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ATTN JMS: Crusade final episode (spoilers)

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Andreas Ekholm

Sep 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/2/99
Spoiler space...

It's very sad that it's now over, I really haven't had enough of Crusade.
But it ended in style, with one of the best episodes. I especially liked
the way you made us think that what the senator was up to was something
bad, and then surprised us. I loved seeing Franklin again. And the very
last conversation was perfect, when Gideon says: "Life goes on." Was that
something you put in after you knew this would be the last episode, or
did it just happen to be there?

Well, life does go on, but I'll really miss Crusade. I sincerely hope your
new TV project goes into production - with you behind the wheel, it's bound
to be good.

Andreas Ekholm

Jms at B5

Sep 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/4/99

>And the very
>last conversation was perfect, when Gideon says: "Life goes on." Was that
>something you put in after you knew this would be the last episode, or
>did it just happen to be there?

Another Babylonian synchronicity.


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