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sterlilize.c - fixed

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Colin Plumb

Dec 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/23/98
That'll teach me to try last-minute clean-ups without testing.
This will work slightly better. I also added a version
number and cleaned up a few comments.

I'll also stop spamming linux-kernel with this; I just wanted to
make this fix equally visible.

* sterilize.c - by Colin Plumb.
* Version 1.01
* Do a secure overwrite of given files or devices, so that not even
* very expensive hardware probing can recover the data.
* For the theory behind this, see "Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic
* and Solid-State Memory", on line at
* Although this processs is also known as "wiping", I prefer the longer
* name both because I think it is more evocative of what is happening and
* because a longer name conveys a more appropriate sense of deliberateness.
* If asked to wipe a file, this also deletes it, renaming it to in a
* clever way to try to leave no trace of the original filename.
* Copyright 1997, 1998 Colin Plumb <>. This program may
* be freely distributed under the terms of the GNU, BSD or Artistic
* licenses. Even if you use the BSD license, which does not require it,
* I'd really like to get improvements back.
* The ISAAC code still bears some resemblance to the code written
* by Bob Jenkins, but he permits pretty unlimited use.
* This was inspired by a desire to improve on some code titled:
* Wipe V1.0-- Overwrite and delete files. S. 2/3/96
* but I've rewritten everything here so completely that no trace of
* the original remains.
* Things to do:
* - Think about security implications. Is ther any way this can be tricked
* into deleting the wrong file? It will try to work on named pipes
* and sockets, too, which might not be a good idea.
* - Do we need autoconf for anything?

#include <sys/stat.h> /* For struct stat */
#include <sys/time.h> /* For struct timeval */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h> /* Used by pferror */
#include <stdlib.h> /* For free() */
#include <unistd.h> /* for open(), close(), write(), fstat() */
#include <fcntl.h> /* for open(), close(), O_RDWR */
#include <string.h> /* For strlen(), memcpy(), memset(), etc. */
#include <limits.h> /* For UINT_MAX, etc. */
#include <errno.h> /* For errno */

static char const version_string[] =
"sterilize 0.9";
#define DEFAULT_PASSES 25 /* Default */
/* How often to update wiping display */
#define VERBOSE_UPDATE 100*1024

* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Bob Jenkins' cryptographic random number generator, ISAAC.
* Hacked by Colin Plumb.
* We need a source of random numbers for some of the overwrite data.
* Cryptographically secure is good, but it's not fatal if it's not,
* so I can be a little bit experimental in the choice of RNGs here.
* This generator is based somewhat on RC4, but has analysis
* (
* pointing to it actually being better. I like because it's nice and
* fast, and because the author did a decent job analyzing it.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------

#if ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffff
typedef unsigned long word32;
#elif UINT_MAX == 0xffffffff
typedef unsigned word32;
#elif USHRT_MAX == 0xffffffff
typedef unsigned short word32;
#elif UCHAR_MAX == 0xffffffff
typedef unsigned char word32;
#error No 32-bit type available!

/* Size of the state tables to use. (You may change ISAAC_LOG) */
#define ISAAC_LOG 8
#define ISAAC_BYTES (ISAAC_SIZE*sizeof(word32))

/* RNG state variables */
struct isaac_state {
word32 mm[ISAAC_SIZE]; /* Main state array */
word32 iv[8]; /* Seeding initial vector */
word32 a, b, c; /* Extra index variables */

/* This index operation is more efficient on many processors */
#define ind(mm,x) *(unsigned *)((char *)(mm) + ( (x) & (ISAAC_SIZE-1)<<2 ))

* The central step. This uses two temporaries, x and y. mm is the
* whole state array, while m is a pointer to the current word. off is
* the offset from m to the word ISAAC_SIZE/2 words away in the mm array,
* i.e. +/- ISAAC_SIZE/2.
#define isaac_step(mix,a,b,mm,m,off,r) \
( \
a = (a^(mix)) + (m)[off], \
x = *(m), \
*(m) = y = ind(mm,x) + a + b, \
*(r) = b = ind(mm,y>>ISAAC_LOG) + x \

* Refill the entire r[] array
static void
isaac_refill(struct isaac_state *s, word32 r[ISAAC_SIZE])
register word32 a, b; /* Caches of a and b */
register word32 x, y; /* Temps needed by isaac_step() macro */
register word32 *m = s->mm; /* Pointer into state array */

a = s->a;
b = s->b + (++s->c);

do {
isaac_step(a << 13, a, b, s->mm, m , ISAAC_SIZE/2, r );
isaac_step(a >> 6, a, b, s->mm, m+1, ISAAC_SIZE/2, r+1);
isaac_step(a << 2, a, b, s->mm, m+2, ISAAC_SIZE/2, r+2);
isaac_step(a >> 16, a, b, s->mm, m+3, ISAAC_SIZE/2, r+3);
r += 4;
} while ((m += 4) < s->mm+ISAAC_SIZE/2);
do {
isaac_step(a << 13, a, b, s->mm, m , -ISAAC_SIZE/2, r );
isaac_step(a >> 6, a, b, s->mm, m+1, -ISAAC_SIZE/2, r+1);
isaac_step(a << 2, a, b, s->mm, m+2, -ISAAC_SIZE/2, r+2);
isaac_step(a >> 16, a, b, s->mm, m+3, -ISAAC_SIZE/2, r+3);
r += 4;
} while ((m += 4) < s->mm+ISAAC_SIZE);
s->a = a;
s->b = b;

* The basic seed-scrambling step for initialization, based on Bob
* Jenkins' 256-bit hash.
#define mix(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
( a ^= b << 11, d += a, \
b += c, b ^= c >> 2, e += b, \
c += d, c ^= d << 8, f += c, \
d += e, d ^= e >> 16, g += d, \
e += f, e ^= f << 10, h += e, \
f += g, f ^= g >> 4, a += f, \
g += h, g ^= h << 8, b += g, \
h += a, h ^= a >> 9, c += h, \
a += b )

/* The basic ISAAC initialization pass. */
static void
isaac_mix(struct isaac_state *s, word32 const seed[ISAAC_SIZE])
int i;
word32 a = s->iv[0];
word32 b = s->iv[1];
word32 c = s->iv[2];
word32 d = s->iv[3];
word32 e = s->iv[4];
word32 f = s->iv[5];
word32 g = s->iv[6];
word32 h = s->iv[7];

for (i = 0; i < ISAAC_SIZE; i += 8) {
a += seed[i];
b += seed[i+1];
c += seed[i+2];
d += seed[i+3];
e += seed[i+4];
f += seed[i+5];
g += seed[i+6];
h += seed[i+7];

mix(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);

s->mm[i] = a;
s->mm[i+1] = b;
s->mm[i+2] = c;
s->mm[i+3] = d;
s->mm[i+4] = e;
s->mm[i+5] = f;
s->mm[i+6] = g;
s->mm[i+7] = h;

s->iv[0] = a;
s->iv[1] = b;
s->iv[2] = c;
s->iv[3] = d;
s->iv[4] = e;
s->iv[5] = f;
s->iv[6] = g;
s->iv[7] = h;

* Initialize the ISAAC RNG with the given seed material.
* Its size MUST be a multiple of ISAAC_BYTES, and may be
* the s->mm array.
* This is a generalization of the original ISAAC initialzation code
* to support larger seed sizes. For seed sizes of 0 and ISAAC_BYTES,
* it is identical.
static void
isaac_init(struct isaac_state *s, word32 const *seed, size_t seedsize)
static word32 const iv[8] = {
0x1367df5a, 0x95d90059, 0xc3163e4b, 0x0f421ad8,
0xd92a4a78, 0xa51a3c49, 0xc4efea1b, 0x30609119 };
int i;

#if 0
/* Tne initialization of iv is a precomputed form of: */
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
iv[i] = 0x9e3779b9; /* the golden ratio */
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) /* scramble it */
mix(iv[0], iv[1], iv[2], iv[3], iv[4], iv[5], iv[6], iv[7]);
s->a = s->b = s->c = 0;

for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
s->iv[i] = iv[i];

if (seedsize) {
/* First pass */
isaac_mix(s, seed);
/* Second and subsequent passes (extension to ISAAC) */
while (seedsize -= ISAAC_BYTES) {
seed += ISAAC_SIZE;
for (i = 0; i < ISAAC_SIZE; i++)
s->mm[i] += seed[i];
isaac_mix(s, s->mm);

/* Final pass */
isaac_mix(s, s->mm);

* Get seed material. 16 bytes (128 bits) is plenty, but if we have
* /dev/urandom, we get 32 bytes = 256 bits for complete overkill.
static void
isaac_seed(struct isaac_state *s)
s->mm[0] = getpid();
s->mm[1] = getppid();

#ifdef CLOCK_REALTIME /* POSIX ns-resolution */
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
s->mm[2] = ts.tv_sec;
s->mm[3] = ts.tv_nsec;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, (struct timezone *)0);
s->mm[2] = tv.tv_sec;
s->mm[3] = tv.tv_usec;

int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0) {
read(fd, (char *)(s->mm+4), 32);
} else {
fd = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd >= 0) {
/* /dev/random is more precious, so use less */
read(fd, (char *)(s->mm+4), 16);

isaac_init(s, s->mm, sizeof(s->mm));

* Read up to "size" bytes from the given FD and use them as additional
* ISAAC seed material. Returns the number of bytes actually read.
static off_t
isaac_seedfd(struct isaac_state *s, int fd, off_t size)
off_t sizeleft = size;
size_t lim, soff;
ssize_t ssize;
int i;
word32 seed[ISAAC_SIZE];

while (sizeleft) {
lim = sizeof(seed);
if ((off_t)lim > sizeleft)
lim = (size_t)sizeleft;
soff = 0;
do {
ssize = read(fd, (char *)seed+soff, lim-soff);
} while (ssize > 0 && (soff += (size_t)ssize) < lim);
/* Mix in what was read */
if (soff) {
/* Garbage after the sofff position is harmless */
for (i = 0; i < ISAAC_SIZE; i++)
s->mm[i] += seed[i];
isaac_mix(s, s->mm);
sizeleft -= soff;
if (ssize <= 0)
/* Final mix, as in isaac_init */
isaac_mix(s, s->mm);
return size - sizeleft;

/* Single-value RNG built on top of isaac */
struct irand_state {
word32 r[ISAAC_SIZE];
unsigned numleft;
struct isaac_state *s;

static void
irand_init(struct irand_state *r, struct isaac_state *s)
r->numleft = 0;
r->s = s;

* We take from the end of the block deliberately, so if we need
* only a small number of values, we choose the final ones which are
* marginally better mixed than the initial ones.
static word32
irand32(struct irand_state *r)
if (!r->numleft) {
isaac_refill(r->s, r->r);
r->numleft = ISAAC_SIZE;
return r->r[--r->numleft];

* Return a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and n,
* inclusive. Thus, the result is modulo n+1.
static word32
irand_mod(struct irand_state *r, word32 n)
word32 x;
word32 lim;

if (!++n)
return irand32(r);

lim = -n % n; /* = (2**32-n) % n = 2**32 % n */
do {
x = irand32(r);
} while (x < lim);
return x % n;

/* Global variable for error printing purposes */
char const *argv0 = NULL;

* Like perror() but fancier. (And fmt is not allowed to be NULL)
#if __GNUC__ >= 2
static void pfstatus(char const *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
static void pferror(char const *, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));

* Update current status line on stdout.
* This is done by using CR and overprinting the new data.
* This takes printf args and overwrites status line with new status line.
* Each line is padded with trailing spaces to cover up what was printed
* before (assuming the return value of printf is an accurate width).
static int status_visible = 0; /* Number of visible characters */
static int status_pos = 0; /* Current position, including padding */

static void
pfstatus(char const *fmt, ...)
int new;
va_list ap;

/* If we weren't at beginning, go there. */
if (status_pos)
va_start(ap, fmt);
new = vprintf(fmt, ap);
if (new >= 0) {
status_pos = new;
while (status_pos < status_visible) {
putchar(' ');
status_visible = new;

/* Go to beginning of (possibly new) line, leaving any status visible. */
static void
if (status_visible) {
putchar('\n'); /* Leave line visible */
status_visible = status_pos = 0;
} else if (status_pos) {
putchar('\r'); /* Go back to beginning of line */
status_pos = 0;

static void
pferror(char const *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
char const *err;

err = strerror(errno);

flushstatus(); /* Make it look pretty */

if (argv0) {
fputs(argv0, stderr);
fputs(": ", stderr);
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
fputs(": ", stderr);
fputs(err, stderr);
putc('\n', stderr);

* Get the size of a file that doesn't want to cooperate, (such as a
* device) by doing a binary search for the last readable byte. The size
* of the file is the least offset at which it is not possible to read
* a byte. (We assume that if it is possible to read a byte at offset x,
* it is also possible at all offsets <= x.)
static off_t
sizefd(int fd)
off_t hi, lo, mid;
char c;

/* Binary doubling upwards to find the right range */
lo = 0;
hi = 0; /* Any number, preferably 2^x-1, is okay here. */

* Loop invariant: we have verified that it is possible to read
* a byte at all offsets < lo. Increase hi until it is not
* possible to read a byte at that offset, establishing the loop
* invariant for the following loop.
for (;;) {
if (lseek(fd, hi, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1 ||
read(fd, &c, 1) < 1)
lo = hi+1; /* This preserves loop invariant. */
hi += lo; /* Exponential doubling. */
* Loop invariant: it is not possible to read a byte at hi,
* but it is possible at all offsets < lo. Thus, the
* offset we seek is between lo and hi inclusive.
while (hi > lo) {
mid = (hi+lo)/2; /* Rounded down, so mid < hi */
if (lseek(fd, mid, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1 ||
read(fd, &c, 1) < 1) {
hi = mid; /* mid < hi, so this makes progress */
lo = mid+1; /* Because mid < hi, lo <= hi */
/* Windows is now of zero width, so we have an exact answer */
return hi;

* Fill a buffer with a specified pattern.
* The buffer must be at least 3 bytes long.
static void
fillpattern(int type, unsigned char *r, size_t size)
size_t i;
unsigned bits = type & 0xfff;

bits |= bits << 12;
((unsigned char *)r)[0] = (bits >> 4) & 255;
((unsigned char *)r)[1] = (bits >> 8) & 255;
((unsigned char *)r)[2] = bits & 255;
for (i = 3; i < size/2; i *= 2)
memcpy((char *)r+i, (char *)r, i);
if (i < size)
memcpy((char *)r+i, (char *)r, size-i);

/* Invert the first bit of every 512-byte sector. */
if (type & 0x1000)
for (i = 0; i < size; i += 512)
r[i] ^= 0x80;

* Fill a buffer with random data.
* size is rounded UP to a multiple of * ISAAC_BYTES.
static void
fillrand(struct isaac_state *s, word32 *r, size_t size)
size = (size+ISAAC_BYTES-1)/ISAAC_BYTES;

while (size--) {
isaac_refill(s, r);

static void
passname(int type, char buf[7])
unsigned long bits;

if (type < 0) {
memcpy(buf, "random", 7);
} else {
bits = type & 0xfff;
bits |= bits << 12;
if (type & 0x1000)
bits ^= 0x800000;
sprintf(buf, "%0.6lX", bits);

static int
dopass(int fd, char const *name, off_t size, int type,
struct isaac_state *s, unsigned long k, unsigned long n)
off_t cursize, thresh;
size_t lim, soff;
ssize_t ssize;
word32 r[ISAAC_SIZE*12]; /* Multiple of 4K and of pattern size */
char pass_string[7];

if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
pferror("Error seeking \"%s\"", name);
return -1;

thresh = 0;
if (n) {
passname(type, pass_string);
pfstatus("%s: pass %lu/%lu (%s)...", name, k, n, pass_string);
if (size > VERBOSE_UPDATE)
thresh = size - VERBOSE_UPDATE;

if (type >= 0) {
lim = sizeof(r);
if ((off_t)lim > size) {
lim = (size_t)size;
fillpattern(type, (unsigned char *)r, lim);

for (cursize = size; cursize; ) {
/* How much to write this time? */
lim = sizeof(r);
if ((off_t)lim > cursize)
lim = (size_t)cursize;
if (type < 0)
fillrand(s, r, lim);
/* Loop to retry partial writes. */
for (soff = 0; soff < lim; soff += ssize) {
ssize = write(fd, (char *)r+soff, lim-soff);
if (ssize < 0) {
int e = errno;
pferror("Error writing \"%s\" at %lu",
name, size-cursize+soff);
if (e == EBADF && fd == 0)
"(Did you remember to open stdin read/write with \"<>file\"?)\n", stderr);
return -1;

cursize -= lim;

if (cursize <= thresh && n) {
pfstatus("%s: pass %lu/%lu (%s)...%lu/%lu K",
name, k, n, pass_string,
(size-cursize+1023)/1024, (size+1023)/1024);
if (thresh > VERBOSE_UPDATE)
if (fdatasync(fd) < 0) {
pferror("Error syncing \"%s\"", name);
return -1;
return 0;

* The passes start and end with a random pass, and the passes in between
* are done in random order.
* First, all possible 1-bit patterns. There are two of them.
* Then, all possible 2-bit patterns. There are four, but the two
* which are also 1-bit patterns can be omitted.
* Then, all possible 3-bit patterns. Again, 8-2 = 6.
* Then, all possible 4-bit patterns. 16-4 = 12.
* Another possible enhancement is to play with the first bit of each
* disk block to adjust the encoding phase. There is support
* in fillpattern for this, using bit 12 of the patterns.
* 100100100100
* 9 2 4
* 110110110110
* D B 6
* The basic passes are:
* 1-bit: 0x000, 0xFFF
* 2-bit: 0x555, 0xAAA
* 3-bit: 0x249, 0x492, 0x6DB, 0x924, 0xB6D, 0xDB6 (+ 1-bit)
* 4-bit: 0x111, 0x222, 0x333, 0x444, 0x666, 0x777,
* 0x888, 0x999, 0xBBB, 0xCCC, 0xDDD, 0xEEE (+ 1-bit, 2-bit)
* Adding three random passes at the beginning, middle and end
* produces the default 25-pass structure.
* The next extension would be to 5-bit and 6-bit patterns.
* There are 30 uncovered 5-bit patterns and 64-8-2 = 46 uncovered
* 6-bit patterns, so they would increase the time required
* significantly. 4-bit patterns are enough for most purposes.
* The main gotcha is that this would require a trickier encoding,
* since lcm(2,3,4) = 12 bits is easy to fit into an int, but
* lcm(2,3,4,5) = 60 bits is not.
* One extension that is included is to complement the first bit in each
* 512-byte block, to alter the phase pf the encoded data in the more
* complex encodings. This doesn't apply to MFM, so the 1-bit patterns
* are considered part of the 3-bit ones and the 2-bit patterns are
* considered part of the 4-bit patterns.
* How does the generalization to variable numbers of passes work?
* Here's how...
* Have an ordered list of groups of passes. Each group is a set.
* Take as many groups as will fit, plus a random subset of the
* last partial group, and place them into the passes list.
* Then shuffle the passes list into random order and use that.
* One extra detail: if we can't include a large enough fraction of the
* last group to be interesting, then just substitute random passes.
* If you want more passes than the entire list of groups can
* provide, just start repeating from the beginning of the list.
static int const
patterns[] = {
2, 0x000, 0xFFF, /* 1-bit */
2, 0x555, 0xAAA, /* 2-bit */
6, 0x249, 0x492, 0x6DB, 0x924, 0xB6D, 0xDB6, /* 3-bit */
12, 0x111, 0x222, 0x333, 0x444, 0x666, 0x777,
0x888, 0x999, 0xBBB, 0xCCC, 0xDDD, 0xEEE, /* 4-bit */
/* The following patterns have the frst bit per block flipped */
8, 0x1000, 0x1249, 0x1492, 0x16DB, 0x1924, 0x1B6D, 0x1DB6, 0x1FFF,
14, 0x1111, 0x1222, 0x1333, 0x1444, 0x1555, 0x1666, 0x1777,
0x1888, 0x1999, 0x1AAA, 0x1BBB, 0x1CCC, 0x1DDD, 0x1EEE,
0 /* End */

* Generate a random wiping pass pattern with num passes.
* This is a two-stage process. First, the passes to include
* are chosen, and then they are shuffled into the desired
* order.

static void
genpattern(int *dest, size_t num, struct isaac_state *s)
struct irand_state r;
size_t randpasses;
int const *p;
int *d;
size_t n;
size_t accum, top, swap;
int k;

if (!num)

irand_init(&r, s);

/* Stage 1: choose the passes to use */
p = patterns;
randpasses = 0;
d = dest;
n = num;

for (;;) {
k = *p++;
if (!k) { /* Loop back to the beginning */
p = patterns;
} else if (k < 0) { /* -k random passes */
k = -k;
if ((size_t)k >= n) {
randpasses += n;
n = 0;
randpasses += k;
n -= k;
} else if ((size_t)k <= n) { /* Full block of patterns */
memcpy(d, p, k*sizeof(int));
p += k;
d += k;
n -= k;
} else if (n < 2 || 2*n < (size_t)k) { /* Finish with random */
randpasses += n;
} else { /* Pad out with k of the n available */
do {
if (n == (size_t)k-- || irand_mod(&r, k) < n) {
*d++ = *p;
} while (n);
top = num - randpasses; /* Top of initialized data */

/* assert(d = dest+top); */

* We now have fixed patterns in the dest buffer up to
* "top", and we need to scramble them, with "randpasses"
* random passes evenly spaced among them.
* We want one at the beginning, one at the end, and
* evenly spaced in between. To do this, we basically
* use Bresenham's line draw (a.k.a DDA) algorithm
* to draw a line with slope (randpasses-1)/(num-1).
* (We use a positive accumulator and count down to
* do this.)
* So for each desired output value, we do the following:
* - If it should be a random pass, copy the pass type
* to top++, out of the way of the other passes, and
* set the current pass to -1 (random).
* - If it should be a normal pattern pass, choose an
* entry at random between here and top-1 (inclusive)
* and swap the current entry with that one.

randpasses--; /* To speed up later math */
accum = randpasses;
for (n = 0; n < num; n++) {
if (accum <= randpasses) {
accum += num-1;
dest[top++] = dest[n];
dest[n] = -1;
} else {
swap = n + irand_mod(&r, top-n-1);
k = dest[n];
dest[n] = dest[swap];
dest[swap] = k;
accum -= randpasses;
/* assert(top == num); */

memset(&r, 0, sizeof(r));

/* Flags definition. Bit numbers here correspond to positions below! */
#define FLAG_DEVICES 1
#define FLAG_FORCE 2
#define FLAG_VERBOSE 8
#define FLAG_EXACT 16
#define FLAG_ZERO 32
static char const simpleflags[] = "dfpvxz"; /* Same order as above */


* The core routine to actually do the work. This overwrites the first
* size bytes of the given fd. Returns -1 on error, 0 on success with
* regular files, and 1 on success with non-regular files.
static int
wipefd(int fd, char const *name, struct isaac_state *s,
size_t passes, unsigned flags)
size_t i;
struct stat st;
off_t size;
unsigned long n;
int *passarray;

if (!passes)

n = 0;
if (flags & FLAG_VERBOSE)
n = passes + ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) != 0);

if (fstat(fd, &st)) {
pferror("Can't fstat file \"%s\"", name);
return -1;

/* Check for devices */
if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && !(flags & FLAG_DEVICES)) {
"\"%s\" is not a regular file: use -d to enable operations on devices\n",
return -1;

/* Allocate pass array */
passarray = malloc(passes * sizeof(int));
if (!passarray) {
pferror("Can't alllocate array for %lu passes",
(unsigned long)passes);
return -1;

size = st.st_size;
if (!size) {
/* Reluctant to talk? Apply thumbscrews. */
size = sizefd(fd);
} else if (st.st_blksize && !(flags & FLAG_EXACT)) {
/* Round up to the next st_blksize to include "slack" */
size += st.st_blksize - 1 - (size-1) % st.st_blksize;

/* Use the file itself as seed material. */
(void)isaac_seedfd(s, fd, size);

/* Schedule the passes in random order. */
genpattern(passarray, passes, s);

/* Do the work */
for (i = 0; i < passes; i++) {
if (dopass(fd, name, size, passarray[i], s, i+1, n) < 0) {
memset(passarray, 0, passes*sizeof(int));
return -1;

memset(passarray, 0, passes*sizeof(int));

if (flags & FLAG_ZERO)
if (dopass(fd, name, size, 0, s, passes+1, n) < 0)
return -1;

return !S_ISREG(st.st_mode);

/* Characters allowed in a file name - a safe universal set. */
static char const nameset[] =

* This increments the name, considering it as a big-endian base-N number
* with the digits taken from nameset. Characters not in the nameset
* are considered to come before nameset[0].
* It's not obvious, but this will explode if name[0..len-1] contains
* any 0 bytes.
* This returns the carry (1 on overflow).
static int
incname(char *name, unsigned len)
char const *p;

if (!len)
return -1;

p = strchr(nameset, name[--len]);
/* If the character is not found, replace it with a 0 digit */
if (!p) {
name[len] = nameset[0];
return 0;
/* If this character has a successor, use it */
if (p[1]) {
name[len] = p[1];
return 0;
/* Otherwise, set this digit to 0 and increment the prefix */
name[len] = nameset[0];
return incname(name, len);

* Repeatedly rename a file with shorter and shorter names,
* to obliterate all traces of the file name on any system that
* adds a trailing delimiter to on-disk file names and reuses
* the same directory slot. Finally, delete it.
* The passed-in filename is changed to the current filename.
* (Which is deleted if this function succeeds, but is still present if
* it fails for some reason.)
* The main loop is written carefully to not get stuck if all possible
* names of a given length are occupied. It counts down the length from
* the original to 0. While the length is non-zero, it tries to find an
* unused file name of the given length. It continues until either the
* name is available and the rename succeeds, or it runs out of names
* to try (incname() wraps and returns 1). Finally, it deletes the file.
* Note that rename() and remove() are both in the ANSI C standard,
* so this is NOT Unix-specific.
* To force the directory data out, we try to open() the directory and
* invoke fdatasync() on it. This is rather non-standard, so we don't
* inisit that it works, just fall back to a global sync() in thet case.
wipename(char *oldname, unsigned flags)
char *newname, *origname = 0;
char *base; /* Pointer to filename component, after directories. */
unsigned len;
int err;
int dirfd; /* Try to open directory to sync *it* */

pfstatus("%s: deleting", oldname);

newname = strdup(oldname); /* This is a malloc */
if (!newname) {
pferror("malloc failed");
return -1;
if (flags & FLAG_VERBOSE) {
origname = strdup(oldname);
if (!origname) {
pferror("malloc failed");
return -1;

/* Find the file name portion */
base = strrchr(newname, '/');
/* Temporary hackery to get a directory fd */
if (base) {
*base = '\0';
dirfd = open(newname, O_RDONLY);
*base = '/';
} else {
dirfd = open(".", O_RDONLY);
base = base ? base+1 : newname;
len = strlen(base);

while (len) {
memset(base, nameset[0], len);
base[len] = 0;
do {
if (access(newname, F_OK) < 0
&& !rename(oldname, newname)) {
if (dirfd < 0 || fdatasync(dirfd) < 0)
sync(); /* Force directory out */
if (origname) {
pfstatus("%s: renamed to \"%s\"",
origname, newname);
memcpy(oldname+(base-newname), newname, len+1);
} while (!incname(base, len));
err = remove(oldname);
if (dirfd < 0 || fdatasync(dirfd) < 0)
if (origname) {
if (!err)
pfstatus("%s: deleted", origname);
return err;

* Finally, the function that actually takes a filename and grinds
* it into hamburger. Returns 1 if it was not a regular file.
* Detail to note: since we do not restore errno to EACCES after
* a failed chmod, we end up printing the error code from the chmod.
* This is probably either EACCES again or EPERM, which both give
* reasonable error messages. But it might be better to change that.
static int
wipefile(char *name, struct isaac_state *s, size_t passes, unsigned flags)
int err, fd;

fd = open(name, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0 && errno == EACCES && flags & FLAG_FORCE) {
if (chmod(name, 0600) >= 0)
fd = open(name, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) {
pferror("Unable to open \"%s\"", name);
return -1;

err = wipefd(fd, name, s, passes, flags);

/* Wipe the name and unlink - regular files only, no devices! */
if (err == 0 && !(flags & FLAG_PRESERVE)) {
err = wipename(name, flags);
if (err < 0)
pferror("Unable to delete file \"%s\"", name);
return err;

/* Command-line parsing. Should add some help and so on. */
main(int argc, char **argv)
struct isaac_state s;
int err = 0;
int no_more_opts = 0;
unsigned flags = 0;
char const *p;
char *p2; /* Actually a const ptr, but kludged... */
unsigned long passes = 0;
unsigned wipes = 0; /* How many files have we actually wiped? */

argv0 = argv[0];


while (--argc && !err) {
p = *++argv;
if (no_more_opts || *p != '-') {
/* Plain old filename */
/* Note that this overwrites *argv! */
if (wipefile(*argv, &s, (size_t)passes, flags) < 0)
err = 1;

/* Parse option */
if (p[1] == '\0') { /* "-": stdin */
if (wipefd(0, *argv, &s, (size_t)passes, flags) < 0)
err = 1;
if (p[1] == '-') { /* "--long_option" */
if (p[2] == '\0') {
no_more_opts = 1;
} else if (strcmp(p+2, "help") == 0) {
"Usage: sterilize [OPTIONS] FILE [...]\n"
"Delete a file securely, first overwriting it to hide its contents.\n"
" - Sterilize standard input (but don't delete it)\n"
" This will error unless you use <>file, a safety feature\n"
" -NUM Overwrite NUM times instead of the default (25)\n"
" -d Allow operation on devices (devices are never deleted)\n"
" -f Force, change permissions to allow writing if necessary\n"
" -p Preserve, do not delete file after overwriting\n"
" -v Verbose, print progress\n"
" -x Exact, do not round file sizes up to the next full block\n"
" -z Add a final overwrite with zeros to hide sterilization\n"
" -- End of options; following filenames may begin with -\n"
" --help Display this help and exit\n"
" --version Print version information and exit");
return 0; /* Immediate quit */
} else if (strcmp(p+2, "version") == 0) {
return 0; /* Immediate quit */
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s\n",
argv0, p);
err = 1;
/* Short options */
while (*++p) {
if ((*p == 'v') && (flags & FLAG_VERBOSE))
p2 = strchr(simpleflags, *p);
if (p2) {
flags |= 1 << (p2-simpleflags);
if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
passes = strtoul(p, &p2, 0);

if ((word32)passes != passes ||
!= passes)
"%s: Too many passes: -%s\n",
argv0, p);
err = 1;
p = p2-1;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option -%s\n",
argv0, p);
err = 1;

/* Just on general principles, wipe s. */
memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));

if (!wipes && !err) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: no filename specified\n"
"Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n",
argv0, argv0);
err = 1;

return err;

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