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ATTN JMS: Amazing Stories

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Al Hall

Apr 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/5/99
Hi Joe!

You had written about some upcomming stories that you're writing for
the new Amazing Stories magazine. I hope that you'll let us know when
they'll be comming out.

JMS> I'm writing 3 B5 short stories for Amazing Stories
JMS> magazine; the first is a Londo (shortly after he
JMS> became emperor) story; also doing a G'Kar/Lyta story,
JMS> and a B5-setting story, all following these characters
JMS> after the events of "Objects at Rest."

Jms at B5

Apr 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/6/99
>You had written about some upcomming stories that you're writing for
>the new Amazing Stories magazine. I hope that you'll let us know when
>they'll be comming out.

It should be in the one after the current one which just hit the streets this


B5 Official Fan Club at:

Apr 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/7/99
In article <>, (Jms at B5) wrote:
> >You had written about some upcomming stories that you're writing for
> >the new Amazing Stories magazine. I hope that you'll let us know when
> >they'll be comming out.
> It should be in the one after the current one which just hit the streets this
> week.
> jms

FYI, it's not up on their website yet (no surprise while they're tryin' to
sell the current one, eh?), but it looks like you can subscribe from there.
I suspect by June the new issue info and cover will be there.

BTW, Joe, are there any plans for more B5 novels beyond the Centauri &
Technomage trilogies, especially single stand-alone novels? Have any other
authors been appoached? I'd love to see the new B5 crew from the 2nd to last
ep in action.

scott tilson.

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