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ATTN JMS: Alfred Bester, Harlan Ellison, and Superman

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David Woon

Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00

ATTN JMS: Alfred Bester, Harlan Ellison, and Superman

The reprint edition of Bester's "The Deceivers" has a nifty after-
word that's more illuminating than most reminiscences of dead sci-
ence fiction authors. Do you know if Harlan Ellison still has
Bester's Grand Master Award, that was presented not long after
Bester died in 1987?

I was also interested to learn that Bester was nearly chosen to
write a screenplay for the first of the Christopher Reeve Super-
man movies (before the assignment went to Mario Puzo). One can
only imagine what that movie would have been like...

... which brings to mind a question for you. As much as you prefer
to work on original material, is there any SF property for which
you'd be willing to write a screenplay for the sake of bringing
the story to the big screen and to a large, general audience? any
SF story or book that you feel has never been done justice in

(My personal choice is easy: the Lensman books.)

Jms at B5

Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00
>As much as you prefer
>to work on original material, is there any SF property for which
>you'd be willing to write a screenplay for the sake of bringing
>the story to the big screen and to a large, general audience? any
>SF story or book that you feel has never been done justice in
>(My personal choice is easy: the Lensman books.)

That would be a great one. I'd also go for the Foundation novels and
Childhood's End. I also think it would be cool to adapt Eric Frank Russell's
Men, Martians and Machines (either done retro or updated).


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(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
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