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ATTN JMS: Who do you serve? Who do you trust?

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Ryan Hobbs

Jun 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/18/99
It's probably been posted here a number of times, but I didn't see it.
Any comments about the opening credits...specifically the point when
"Who do you serve? Who do you trust?" is said a second time just as
your name pops up? Having read this group for years, I know it can't be

a coincidence. You're too devious! It sounds like a small (and well
deserved) ego trip; but, hey, I like it. I got a kick out of it. Kinda

like the season 5 opening credit shot of B5 with your name across one
end. Don't give up the fight for Crusade. We won't.

That aside, I assume those questions are the theme of the series. Any
particular episodes we should be looking out for that really focus on
them more than other episodes?


Thought of the Day:

Sailing (n.) : The fine art of getting wet and becoming
ill while slowly going nowhere at great


Jms at B5

Jun 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/18/99
>Any comments about the opening credits...specifically the point when
>"Who do you serve? Who do you trust?" is said a second time just as
>your name pops up? Having read this group for years, I know it can't be
>a coincidence. You're too devious!

Actually, I wish I could lay claim to having been that devious...but I wasn't.
See, the titles aren't laid in until we do the final mix. Until then, we're
just working with the sound and the pictures. It wasn't until we did the final
mixdown that the titles were inserted, then I realized, "Oh crap, it comes in
right on top of "who do you trust?"" I actually tried to fiddle around with
it, to move the cue earlier, so it wouldn't have that feeling, but it didn't
work as well as a snapper to the opening. So I reluctantly left it, figuring
we could change it to something different in a second season.


B5 Official Fan Club at:


Jun 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/20/99
So, JMS, who DO you serve?

Who do YOU trust?



(You know... if you emphasized each word each time you said it, it could mean
very different things...

WHO do you serve?

Who DO you serve?

Who do YOU serve...
blah blah blah

Angela Hays

Jun 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/21/99
After a year or more of visiting the TNT web site for my B5 info (how stupid
could I be), I have finally found the real stuff here and the Lurker's Guide
site. How cool!!! I'm so glad to be here.

My husband & I are B5 newbies, realatively speaking. We had several friends
who kept telling us it was better that Star Trek. We said "Heresy!
Sacrilege!" We had both been Star Trek fans since we were young children.
Two years ago we move to a new area & the DS9 was being aired on the Fox
affiliate. The Sunday night line-up was X-Files, Babylon 5, and then DS9.
Since we were already there, we decided to give it a try. Our first episode
was " ". We've been devoted fans ever since. WAY better than Star Trek.

Just a few other points to get off my chest:

SiL was my favorite hour of television EVER (and I was a broadcast major
who's father has been in the business for more than 30 years!) Thanks Joe
for doing it right.

I have been a television writer from time to time, and it didn't take me
long to learn my mantra: "Whoever controls the money, controls the
creativity." My graduate work was in media management for that very reason.

I pray Chen's music grows on me. I want to like it. Really I do.

I just looked up Gary Cole's filmography on IMDb. Now I know why I couldn't
quite take him seriously at first. It's the Mike Brady in him!!! Just
kidding. I think he's great.

Has anyone heard of a convention coming to Tennessee?

That's all for now.


Angela Hays

Jun 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/21/99
Since TNT is not giving B5 the respect it deserves (the poll on their site
about show times was a ruse, wasn't it?) and giving Crusade even less
respect, will the B5 reruns be moved to Crusade's new home, if there is one?

I really miss the daily shows. It would be a shame for TNT to keep the
rights to the B5 reruns.


Angela Hays

Jun 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/23/99
>Since we were already there, we decided to give it a try. Our first episode
>was " ". We've been devoted fans ever since.

Ooooops!!! How embarrasing. I meant to go look up the title and type it
back in before sending it & well... I guess I forgot.

For the record... our first episode was "Racing Mars". Whoo-hoo!


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