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Crusade Repeats on Monday?

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Jun 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/11/99
My TV Guide lists a Crusade repeat for Monday night at 10:00 PM EDT, right
after wrestling. Has anyone heard if this is going to continue all summer?

Jms at B5

Jun 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/11/99
>My TV Guide lists a Crusade repeat for Monday night at 10:00 PM EDT, right
>after wrestling. Has anyone heard if this is going to continue all summer?

I believe be careful on taping, since WWF tends to run over.

Lawrence King

Jun 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/12/99
Squeakjr <> wrote:

>> My TV Guide lists a Crusade repeat for Monday night at 10:00 PM
>> EDT, right after wrestling. Has anyone heard if this is going to
>> continue all summer?

JMS wrote:

>> I believe be careful on taping, since WWF tends to run
>> over.

TNT's "schedule" page lists it as 11 PM this Monday. (My Seattle TCI
guide says 11 as well.) That's Eastern and Pacific only, of course.

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Pacer Dawn

Jun 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/13/99
WWF on TNT on Monday? Cool! And did you hear, there is a new Star Trek
series on TNT as well this summer!

(Face buried in hands in disbelief...)

Jms at B5 <> wrote in message

> >My TV Guide lists a Crusade repeat for Monday night at 10:00 PM EDT,
> >after wrestling. Has anyone heard if this is going to continue all

> I believe be careful on taping, since WWF tends to run over.

Explanation: It's not WWF. It's WCW. WCW and WWF are in heated competition
(WWF=USA Network), just as much as B5 and ST. Calling WCW WWF is akin to
calling B5 Star Trek.

Jeffrey MacHott

Jun 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/13/99
On 13 Jun 1999 10:02:00 -0600, In the Book of Ragu, under "Del Monte

waz here", "Pacer Dawn" <> wrote:

>WWF on TNT on Monday? Cool! And did you hear, there is a new Star Trek
>series on TNT as well this summer!

A... new series? Why? Or are you confusing it with the new Babylon 5
series, Crusade, that's coming on TNT this summer (Heck, it's here!)

>(Face buried in hands in disbelief...)
>Jms at B5 <> wrote in message
>> >My TV Guide lists a Crusade repeat for Monday night at 10:00 PM EDT,
>> >after wrestling. Has anyone heard if this is going to continue all
>> I believe be careful on taping, since WWF tends to run over.
>Explanation: It's not WWF. It's WCW. WCW and WWF are in heated competition
>(WWF=USA Network), just as much as B5 and ST. Calling WCW WWF is akin to
>calling B5 Star Trek.


"There are three types of people - the will's the won'ts and the can'ts. The will's accomplish everything, the won'ts oppose everything and the can'ts will not try anything"

--VINCENT, "The Black Hole"

See my on-line Stores! Updated May 31st!


Jun 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/15/99
The wrestling runs about 3 mins overtime....

I am real glad TNT reairs Crusade on Mondays...we had a real life soap opera on
last wend nite so I missed the premier...yes i was peeved.

I still find Chen's music a little odd...

Cindy Ridgway
anyone want a kitten?
they are cute,cuddly and very sweet!!!!
they will be weaned in 2-3 weeks

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