staff, no matter how flagrant.
John Hardwicke was suing ABS for sexual abuse by an ABS
staff member. A constitutional appeal will be launched.
New York: A former Rensellaer Polytechnical Institute student filed
a lawsuit alleging Fr. Charles Celeste sexually abused him
at RPI in the 80's while chaplain at his fraternity.
Diocese of Long Island -
Bishop Bill Murphy issued a lengthy, rambling statement
as he attempted to deflect growing unrest about his
incompetence and inability to handle his diocese.
Archdiocese of New York City -
Fr. Jim Smith who served various parishes in the borough
of Queens for more than four decades, is being sued by the
mother of a 17-year old for $30,000,000 alleging sexual
abuse. Add that to the 26 others who have also accused him
of similar abuse. Fr. Jim's generated the largest church-
related lawsuit in the City's legal history.
Ohio: Diocese of Cincinnatti -
A special Grand Jury was convened this week to look in
to how the archdiocese responded to sexual abuse
The Archdiocese asked the court to bar the public from
next week's hearing on whether prosecutors will be
allowed to see all of the diocese's records on clergy
sexual abuse.
Fr. Larry Strittmatter escaped prosecution for his many
sexual abuse claims after a Hamilton County Common Pleas
judge declared the claims too old.
Oregon: Eastern Oregon Diocese -
Eighteen men are suing the diocese for $69,000,000
claiming Bishop Vasa was acting fraudulently and illegally
when he transferred diocesean assets to independant
entities and left his diocese with insufficent assets to
pay off debts incurred by lawsuits. The suit was filed in
Klamath County.
Pennsylvania: Erie Diocese -
Fr. Mike Barletta of Erie's Cathedral Prep School, was a
sexual predator who molested and abused many of the teens
in his care for years. This week the school scrambled to
reassure parents of students that they wouldn't allow
another mistake like Fr. Barletta to occur in the future.
Texas: Brownsville Diocese -
The diocese will settle with a sexual molestation victim
of Fr. Basil Onyia. The victim had threated to depose
Bishop Pena if a settlement wasn't reached. The amount
wasn't disclosed.
Amarillo Diocese -
The diocese doesn't deny Fr. Rosendo Herrera sexually
assaulted one of his parishoners, it just says it happened
to long ago to matter. It did so in denying the woman's
recently filed claim against Fr. Herrera and his bishop. crisis here. Just business as normal.
This whatever-it-is operates under the patented Daily Bleed
"anti-CopyRite 2000-3000". More or less. As the product of
my imagination, I retain full pecuniary rights. You make any
money off it, I better get my fair share. My lawyer, the Ginzu
Viking, Dr. Yoshi Rasmussan LLD, anxiously awaits the chance
to rat-fuck you and your heirs unto eternity if you even think
of trying to screw me over. Otherwise, help yourself.
(Only checked when feeling self-abusive.)

Jeff Relf

Nov 19, 2003, 5:49:10 AM11/19/03
Hi Foggy , You recite your prayer :
" Lord God , King of the Universe , Master of All Worlds .
You who created the salmon ... "

King if the observed universe , or the unobserved one ?

If , as I suppose , you mean the unobserved universe ,
then you are addressing a " Infinite " god .

And that is patently meaningless .

The only way to assign meaning to the word " God "
is to assume that it's title , just like " Lord " .

It means : " A superior " , any superior .

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