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[alt.astrology] Papers FAQ - academic papers related to astrology

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17.04.2000, 03:00:0017.04.00
Archive-name: astrology/papers
Posting-Frequency: monthly to alt.astrology,sci.skeptic,alt.answers,sci.answers,news.answers
Last-modified: 1997/12/07
Version: 1.4
Copyright: (c) 1997 Sherilyn <>
Maintainer: Sherilyn <>


0. Introduction
1. Request for submissions.
2. Other sources of information
3. How to gain access to abstracts
4. What to do next
5. List of papers found
5.1 Scientific Research papers
5.2 Medicine, Psychology and Astrology
5.3 Historical papers
5.4 Other papers
6. Books

0. Introduction.

This FAQ posting is a resource of academic papers and books
relating to astrology.

1. Request for submissions.

This FAQ is intended as a resource for all people interested in
finding more about academic studies of astrology. The only
criterion for inclusion is as follows:

An item should have been published in a paper medium and
have a bearing on astrology.

If there is a demand, separate FAQs may be created which have a
bearing on specific systems of astrology. Meanwhile, the FAQ
maintainer welcomes all submissions which match the criterion

A comprehensive bibliography of astrology is beyond the scope of
this FAQ, but some books have been included. The interested reader
is advised to visit a well stocked bookstore.

2. Other sources of information.

Jim Lippard has compiled a large chronology of the Gauquelin affair,
with numerous bibliographical references, at:

The document is in Rich Text format, suitable for Microsoft Word
and many other word processors.

3. How to gain access to abstracts.

There are a number of good Medline pages on the WWW. The one I
like to use is at NIH.

4. What to do next.

If you find papers that interest you, the next thing to do is to
visit the library of your local college of further education, most
of which stock many journals.

5. List of papers found

Reverse order of publication date.

5.1 Scientific Research papers

Clarke D, 1996
Astrological signs as determinants of extroversion and
emotionality: an empirical study.
The Journal of Psychology 130(2) 131 (1996)

Dahlstrom WG, 1996
MMPI findings on astrological and other folklore concepts
of personality. (Special Issue)
Psychological Reports 78(3), 1059 (1996)
Nguyen MT, 1996
Variations in Vietnamese marriages, births and infant deaths
by months of the Julian calendar and years of the Vietnamese
and Chinese astrological calendars.
J Biosoc Sci 28(3), 367-377 (1996)

Lester D, 1994
Astrological cuspal days and births and deaths of suicides.
Percept Mot Skills 78(3), 898 (1994)
(no abstract available)

Murthy K, 1993
Molecular astrology: the case of the Myb DNA binding domain.
Protein Eng 6(2), 129-131 (1993)
(no abstract available)

Stack S, 1988
Born under a bad sign? Astrological sign and suicide ideation.
Percept Mot Skills 66(2), 461-462 (1988)

Tiggle RB, 1979
Development of an Astrological Hostility Scale and its
correlation with the Buss-Durkee Inventory.
Percept Mot Skills 49(3), 858 (1979)
(no abstract available)

Wright PW, 1979
A study in the legitimisation of knowledge: the 'success' of
medicine and the 'failure' of astrolog(y.
Sociol Rev [Monogr] 27, 85-101 (1979)
(no abstract available)

Hume N, 1977
Is there an association between astrological data and
J Clin Psychol 33(3), 711-713 (1977)

Snyder CR, 1976
Acceptance of general personality interpretations prior to
and after receipt of diagnostic feedback supposedly based on
psychological, graphological, and astrological assessment
J Clin Psychol 32(2), 258-265 (1976)

Standen A, 1975
Is there an astrological effect on personality?
J Psychol 89(2D Half), 259-260 (1975)

Rosen GM, 1975
Effects of source prestige on subjects' acceptance of the
Barnum effect: psychologist versus astrologer.
J Consult Clin Psychol 43(1), 94 (1975)
(no abstract available)

Delaney JG, 1974
Effects of reading an astrological description on responding
to a personality inventory.
Psychol Rep 34(3), 1214 (1974)
(no abstract available)

Silverman BI, 1974
Astrological indicators of personality.
J Psychol 87(1St Half), 89-95 (1974)
(no abstract available)

Pellegrini RJ, 1973
The astrological "theory" of personality: an unbiased test
by a biased observer.
J Psychol 85(1St Half), 21-28 (1973)
(no abstract available)

Vojta M, 1970
Reproduction and astrology
Cesk Gynekol 35(1), 38-40 (1970)
(no abstract available)

5.2 Medicine, Psychology and Astrology

Usadi MM, 1994
Anatomy and astrology in the medical tradition: the search
for order.
Pharos 57(3), 13-18 (1994)
(no abstract available)

Rogers FB, 1991
Rising stars: Carl G. Jung and astrology.
Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila 13(2), 167-171 (1991)
(no abstract available)

Hughes S, 1990
Nephrology and astrology--is there a link?
Br J Clin Pract 44(7), 279 (1990)

Charette LR, 1989
Re: "Back talk" astrological communique
J Can Dent Assoc 55(2), 107 (1989)
(no abstract available)

Brouillette JN, 1988
Astrology and the PRO
J Fla Med Assoc 75(7), 419 (1988)
(no abstract available)

Pugh JF, 1983
Astrological counseling in contemporary India.
Cult Med Psychiatry 7(3), 279-299 (1983)

Lester D, 1982
Astrologers and psychics as therapists.
Am J Psychother 36(1), 56-66 (1982)

Perinbanayagam RS, 1981
Self, other, and astrology: esoteric therapy in Sri Lanka.
Psychiatry 44(1), 69-79 (1981)

Zimmermann F, 1981
Medical aspects of the Yavanajataka (Sanskrit astrology)
Sudhoffs Arch Z Wissenschaftsgesch 65(3), 299-305 (1981)
(no abstract available)

Bazala V, 1978
Astrologic diagnosis and prognosis
Neue Munch Beitr Gesch Med Naturwiss Medizinhist Reihe 7-8,
177-184 (1978)
(no abstract available)

Hare EH, 1977
Medical astrology and its relation to modern psychiatry.
Proc R Soc Med 70(2), 105-110 (1977)
(no abstract available)

Dost FH, 1975
Parapsychology and astrology
Med Welt 26(39), 1795-1796 (1975)
(no abstract available)

5.3 Historical papers

French R, 1996
Foretelling the future. Arabic astrology and English
medicine in the late twelfth century.
Isis 87(3), 453-480 (1996)
(no abstract available)

Rodriguez-Sala ML, 1994
Diego de Cisneros and novo-Hispanic astrological and
geographical medicine
Gac Med Mex 130(5), 402-411 (1994)

Groos A, 1992
Treating the Grail King: astrology and medicine in book XVI
of Wolfram's "Parzival".
Sudhoffs Arch Z Wissenschaftsgesch 76(1), 74-86 (1992)
(no abstract available)

Traister BH, 1989
Medicine and astrology in Elizabethan England: the case of
Simon Forman.
Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila 11(4), 279-297 (1989)
(no abstract available)

Bendiner E, 1989
Renaissance medicine: alchemy and astrology, art and
Hosp Pract (Off Ed) 24(6), 247-249 (1989)
(no abstract available)

Carlson S, 1988
Experientia 44(4), 290-297 (1988)

Dobrowolski JA, 1986
Philosophical conditions of the relation between medicine
and natural magic and astrology in the 15th and 16th
Arch Hist Filoz Med 49(3), 307-318 (1986)
(no abstract available)

Muller-Jahncke WD, 1985
Astrology-magic theory and practice in medicine of the
early modern age
Sudhoffs Arch Z Wissenschaftsgesch Beih 25, 1-328 (1985)
(no abstract available)

Mooney LR, 1984
A middle English verse compendium of astrological medicine.
Med Hist 28(4), 406-419 (1984)
(no abstract available)

Lisiewicz J, 1982
Jan Walenty Latos (1539 to the beginning of the 17th century),
physician and astrologer at the Cracow Academy
Wiad Lek 35(23-24), 1589-1591 (1982)
(no abstract available)

Weisser C, 1981
The Sickness Lunaria from medical historical viewpoint. a
contribution to the iatromathematical-astrological literature
of the Middle Ages
Sudhoffs Arch Z Wissenschaftsgesch 65(4), 390-400 (1981)
(no abstract available)

Trevisani F, 1979
A Descartes correspondent: notes on Lazare Meyssonnier
(1611/12-1673), Lyons physician and astrologer, and on his
Belle Magie (1669)
Pubbl Stn Zool Napoli [II] 1(2), 285-308 (1979)
(no abstract available)

Schweisheimer W, 1978
The prophet Nostradamus was a good and humanly physician. The
famous astrologist fought the "black death"
Med Welt 29(15), 650-652 (1978)
(no abstract available)

Rosner F, 1976
Letter: Moses Maimonides' opposition to astrology.
JAMA 236(4), 346 (1976)
(no abstract available)

Simili A, 1976
Astrology, demonology and therapeutic prejudices in legal and
forensic medicine during the Renaissance
Minerva Med 67(56), 3719-3737 (1976)
(no abstract available)
Brandenburg D, 1975
Astrology and medicine in the Thousand-and-one Night
Med Monatsschr 29(11), 496-502 (1975)
(no abstract available)

Moszczynski P, 1971
Jan Walenty Latosz--astrologer and physician
Wiad Lek 24(10), 989-990 (1971)
(no abstract available)

Hammer J, 1971
The astrology of Johannes Kepler
Sudhoffs Arch Z Wissenschaftsgesch 55(2), 113-135 (1971)
(no abstract available)

Grmek MD, 1970
Life events and astrologic medical ideas of Federic Grisogono of
Lijec Vjesn 92(6), 679-686 (1970)
(no abstract available)

Brandenburg D, 1967
Astrology, astronomy and medicine. On islamic astrology-medicine
of the 13th century
Munch Med Wochenschr 109(21), 1192-1197 (1967)
(no abstract available)

Brandenburg D, 1967
Astrology, astronomy and medicine. On ancient islamic medicine
and its astronomic remedies
Munch Med Wochenschr 109(20), 1137-1143 (1967)
(no abstract available)

Kibre P, 1967
Giovanni Garzoni of Bologna (1419-1505), Professor of Medicine
and defender of astrology.
Isis 58(194), 504-514 (1967)
(no abstract available)

5.4 Other papers

Lockwood JF, 1997
In the seventh house of Saturn. (methods for educating students
about the difference between astrology and astronomy)
Mercury 26(3), 11 (1997)

Evans W, 1996
Divining the social order: class, gender, and magazine astrology
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 73(2), 389 (1996)

Kitson A, 1996
Astrology and English literature.
Contemporary Review 269(1569), 200 (1996)

Duff K, 1995
The powers of creation. (astrology) (Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Parabola 20(1), 62 (1995)

6. Books

Seymour P, 1992
The Scientific Basis Of Astrology: Tuning to the Music of the
Planets Percy Seymour
1992, St. Martin's Press; 277p.

Ertel S, Irving K, 1996
The Tenacious Mars Effect
Suitbert Ertel and Kenneth Irving
1996, Urania; 163+p.

Benski C et al, 1996
The "Mars Effect": A French Test of Over 1000 Sports Champions
Claude Benski; commentary by J.W. Nienhuys
1996, Prometheus; 157p.

Tester J, 1987
A History Of Western Astrology
Jim Tester
1987, Ballantine; 263p.

Culver RB, Ianna, PA, 1988
Astrology: True or False? A Scientific Evaluation
Roger B. Culver and Phillip A. Ianna
1988, Prometheus Books; 228p.
(original 1979, "The Gemini Syndrome")


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