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alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ

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Jeffrey Carlyle

Dec 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/30/97

Archive-name: bbs/iniquity-faq
Alt-bbs-iniquity-archive-name: iniq-faq.txt
Posting-frequency: 20 days
Last-modified: 01 Jun 1996


Subject: alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ

(alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ)

alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ Version 1.03

Copyright 1996 by Jeffrey Carlyle, Stratoware. All rights reserved. This
article is not in the public domain, but it may be redistributed so long
as this notice, the acknowledgments, and the information on obtaining the
latest copy of this list are retained and no fee is charged. The code
fragments may be used freely; credit would be polite. This FAQ is not to
be included in any static archive (eg. CD-ROM or book); however, a pointer
to the FAQ may be included.


Section 1. General FAQ and Newsgroup Information
Section 2. General Iniquity Information


Subject: Section 1. General FAQ and Newsgroup Information
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

<q:1.01> - What is this article for?
<q:1.02> - Who has contributed to this article?
<q:1.03> - How can I search this article for a particular topic?
<q:1.04) (question removed)
<q:1.05> - What is alt.bbs.iniquity about?
<q:1.06> - Is alt.bbs.iniquity available as a mailing list?
<q:1.07> - What's this "netiquette"?
<q:1.08> - How can I learn more about Usenet?
<q:1.09> - What other technical newsgroups should I know about?
<q:1.10> - Where can I get the latest copy of this FAQ list?
<q:1.11> - What should I post in alt.bbs.iniquity?
<q:1.12> - What should not be posted in alt.bbs.iniquity?


Subject: <q:1.01> - What is this article for?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

This is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list for the newsgroup
alt.bbs.iniquity. This list is maintained in versions; new questions
and revised questions in this version are not marked do to the
restructuring of the FAQ; however, in future versions new or
revised questions will be marked with "*new*" or "*revised*" in the
subject. This list is posted every 20 days.

FAQ lists are intended to reduce the noise level in their newsgroups
that results from the repetition of the same questions, correct
answers, wrong answers, corrections to the wrong answers,
corrections to the corrections, debate, etc.

This list should serve as a repository of the canonical "best"
answers to the questions in it. The names of folks who have helped
to improve this FAQ list are listed in <q:1.02> - "Who has contributed
to this article?".


Subject: <q:1.02> - Who has contributed to this article?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

This list is maintained and edited by Jeffrey Carlyle, Stratoware,
Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA. (


Subject: <q:1.03> - How can I search this article for a particular topic?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

To search for a particular topic, save this article to a text file
and use your favorite editor's find function to search for a word.

You can use the MS-DOS Editor to search for a topic. Run the editor
and load the FAQ. Press ALT+S to activate the search menu then press
F. In the box that says find what enter the word you want to look for.
When you are completed, press enter. If a match is found EDIT will
highlight it. If that is not what you were looking for press F3 and
EDIT will show you the next match.


Subject: (question removed)
Date: 20 Mar 1996 00:00:00 CDT


Subject: <q:1.05> - What is alt.bbs.iniquity about?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

alt.bbs.iniquity concerns issues involving Mike Fricker's Iniquity
Bullentin Board Software for MS-DOS compatible systems.


Subject: <q:1.06> - Is alt.bbs.iniquity available as a mailing list?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

Sorry, no.


Subject: <q:1.07> - What's this "netiquette"?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

Netiquette is good Usenet etiquette. It includes basic rules like
the ones below. (See also <q:1.08> - "How can I learn more about

- Always read a newsgroup for a reasonable time before you post an
article to it.

- Pick the one right group for your article; don't crosspost unless
absolutely necessary. If you absolutely must post an article to
more than one group, do crosspost it and don't post the same
article separately to each group. See <q:1.09> - "What other
BBS newsgroups should I know about?" when considering where to post
an article.

- Before you post a question, make sure you're posting to the right
newsgroup; the best way to do that is to observe the preceding
rule. Check the group's FAQ list (if it has one) to make sure
that your question isn't already answered there.

- When you post a question, if you ask for email responses then
promise to post a summary. Keep your promise. And make it a real
summary: don't just append all the email you got. Instead, write
your own (brief) description of the solution: this is the best
way to make sure you really understand it.

- Before you post a follow-up, read the other follow-ups. Very
often you'll find that someone else has already made the point you
had in mind.

- When someone posts a question, if you want to know the answer
don't post a "me, too". Instead send email to the poster asking
him or her to share responses with you.

- When posting a follow-up to another posted article, remove all
headers and signature lines from the old article; just keep the
line "In <article>, so-and-so writes:". Also cut the original
article down as much as possible; just keep enough of it to remind
readers of the context.

- Keep lines in posted articles to 72-75 characters. Many
newsreaders chop off column 81 or arbitrarily insert a newline
there, which makes longer lines difficult or impossible to read.
But you need to keep well below 80 characters per line to allow
for the > characters that get inserted when other people post
follow-ups to your article.

- Keep your signature to 4 lines or less (including any graphics),
and for heaven's sake make sure it doesn't get posted twice in
your article.

- Don't post email without first obtaining the permission of the


Subject: <q:1.08> - How can I learn more about Usenet?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

There are two important newsgroups for learning about how Usenet and
newsreader software works:

- news.announce.newusers contains periodic postings that everybody
is asked to read before posting anything to Usenet. (In theory,
all new users are subscribed to news.announce.newusers
automatically. But in practice not all newsreader software does
that, so that many people violate the guidelines given there
simply because they don't know about them.)

- news.newusers.questions is described as "Q & A for users new to
the Usenet". But new and long-time users can ask or answer
questions about Usenet and newsreader software there. There's an
important article, "Welcome to news.newusers.questions! (weekly
posting)", that everyone is asked to read before posting to
news.newusers.questions. (See below for ways to get a copy of
that article.)

The following postings in news.announce.newusers might be considered
the "mandatory course" for new users:

Introduction to news.announce.newusers
What is Usenet?
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Rules for posting to Usenet
A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community
Hints on writing style for Usenet
Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette

The articles mentioned above are downloadable via ftp from in the following files:

Welcome to news.newusers.questions! (weekly posting)
Introduction to news.announce.newusers
What is Usenet?
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Rules for posting to Usenet
A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community
Hints on writing style for Usenet
Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette

For instructions, see <q:1.13> "Where are FAQ lists


Subject: <q:1.09> - What other technical newsgroups should I know about?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

Caution: Some of these newsgroups have specialized charters; you'll
probably get flamed (and deserve it) if you post to an inappropriate
group. Most groups have FAQ lists that will tell you what's
appropriate. Don't post a request for the FAQ list; instead,
retrieve it yourself.

- comp.bbs.misc is for general BBS topics. This newsgroup supersedes
alt.bbs; however, many articles are still posted or cross-posted to

- is devoted to BBS advertisements.

- alt.bbs.lists is for BBS lists. alt.bbs.lists.d is for descriptions
of these lists.

- alt.bbs.doors is for questions or comments about BBS doors. If you
want to know how to make a door work in Iniquity post in
alt.bbs.iniquity. If you want to know anything else about a door
post in alt.bbs.doors.

- alt.bbs.* and comp.bbs.*: There are several newsgroups devoted to
individual BBS programs.

- Garbo-Ann is a moderated one-way mailing list which is used
by Garbo MsDos and Windows archive managers to announce new
additions to Garbo collections. This is for those who cannot
subscribe to the comp.archives.msdos.announce newsgroup.

To subscribe to Garbo-Ann send a message to using the format below.

Subject: subscribe

subscribe garbo-ann

- MSDOS-Ann is a moderated one-way mailing list which is used by
SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm), to announce
new additions to the msdos collection. This is for those who cannot
subscribe to the comp.archives.msdos.announce newsgroup.

To subscribe to Msdos-Ann send a message to
list...@SimTel.Coast.NET using the format below.

To: list...@SimTel.Coast.NET
Subject: subscribe

subscribe msdos-ann


Subject: <q:1.10> - Where can I get the latest copy of this FAQ list?
Date: 24 Aug 1996 00:00:00 CDT

You can retrieve the latest version of this list as



Subject: <q:1.11> - What should I post in alt.bbs.iniquity?
Date: 14 Feb 1996 00:00:00 CDT

Any post concerning the Iniquity BBS software is welcome in
alt.bbs.iniquity. Release notices for new Iniquity utilities
are welcome.


Subject: <q:1.12> - What should not be posted in alt.bbs.iniquity?
Date: 20 Mar 1996 00:00:00 CDT

Flames are not welcome. The readers of alt.bbs.iniquity are
sorry you might have had trouble with Iniquity, but we would
not be using it if we believed it to be bad software. Constructive
critism of Iniquity is welcome.

BBS ads are not welcome. A list of BBSes running Iniquity would
be nice, but a flood of messages announcing individual boards is
undesirable and a waste of bandwidth. Please post adds in

Posts having nothing to do with Iniquity are also unwelcome.


Subject: Section 2. General Iniquity Information
Date: 20 Mar 1996 00:00:00 CDT

<q:2.01> - What is Iniquity?
<q:2.02> - What is the latest version of Iniquity?
<q:2.03> - Where can I find Iniquity? *revised*
<q:2.04> - Is there an Iniquity FTP site?
<q:2.05> - Is there an Iniquity WWW site?


Subject: <q:2.01> - What is Iniquity?
Date: 20 Mar 1996 00:00:00 CDT

Iniquity is bulletin board software for MS-DOS compatible systems
written by Mike Fricker.

Iniquity requires a FOSSIL driver to run and is currently distributed
as freeware.


Subject: <q:2.02> - What is the latest version of Iniquity?
Date: 20 Mar 1996 00:00:00 CDT

At the time of this writing the latest version of Iniquity is
Version 1.00 Alpha 25 release 2.

For information on obtaining this version, please see <q:2.03>.


Subject: <q:2.03> - Where can I find Iniquity? *revised*
Date: 24 Aug 1996 00:00:00 CDT

The official website has moved back and forth often. As of
Saturday August 24, 1996 it was found at:


The ftp site is:



Subject: <q:2.04> - Is there an Iniquity FTP site?
Date: 01 Jun 1996 00:00:00 CDT

Yes. Please see <q:2.03>.


Subject: <q:2.05> - Is there an Iniquity WWW site?
Date: 01 Jun 1996 00:00:00 CDT

Yes. Please see <q:2.03>.

(end alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ)

(copyright notice)
Iniquity is copyright 1994-1995 by Mike Fricker.
The alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ is copyright 1996 by Jeffrey Carlyle.
(end copyright notice)

// Jeffrey Carlyle, Stratoware, Bowling Green, KY USA _,,-^`--.
// comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ maintainer .__,-' \
// alt.bbs.iniquity FAQ maintainer _/ * ,/
// <> (__,-----------''

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