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Uniqueway still committed to Risc OS

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Paul Middleton

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98
Uniqueway still committed to Risc OS

Uniqueway Ltd would like to announce that despite the recent
announcements by Acorn they are still committed to selling Acorn and
third party based Risc OS hardware and software.

The only immediate effect of the cancellation of Acorn World 98 is that
we have decided to delay the launch of our next Risc Disc CD until the
New Year in order to focus on other more important activities.

We still intend to launch new versions of RiScript Pro and its
associated PDF viewer product soon, along with a CD Test disc and a CD
of Traditional Christian Clip Art.

A full posting of the features of the next version of RiScript Pro will
follow in a few days.

In the meantime we would like to offer our support to everybody who is
trying to keep Risc OS and Phoebe alive.

We would also like to offer the thought that if Phoebe had been as much
of a Top Secret as previous Acorn launches, such as the A3010 and A4 had
been, then the future might not have seemed so bleak now.

If the general public had not known that there was a new computer on the
way then they would still have been buying Risc PC's in much greater
numbers rather waiting for Phoebe! So remember to point out to anyone
who asks, that now is a very good time to go out and buy a Risc PC if
you want to show your support for the future of Risc OS based computers!

Paul Middleton
Uniqueway Ltd 3 Clarendon Road, Cyncoed, Cardiff, CF3 7JD
Acorn Centre of Technology, Acorn Developer and Xemplar Education Agent
Tel 01222 464020 Fax 01222 440071

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