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Rob's review of the year

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Dec 31, 2001, 7:17:46 PM12/31/01
Rob's review of the year

In which we "look back upon" (re-view) the events of "the past 12
months" (year).

"Everyone else is doing it, so why can't we?"
- some dumb godawful album title by a crap band whose name escapes me

Compiled exclusively from the anARCHy temporal record (2001 edition)


Started the year as always: we played Doom until dead imps literally
dribbled from the monitor.

2nd term of final year started. Lots more courses to do, including
PX376: not a psychedelic drug, but The Evil That Was Writing Skills.
However the first class on 8/1 was very funny because the tutor guy
completely failed to turn up...:-)

19/1: Andrew Nelis's House Party, in which we begin to cement our
position as "Party guy". You know you're at a party full of
maths/science types when you do a joke with punchline "so, by
transitivity..." and get a really big laugh.

22/1: "Bex's daft plan to go out", went pear shaped due to Elliot's
remarkable interpretation of the bus timetable

The "last week's position in brackets" version of newsstats was


More newsstats: the autogenerating version was phased in, although we
always seemed to be having to redo it on Monday because Primrose had a
nasty habit of dying on Friday nights and not coming back up again
until Sunday, or the news server'd get wiped before the list was made,

16/2: --ing writing skills: the interview which I thought went quite
well, considering.

19/2: More --ing writing skills: the presentation. Aargh. Evil. What
more can you say. "I think I did so badly that they'll go over to
senate house and make them reduce all the marks I got for all my other
Also later on in Algebra II:
Fluffy Alternative Laura: [looking at a picture of a fashionable CD
player in Felix's magazine] "Is that a CD player?"
Me: "No, it's a trouser press"
Laura: "Really a trouser press? It's the coolest trouser press I've
ever seen!"
Me: [falls out of chair laughing]
I know. You probably had to be there.

23/2, 24/2: Dave's then Bex's birthday parties. Both very different
events, but they had this in common: They were *funneeeee* :-) And
that's the main thing, and you know this.

28/2: Found the P6 text book in the library! How cool is that? How long
have we wanted to see MEI's idea of a "proof" that the complex numbers
form a field...


The initial part of this month contained the potential bust'n'boom that
was my 22nd birthday - a long time previously I'd thought "It's on a
Friday this year, I could actually *do* something for once" - but it was
completely washed out by, yes, you know it, --ing Writing Skills...

6/3: --ing Writing Skills: *loads* of fun trying to get the *enormous*
sheet of green cardboard home, on a *very windy day*... It was like a
sail, I'm telling you now.

9/3: Listening to Elliot crooning the OutOfTune2001 remix of Happy
Birthday down the phone at you is bad enough. Then having to spend all
of Friday Night putting your damn poster together... It's Enough To
Make A Happy Man Slit His Wrists On A Fine Spring Morning,

10/3: Metamorphosis. Eagerly anticipated, but somehow disappointing; far
too much heavy d&b (there is such a thing as Too Much Bad Company, you
know!) and dodgypseudotrance. Where's the soul, babies? Where's the

12/3: Breathe a huge sigh of relief. Writing Skills is over. Grinned so
much the top of my head was in danger of falling off.

13/3: Suddenly realise that in all the excitement of PX376(!) I forgot
that my finals are a few short weeks away! Respond in the only way I
know how: I play Doom until dead archviles dribble out of my monitor
(I'm not that bad a player you know :-) )

14/3: Asked Julie out. By email. Dumbass. Sorry about all that, Julie.
Also went to a party full of people from Whitefields 11 & 12 from back
in the day (i.e. my second first year) What a surprise - they were
polite and quite smiley but I didn't exactly get on with them...! :-/

16/3: Last lecture *ever*! And it's at 9am! Big surprise baby!

26/3: Went to pub with loads of people. Ended up in Rutherford et al.'s
house (that's et al, not Al Clarke, you fools, I know what you're
thinking) Played I've Never. Very funny. Some foreshadowing of events to
come ("Half-naked Vince is where I draw the line!")

31/3: Elliot's 21st. It was good. Especially his reaction when he
realised I'd just stuck "Louisa's cheeks are really fat and squeezy",
complete with Costi Comedy Vocals, on his stereo.

Big differences in the way newsstats works internally but no real
"reader level" changes (i.e. stuff you can see in a post)

Bex's mum passed on this month. Sadness for all.
(I debated with myself whether this should be put in, but: it's in the
temporal record, and this is a review of the important events of the
year, so, you know.)


Much avoidance of revision. Doom. Reading C++ books. The usual.

9/4: See 26/3, pretty much.

12/4: Elliot's gone home for a week. He's left his house keys with me.
Idiot :-)

First lot of finals! Topology was suspiciously easy. Measure theory was
funny ("Excuse me, could you use a different pen, someone over there
says your pen is making too much noise")


1/5: Comedy as the one thing that made the physics dept print a
timetable for term 3, the stellar structures revision lecture, is
cancelled. Oh well, more scrap paper.

5/5: Elliot's attempt to piss me off by telling me that Julie is his
date for Final Fling backfires as I manage to trick him into viewing
full-on muff photographs in a crowded NT lab.
More hilarity later on as Coventry City FC get relegated. Ha ha.

9/5: You know how well your revision's going when the temporal record says
"Weather & The Environment. Read notes. Very nearly got interested in

The autoposting version of newsstats was designed (hah! my arse!) and
implemented. It's now pretty much fully automated, except for my having
to remember to set up the running of an at(1) job on each Saturday

14/5: The one and only Top Banana I went to, for the whole year.
There was a fire alarm.

19/5: On the anniversary of The Fiona Thing At Icon, I find two copies
of the Daily Sport in a skip. It's up to you to decide which of these
two events, separated by a year, was the better one.

22/5: Andrew Nelis's birthday party, that for some reason was at
Rutherford's house. Also the first time ever we've heard the bass sweeps
properly on "bex's record" outside it being played on my stereo.

23/5: I won the .misc tasteless joke competition with a joke so awful
that Bex (and therefore everyone else) fell out with me for like a

30/5: Second load of finals start, with Weather & The Environment. Let's
hope I had managed to find my notes interesting enough to read...


The Doom II UUIC (Unsaved Unaltered Initial Conditions) project is
deemed a complete success, as I finally manage to finish MAP28 and
MAP30 starting each from scratch without saving or reloading the game.
Hooray. I really, really hate going up and down on that bloody platform
with the rocket launcher. You know what I'm on about, those who have
played it.

More exams. I scare myself to death by going in for Synergetics early on
4/6 only to find it was an *afternoon* exam. Oh, well, at least it
wasn't the other way round, as many people point out.

6/6: What do you mean, I can't take any more library books out, because
my card is about to expire? But what about all your gorgeous programming
books I've been putting off reading until after the exams? Damn you!

7/6, 8/6: Another General Election. You all know who won.

9/6: First decent Quench I've been to in years :-)

11/6: Amy! Give me my --ing notes back!

14/6: Released "research project" as an MP3 to mark my eighth year of
making records (and it's still going nowhere, damnit)

19/6: Oh Fuck Me I've Finished My Degree! I post, hilariously satirising
an Oxide & Neutrino record.

21/6: A hilarious night at Rainbows. Far too many bottles of Red (I
swear they have a *very* delayed reaction on me) Julie and I decide that
our "senses of humour are incompatible". Then there was the Amy thing...

27/6: I won. They gave me a first.
Also: I should have gone to Final Fling with everyone else today. But...
me? In a dinner suit?!

Designed, implemented, and, for the only time ever, executed the
popularity version of newsstats. Despite its method of determining
popularity being highly dubious it confirms my suspicions that a)
Everybody Loves Bex and more importantly b) Everyone Ignores Damn Near
All Of My Posts. Does wonders for your low self-esteem, I'm telling

29/6: The end of term disco. Vince! What the hell are you doing?!


Predictably started slowly with loads more Doom and watching of ancient
TV programmes on the video.

Continued that way as we avoided the immediate question of being the
president of Unemployed Bums, Inc.

alt.alumni.warwick has blown up. Not surprising now half the .misc
regulars have left the university, you know?

12/7: I should have graduated today. But... me? In academic robes?!

20/7: decided for once to spend some money, and get a summer bus pass.
Good idea. I can carry on wasting my life in the unix lab...

22/7, 23/7: Made a record that was exactly of the type that we'd wanted
to make way way back in the day when we started making tracks.


More Doom (big surprise), finding obscure bugs in RISC OS 3.7's window
manager, larging it in the Unix labs, not getting a job, ...

newsstats does total number of posts for this week and (last week)

3/8: Got my degree through the post. No ceremony, just a cardboard

4/8: My degree, in its uniquely styled cardboard envelope, got left...
out... in... the... rain...

9/8: After installing a new version of GCC I had to make sure it would
compile my Doom engine. This was duly performed, but started off a whole
load of entertaining modifications over the course of the next month...

12/8: Desktop Rearrangement 2001: Now my work surface goes round a
corner :-) Stylish ;-)
Also I was 8192=2^13 days old today.

16/8: The streetlight outside my house has stopped working! Hooray! In
fact it stayed off for 2 blissful, sleepy months :-)

17/8: Oh look, I've fallen out with Bex and therefore the entire
newsgroup /again/... Made a good bit of record though.

26/8: "Oh tell me why, do we make formulaic trance..."


See the comments at the start of August

1/9: 5-1

8/9: x.wad, a pornographic Doom map. Hugely surprising - it was actually
good... You'd think you'd strike gold combining porn and Doom, but no...

11/9: *Everyone* knows what happened today

15/9: Found the biggest hairband ever. I can get it round my neck for
gods' sakes.

19/9: Lunsim, a C program that simulates what Rob's going to have for
lunch for the next 5 years or so.

25/9: Built a computer and installed Linux on it. Huge respect to
Rutherford for all the help and to Iain for being the fountain of all
knowledge :-) PS Fitting heatsinks to processors is amazingly scary.

29/9: While trying to find an address to which to return a lost
identity card I managed to guess the password for said card because it
was the first name of the card holder. Dumbass. I fell off my chair in
the deserted Unix lab.


Doom (Momento Mori, for the most part) jobs (pfft) Linux (configuring
Debian) and Hello Pretty (a record we still haven't finished :-/ )

5/10: Simpsons season 9!! 8-)

6/10: Finally got a mouse pointer!! X is a pig to set up :-J

9/10: Bought Musique Concrete by Calibre. The most gorgeous d&b thing
ever, I'm telling you now.

10/10: My stereo decided to eat a tape. I wasn't having any of it so I
took the unit to pieces to show it who was boss and it worked...

14/10: phubm has expired. Damn. No internet access. At least I've got a
computer at home that behaves a bit like, well, call it My Corner Of The
Unix Lab.

25/10: TOWNIE HEAVEN DAY - the funniest thing ever, if you were there;
unfortunately I don't seem to be able to convey this to anyone else :-/

29/10: Signed on (ugh)


See the comments at the start of October. I am Sloth, god of doing
things really slowly.

Coventry is Fireworks Central. To put it another way if the terrorists
came and bombed the place no-one'd notice, it sounds like a --ing war
zone outside, I'm telling you right now.

7/11: Evidence to suggest the Job Centre people actually don't care what
sort of job you get, all they want is to get rid of you back into some
crappy job a monkey could do.

12/11: Worked out exactly what Motorway Madness's piano line is. It's
only taken me since August 1995 to do this :-/ Happy though :-)

20/11: I try to make a CV. Hilarious.

21/11: This guy comes round and fits a load of extra phone sockets.
One's in my room... This looks promising...

22/11: Went to an internet cafe. Ordered a modem. Ordered some service
from some ISP. We're nearly there folks...

23/11: The modem turned up! Hooray! We're there folks! Decide to keep
quiet about it for a few days at least, you know...

27/11: Have stupid job test thing. Can type numbers with 100% accuracy!
Didn't get offered anything though! Hooray!
However surftime's up so we can now use the connection. Proceed to
completely destroy all my good work teaching myself to get up early by
staying up online until 3 a.m. every day

28/11: Tibs McRibs, aka An Experiment I Got Bored Of.

30/11: Elliot turned up out of the blue


The year drew to a close in basically the same way except for a few
hilarious events which along with others are mentioned below.

1/12: Isn't exim fun to configure...!

4/12: Christmas break, the job centre don't need me to go in for my
parole hearing until next year. Six weeks man! Woo!
Also finally posted as myself ("Picture the scene...")

5/12: rndsig converted to bash. Yeah, I should release that sometime :-)

7/12: I've only been posting a few days when I get invited to a party
(thanks Matthew :-) ) bizarre things here included my getting a new hat.

10/12: It happened again. See 26/3, only it's not Rutherford et al.'s
house any more. Anyone who was there can remember this.

13/12: Hey, cool, I've got a login on Rutherford's network. Sweet.

21/12: Christmas shopping, or lack of it. I've done diddly squat this
year. I'm not joking. Bugger all, I'm telling you.

25/12: Christmas Day. Got some cider. Woo. Drank lots of wine. Wooo.
Played Doom a lot. Wheeee :-)

26/12: Usual Boxing Day visit to relatives. My cousin really has got a
303! Oh my god! I got to play with it too 8-)

27/12: The Truth. Very --ing good :-)

31/12: Went shopping. Bought some Christmas lights, in fact my room is
now entirely lit by Christmas lights. It's sultry baby. Loads of other
cool stuff too.
Also, guess what, Rob aka Mr Sociallifewhatsasociallife hasn't got
anything better to do than type out some ridiculous post about the year
and send it. It's now 2002, Coventry is Fireworks Central *again*, I've
had a lot of wine but unlike some people coughRutherfordcough I can
still type :-p

Happy new 2002 ladies and gentlemen


RjY, at The Realm of anARCHy (dot co dot uk)
"Each track is like a complete DJ set"

Michael S. Glees

Jan 1, 2002, 1:13:20 PM1/1/02

RjY schrieb:

> Rob's review of the year
> ========================


> 19/2: More --ing writing skills: the presentation. Aargh. Evil. What
> more can you say. "I think I did so badly that they'll go over to
> senate house and make them reduce all the marks I got for all my other
> courses..."
> Also later on in Algebra II:
> Fluffy Alternative Laura: [looking at a picture of a fashionable CD
> player in Felix's magazine] "Is that a CD player?"
> Me: "No, it's a trouser press"
> <pause>
> Laura: "Really a trouser press? It's the coolest trouser press I've
> ever seen!"
> Me: [falls out of chair laughing]
> I know. You probably had to be there.

It's maybe a stupid question, but what is a 'trouser press'???


> 1/9: 5-1

Don't mention the score!!!


"The same procedure as every year, James!"

The Joy of Bex

Jan 1, 2002, 7:00:45 PM1/1/02

"RjY" <> wrote:

> Rob's review of the year
> ========================

Goodness me. I tend to do my Review of the Year in table format (good and
bad) but this year I've done roughly the same thing as you. I can't be
arsed to go and get my diary and transcribe so I'll make it up.

> "Everyone else is doing it, so why can't we?"
> - some dumb godawful album title by a crap band whose name escapes me

The Wankberries.

> 22/1: "Bex's daft plan to go out", went pear shaped due to Elliot's
> remarkable interpretation of the bus timetable

Ha ha! That was really funny - Elliot can be such a spanner at times. Mind
you, has nothing on me last night. I decided to go to a NY party in SE
London of a school friend who I haven't seen in 3 years. Elliot meets me at
the station with the A-Z and I have forgotten to write down, or even look
att he address!!! I had to try and remember rachael's phone number from
using it once. And I did. See, being obsessive about numbers can help you.

> 10/3: Metamorphosis. Eagerly anticipated, but somehow disappointing; far
> too much heavy d&b (there is such a thing as Too Much Bad Company, you
> know!) and dodgypseudotrance. Where's the soul, babies? Where's the
> love?

Was that the one where we decided F2 had become F1.5?

> Bex's mum passed on this month. Sadness for all.
> (I debated with myself whether this should be put in, but: it's in the
> temporal record, and this is a review of the important events of the
> year, so, you know.)

No, thanks for doing it. Most people now talk to me as though it never
happened, and that sucks.

> 27/6: I won. They gave me a first.
> Also: I should have gone to Final Fling with everyone else today. But...
> me? In a dinner suit?!

It was great. You missed a fantastic night.

> 12/7: I should have graduated today. But... me? In academic robes?!

You were right this time - it was toss.

> 16/8: The streetlight outside my house has stopped working! Hooray! In
> fact it stayed off for 2 blissful, sleepy months :-)

Is that the one that used to flicker everyt ime I walked underneath it?

> 7/11: Evidence to suggest the Job Centre people actually don't care what
> sort of job you get, all they want is to get rid of you back into some
> crappy job a monkey could do.

Come and work at DC.
Come and work at DC.
Come and work at DC.

B xx

Dave Taylor

Jan 2, 2002, 8:27:09 AM1/2/02
AAW propagation seems to have gone to shit again, so for the benefit of those
of you stuck with Warwick's news server, here is a repost of said review
(thank god I can use the NTL cable news server).


Rob's review of the year

In which we "look back upon" (re-view) the events of "the past 12
months" (year).



19/2: More --ing writing skills: the presentation. Aargh. Evil. What

more can you say. "I think I did so badly that they'll go over to
senate house and make them reduce all the marks I got for all my other
Also later on in Algebra II:
Fluffy Alternative Laura: [looking at a picture of a fashionable CD
player in Felix's magazine] "Is that a CD player?"
Me: "No, it's a trouser press"
Laura: "Really a trouser press? It's the coolest trouser press I've
ever seen!"
Me: [falls out of chair laughing]
I know. You probably had to be there.

23/2, 24/2: Dave's then Bex's birthday parties. Both very different








1/9: 5-1


29/10: Signed on (ugh)




Dave Taylor

"Probably spelt crzjgrdwldiwdc again, poor bastard
I keep telling him there's only one g in crzjgrdwldiwdc"

The Joy of Bex

Jan 2, 2002, 4:52:14 PM1/2/02


Don't post mine.

I take it mine isn't worth it etc?

I must admit I was shocked to find only 5 messages in here. It always seems
to happen after I've sent a tonne of messages and no-one can read them.

B xx

"Dave Taylor" <> wrote in message


Jan 2, 2002, 5:46:05 PM1/2/02
On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, The Joy of Bex wrote:
> I must admit I was shocked to find only 5 messages in here. It always seems
> to happen after I've sent a tonne of messages and no-one can read them.
> Mer.

* Rutherford reconfigures his <insert Linux technobabble here> for the
purposes of reading the missing posts.

Right, who knows a lot about NNTP and group propagation...? It'd be nice
to sort out this problem.

Simon Heywood


Jan 3, 2002, 5:03:48 PM1/3/02
The Joy of Bex typed...

>"RjY" <> wrote:
>> Rob's review of the year
>Goodness me. I tend to do my Review of the Year in table format (good and
>bad) but this year I've done roughly the same thing as you. I can't be
>arsed to go and get my diary and transcribe so I'll make it up.

I don't usually do one, it was just some daft idea I had that was better
than watching all the "light entertainment" TV that's on.

>> "Everyone else is doing it, so why can't we?"
>> - some dumb godawful album title by a crap band whose name escapes me
>The Wankberries.

It seems from some of the other posts on this newsgroup that a lot of people
have thought, "Hmm, Rob's done it, so why can't I..." :-)

>> 10/3: Metamorphosis. Eagerly anticipated, but somehow disappointing; far
>> too much heavy d&b (there is such a thing as Too Much Bad Company, you
>> know!) and dodgypseudotrance. Where's the soul, babies? Where's the
>> love?
>Was that the one where we decided F2 had become F1.5?

No, that was something I missed in the review (I did it quickly, because I
didn't want to take too long on it but more importantly so I wouldn't have
time to talk myself out of putting anything in it) If I'd put it in it
probably would have gone:

20/1: The Afterlife, aka Halloween Ball Mk. II; when Bex decided to have a
stomach upset. My usual round of overzealous dancing, coupled with Bex's
ingestions of large white pills (paracetamol) on the edge of the dancefloor,
drew some funny looks.

>> 16/8: The streetlight outside my house has stopped working! Hooray! In
>> fact it stayed off for 2 blissful, sleepy months :-)
>Is that the one that used to flicker everyt ime I walked underneath it?

Dunno. The one that used to flicker when I walked under it was further up
the road.

>> 7/11: Evidence to suggest the Job Centre people actually don't care what
>> sort of job you get, all they want is to get rid of you back into some
>> crappy job a monkey could do.
>Come and work at DC.
>Come and work at DC.
>Come and work at DC.

I just wrote you a mail about this

RjY, at The Realm of anARCHy (dot co dot uk)

"I love you guys! Ahhh, screw you guys."


Jan 4, 2002, 3:01:41 PM1/4/02
to (RjY) wrote in message news:<>...

> The Joy of Bex typed...
> >"RjY" <> wrote:
> >> Rob's review of the year
> >Goodness me. I tend to do my Review of the Year in table format (good and
> >bad) but this year I've done roughly the same thing as you. I can't be
> >arsed to go and get my diary and transcribe so I'll make it up.
> I don't usually do one, it was just some daft idea I had that was better
> than watching all the "light entertainment" TV that's on.

Mmmmm, it was Jonathon Ross's [] turn this year. I just stayed at home
this year, chilling out maxing and, indeed, relaxing with my parents.

> >> "Everyone else is doing it, so why can't we?"
> >> - some dumb godawful album title by a crap band whose name escapes me
> >The Wankberries.
> It seems from some of the other posts on this newsgroup that a lot of people
> have thought, "Hmm, Rob's done it, so why can't I..." :-)

I thought of doing one, but it would just have been depressing and
would have contained to many instances of the word `fuck.'

> 20/1: The Afterlife, aka Halloween Ball Mk. II; when Bex decided to have a
> stomach upset. My usual round of overzealous dancing, coupled with Bex's
> ingestions of large white pills (paracetamol) on the edge of the dancefloor,
> drew some funny looks.

My dancing is over-zealous when I get drawn in to it. I was once told
that I dance like a play the guitar, and after a few hours'
contemplation I decided to take it as a complement.
I'm no stranger to funny looks, either.

> >> 16/8: The streetlight outside my house has stopped working! Hooray! In
> >> fact it stayed off for 2 blissful, sleepy months :-)
> >Is that the one that used to flicker everyt ime I walked underneath it?
> Dunno. The one that used to flicker when I walked under it was further up
> the road.
> >> 7/11: Evidence to suggest the Job Centre people actually don't care what
> >> sort of job you get, all they want is to get rid of you back into some
> >> crappy job a monkey could do.
> >Come and work at DC.
> >Come and work at DC.
> >Come and work at DC.
> I just wrote you a mail about this

Does that mean that you've applied?
You should be applying to everyone. Be a whore. [0] You're young, well
qualified, attractive, you shoudn't have a problem. Realistically you
will, though, but that's just because of the current economic
conditions. The fact is you're in a better position than most people.
I remember you posting before that just writing to companies was the
same as junk mail and spam. I suppose you're right, but the difference
is that at work whoever gets your letter will be paid to read it and
deal with it, so it isn't rude.


[] should that final `s' be there?
[0] in fact, have you considered male prostitution?

Michael S. Glees

Jan 4, 2002, 5:32:11 PM1/4/02

Jez schrieb:

> Mmmmm, it was Jonathon Ross's [] turn this year. I just stayed at home
> this year, chilling out maxing and, indeed, relaxing with my parents.


> [] should that final `s' be there?

Well, admittedly, I'm not a native speaker, but if it's true what my
English teacher told me a couple of years ago, then you can--in this
case--either have "'s" there or skip it. Do correct me someone, if I'm

Cheers & good night!
"...and I'm the not-so-beautiful Jim."

Johan Fuzz

Jan 4, 2002, 7:17:19 PM1/4/02

"Rutherford" <> wrote in message

> On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, The Joy of Bex wrote:
> > I must admit I was shocked to find only 5 messages in here. It always
> > to happen after I've sent a tonne of messages and no-one can read them.
> > Mer.
> * Rutherford reconfigures his <insert Linux technobabble here> for the
> purposes of reading the missing posts.
> Right, who knows a lot about NNTP and group propagation...? It'd be nice
> to sort out this problem.

Ah! You're back. You disappeared for a bit. Also I was trying to get a
properly configured proxy, which I now have and is working perfectly. All
I've got to do now is the same thing with Windows 2000 at the office, d'oh.


I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in.
They're still in, right?

The Joy of Bex

Jan 5, 2002, 11:30:04 AM1/5/02

"RjY" <> wrote:
> The Joy of Bex typed...

> >> "Everyone else is doing it, so why can't we?"

> >> - some dumb godawful album title by a crap band whose name escapes me
> >The Wankberries.
> It seems from some of the other posts on this newsgroup that a lot of
> have thought, "Hmm, Rob's done it, so why can't I..." :-)

Fuck off. I wrote mine in my diary on 30th December :-P

By the way, you did send me a mail about DC but it made no sense.

B xx

The Joy of Bex

Jan 5, 2002, 11:31:06 AM1/5/02

"Jez" <> wrote:

[review of the year]

> I thought of doing one, but it would just have been depressing and
> would have contained to many instances of the word `fuck.'

And mine would have contained too few :o(

B xx


Jan 5, 2002, 3:55:21 PM1/5/02
The Joy of Bex typed...
>"RjY" <> wrote:
>> The Joy of Bex typed...
>> >> "Everyone else is doing it, so why can't we?"
>> >> - some dumb godawful album title by a crap band whose name escapes me
>> >The Wankberries.
>> It seems from some of the other posts on this newsgroup that a lot of
>> people have thought, "Hmm, Rob's done it, so why can't I..." :-)
>Fuck off. I wrote mine in my diary on 30th December :-P

You posted yours a full day after I posted mine so I claim my place as Trend
Setter, Oh Little Miss Hello-Kopy-Kitty.

>By the way, you did send me a mail about DC but it made no sense.

Oh dear... My apologies; which part of

"Well, I read all of that stuff you wrote, and did a response, but it just
sounded like a whinge, so I deleted it - sorry :-J There are simply too
many difficulties that I can't see a way around, and there is little point
in listing them"

was unclear?

Hmm... Oh, what the hell. This is a newsgroup, so let's use it as such. I'd
like to ask everyone: how did you manage to leave home and survive? I'd love
to apply and get into DC or somesuch and get paid for writing software - but
it seems I'd have to move to London. However, the two times I've tried to
leave home have been among the most awful experiences of my life. How might
I be able to get over this?

Many thanks in advance, and apologies for this sounding like a whinge.

RjY, at The Realm of anARCHy (dot co dot uk)

"Up and down like a whore's drawers!"


Jan 5, 2002, 5:35:00 PM1/5/02
On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, RjY wrote:
> Hmm... Oh, what the hell. This is a newsgroup, so let's use it as such. I'd
> like to ask everyone: how did you manage to leave home and survive? I'd love
> to apply and get into DC or somesuch and get paid for writing software - but
> it seems I'd have to move to London. However, the two times I've tried to
> leave home have been among the most awful experiences of my life. How might
> I be able to get over this?

It depends what was afwul about them. For my part, I couldn't wait to
drive several hundred miles away from my home town, Oldham, but then I'm a
little odd.

The worst bit of moving home is the period of a couple of months or so
after you've moved - you don't know anyone, you are unfamiliar with the
place, and it still doesn't feel like your home.

Things were worse for me when I moved to Reading for a number of reasons,
principally because it took me a month to find a house to live in. Once
you've found a house (and living in a house with other people working in
the area is far better than having a poky room in student halls) you get
used to it and can customise the space. Fortunately for me this house came
unfurnished, so I could set things up just how I wanted - you could have
your "corner of the UNIX lab" wherever you move to and you'd at least have
somewhere to start.

After 2-3 months you'll have met people you get on well with and
everything will be Fine(TM).

HTH :-)

No nonsense.


Jan 6, 2002, 4:41:31 PM1/6/02
to (RjY) wrote in message news:<>...

> Hmm... Oh, what the hell. This is a newsgroup, so let's use it as such. I'd
> like to ask everyone: how did you manage to leave home and survive? I'd love
> to apply and get into DC or somesuch and get paid for writing software - but
> it seems I'd have to move to London. However, the two times I've tried to
> leave home have been among the most awful experiences of my life. How might
> I be able to get over this?
> Many thanks in advance, and apologies for this sounding like a whinge.

Moving to London is a project full of difficulties. eg:
1) accomodation prices are especially high
2) there are plenty of areas that you'd strike off immediately
you don't like gun fights
3) London is full of people and so, ironically, is an extra lonely
and unfriendly place.
These problems all have potential solutions. To start with, you'd only
be moving there to get a job, which hopefully would come attached with
a wage which takes into account the cost of living. There are plenty
of nice places, (if it were me I'd be looking for somewhere on the
outer rim, just inside the M25 like Bex's and Joe's place. Enfield's
nice.) Thirdly, you already know people there from Warwick, so stop
your pathetic snivelling and get on with it man.
It's never easy. Making a fresh start is daunting, first impressions
count for a lot. I happen to enjoy the challenge of clawing back some
shreds of dignity following a ridiculous boozy misdemeanour of some
sort, but I'm a freak. The fact is that people do make up their minds
about you on the basis of the first thirty seconds of conversation, so
make sure you can sparkle for at least that length of time.
What went wrong on the previous occasions? Was it the people you were
living with? Bare in mind that moving in with eighteen-yearolds fresh
from school and skiving from lectures is, or should be, quite
different from moving in with people in their mid-twenties trying to
earn money.

First things first though, I guess you should try and get a good
overall picture of the prices of flats in whatever areas you haven't
already ruled out because of difficulty 2). Get hold of the local
advertising newspapers and then you can start doing some sums.


Nicholas Jackson

Jan 7, 2002, 4:15:25 AM1/7/02
scripsit Michael S. Glees ...
>Jez schrieb:

>> Mmmmm, it was Jonathon Ross's [] turn this year. I just stayed at home
>> [] should that final `s' be there?
>Well, admittedly, I'm not a native speaker, but if it's true what my
>English teacher told me a couple of years ago, then you can--in this
>case--either have "'s" there or skip it. Do correct me someone, if I'm

Strunk and White prefer it [1], many people consider it optional
(`Ross'' and `Ross's' being equally valid), and many people prefer to
leave off the final `s' (myself included). It's probably a matter of
taste, although less weird-looking than using apostrophes for
pluralisation of acronyms.


[1] But they were Americans, so what would they know?

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or
numbered. My life is my own.

Michael S. Glees

Jan 7, 2002, 4:57:50 AM1/7/02

Nicholas Jackson schrieb:


> Strunk and White prefer it [1], many people consider it optional
> (`Ross'' and `Ross's' being equally valid), and many people prefer to
> leave off the final `s' (myself included). It's probably a matter of
> taste, although less weird-looking than using apostrophes for
> pluralisation of acronyms.


> [1] But they were Americans, so what would they know?

Hear, hear!


Mr W M Dumas

Jan 7, 2002, 5:43:53 AM1/7/02

I hated being away from home for the first two years at University, but
mainly because in the first year I didn't get on with the people I was
with, and in the second year (not so bad) I still felt angry that I
couldn't afford to be alone, which it seems like someone ought to have the
right to choose. Having lived alone in the 3rd year it doesn't bother me
inordinately either way any more.

I can't really keep my parents away enough or they think I have discarded
them, but I did miss their cats for a long time. And once I start to miss
something and believe that I have a right to miss it, I get angry if no
real choice of mine is keeping it from me -- so again, it can piss you off
unless you feel it was up to you to move.

London - well, DC is in Enfield which is close to the sort of place which
(while expensive) it isn't too bad to live in. I don't think I'd let it
stop me applying if I was interested, since applications don't have to be
that big a deal - once they come up with the offers, that's the time to
weed out the dodgy ones. Unless, that is, you're willing to wait around
for years until the job comes up with Central Lincolnshire Software
Limited, no matter what.


Jan 10, 2002, 3:51:21 PM1/10/02
RjY <> wrote:
> Hmm... Oh, what the hell. This is a newsgroup, so let's use it as such. I'd
> like to ask everyone: how did you manage to leave home and survive? I'd love
> to apply and get into DC or somesuch and get paid for writing software - but
> it seems I'd have to move to London. However, the two times I've tried to
> leave home have been among the most awful experiences of my life. How might
> I be able to get over this?

In no particular order:

i) Have a home life that is sufficiently unpleasant that anywhere else
is preferable
ii) Move somewhere where you already know people.
iii) In particular, never ever ever move to Cumbria.
iv) Break the task into small subtasks and solve each one, possibly
by recursion.
v) Readjust your expectations of life downwards.

Clarifications of any point available on request.


The Joy of Bex

Jan 11, 2002, 11:15:51 AM1/11/02

"Jez" <> wrote:
> (RjY) wrote:

> > Hmm... Oh, what the hell. This is a newsgroup, so let's use it as such.
> > like to ask everyone: how did you manage to leave home and survive? I'd
> > to apply and get into DC or somesuch and get paid for writing software -
> > it seems I'd have to move to London. However, the two times I've tried
> > leave home have been among the most awful experiences of my life. How
> > I be able to get over this?
> >
> > Many thanks in advance, and apologies for this sounding like a whinge.
> Moving to London is a project full of difficulties. eg:
> 1) accomodation prices are especially high
> 2) there are plenty of areas that you'd strike off immediately
> because
> you don't like gun fights
> 3) London is full of people and so, ironically, is an extra lonely
> and unfriendly place.

You avoid all this with DC though cos they provide you with a subsidised
company house with other new starters, so you have people to move in with
afterwards if you want, or a base to look for a place of your own.

And Enfield isn't that violent. It's prit.

B xx


Jan 11, 2002, 12:01:39 PM1/11/02
to wrote:
> RjY <> wrote:
>> Hmm... Oh, what the hell. This is a newsgroup, so let's use it as such. I'd
>> like to ask everyone: how did you manage to leave home and survive? I'd love
>> to apply and get into DC or somesuch and get paid for writing software - but
>> it seems I'd have to move to London. However, the two times I've tried to
>> leave home have been among the most awful experiences of my life. How might
>> I be able to get over this?
> In no particular order:
> i) Have a home life that is sufficiently unpleasant that anywhere else
> is preferable
> ii) Move somewhere where you already know people.
> iii) In particular, never ever ever move to Cumbria.
> iv) Break the task into small subtasks and solve each one, possibly
> by recursion. - Computing crap!

> v) Readjust your expectations of life downwards.
> Clarifications of any point available on request.

Can you clarify all of them please? Especially the Cumbria thing.

Amy - pictures from my party!

From now on I'm going to boycott your posts until you pay him the legal minimum


Jan 11, 2002, 12:37:09 PM1/11/02
On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, The Joy of Bex wrote:
> And Enfield isn't that violent. It's prit.

It certainly seems a nice town. Pity it has bar staff that ask me for
identification when buying Cola. :-/


Jan 11, 2002, 12:37:21 PM1/11/02
Amy <> wrote:
>> iii) In particular, never ever ever move to Cumbria.
> Can you clarify all of them please? Especially the Cumbria thing.

Yes. Don't go to Cumbria, don't move there, never do this,
never ever do this.

Does that help?


Peter Oliver

Jan 12, 2002, 12:18:26 PM1/12/02
On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 17:37:09 +0000, Rutherford said:
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, The Joy of Bex wrote:
>> And Enfield isn't that violent. It's prit.
> It certainly seems a nice town. Pity it has bar staff that ask me for
> identification when buying Cola. :-/

What do they put in their Coke? Oh, I think I just answered my own

Peter Oliver

"I invoke the might of the gerbil army!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The Joy of Bex

Jan 13, 2002, 12:20:52 PM1/13/02

"Rutherford" <> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, The Joy of Bex wrote:

> > And Enfield isn't that violent. It's prit.
> It certainly seems a nice town. Pity it has bar staff that ask me for
> identification when buying Cola. :-/


They try to justify me IDing me every time I go in there by telling me it's
an over 21s bar but I think that's just bollocks. The woman behind the bar
IDs me and then when I tell her I'm the mad laugher fromt he pub quiz she
remembers who I am. Happens every time.

B xx

P.S. Not as bad as The Fox in Palmers Green where they wouldn't accept my
Prove-It card as a valid form of ID, as it was "clearly fake - you don't
look a day over 12"

I'm sure I'll be happy about all this when I'm 30.

B xx

The Joy of Bex

Jan 13, 2002, 12:21:20 PM1/13/02

Joe lives there. Or lived there, really. Don't suppose I'll ever be going

B xx


Jan 13, 2002, 12:54:27 PM1/13/02

It's the only place I've ever slept in my car. The horizons are quite
high (compared with Warwickshire and Berkshire, anyway). Dodgy roads, as

Quoting Nicholas Jackson by return of post

Michael S. Glees

Jan 13, 2002, 5:20:54 PM1/13/02

Rutherford schrieb:

> It's the only place I've ever slept in my car. The horizons are quite
> high (compared with Warwickshire and Berkshire, anyway). Dodgy roads, as
> well.

Yes, Cumbrian roads!!!


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