Hi, Joe,
What's the address people should send stuff to you to these days? I'd
like to mail you a physical copy of the issue of Whatchamacallit (the
magazine of the English students of Jyväskylä) that featured the B5
article which consisted mainly of quotes from you.
To everyone else: I'll also be posting the article here very soon, worry
-sIMO aaltonen
14431 Ventura Boulevard, PMB 260
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
As an aside to folks in general...mail to the cast should these days be sent
via their respective fan clubs. As folks have scattered to the four winds,
it's become increasingly difficult for the B5 fan club to track people down and
get mail to them, and there are often long delays. And we don't really have
the staff to handle a lot of this stuff.
So mail to cast should generally be sent via their fan clubs from this point
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)