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Multiple Column Keys with Auto Increment

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DL Neil

Mar 13, 2002, 3:22:54 AM3/13/02
Greetings Edgar,

> I would just like to know if the following is normal:
> I created a file TRANSACTION_LOG.sql to create an InnoDB table with
> KEYs with one AUTO COLUMN.
> The file consists of the following SQL commands:
> drop table TRANSACTION_LOG;
> create table TRANSACTION_LOG (SESSION_ID int(10) not null, TRANS_CODE
> not null, TRANS_LOG_ID int(10) not null auto_increment, primary key
> Unfortunately , I get the following error:
> [root@oracle /root]# mysql accounting < TRANSACTION_LOG.sql
> ERROR 1075 at line 2: Incorrect table definition; There can only be
one auto
> column and it must be defined as a key
> Does InnoDB tables support MULTIPLE KEYS with an AUTO COlumn?

I was intrigued by your question and took a look through the manual. I
didn't find anything sufficiently decisive, but:

Manual: 3.5.9 Using AUTO_INCREMENT
For MyISAM and BDB tables you can specify AUTO_INCREMENT on secondary
column in a multi-column key. In this case the generated value for the
autoincrement column is calculated as MAX(auto_increment_column)+1)
WHERE prefix=given-prefix. This is useful when you want to put data into
ordered groups.

Manual 6.5.3 CREATE TABLE Syntax says pretty much the same thing.

I didn't follow through to the InnoDB site/docs - but you've already
done that - right!?

Whilst the above doesn't cover the InnoDB situation you describe, the
inclusive language leads me to expect that one can define an
AUTO-INCREMENT as a non-first field in a multi-column (primary) key
under MyISAM and DBD, but not under InnoDB.

What are you wanting to achieve? If you want a unique id for each row of
the table, then AUTO_INCREMENT is the tool but only the ID column is
needed to construct a unique key/primary index (by definition) - and the
problem goes away.

If however you are using AUTO_INCREMENT to differentiate between to
identical TRANS_CODE values, then I understand why you have coded the
way you have, but the above conclusion seems to apply.

Please let us know how you get on,

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DL Neil

Mar 13, 2002, 3:26:30 AM3/13/02


Mar 13, 2002, 1:22:01 PM3/13/02
At 01:02 AM 3/13/2002, you wrote:

>I would just like to know if the following is normal:
>I created a file TRANSACTION_LOG.sql to create an InnoDB table with MULTIPLE
>KEYs with one AUTO COLUMN.
>The file consists of the following SQL commands:
>drop table TRANSACTION_LOG;
>create table TRANSACTION_LOG (SESSION_ID int(10) not null, TRANS_CODE int(5)
>not null, TRANS_LOG_ID int(10) not null auto_increment, primary key
>Unfortunately , I get the following error:
>[root@oracle /root]# mysql accounting < TRANSACTION_LOG.sql
>ERROR 1075 at line 2: Incorrect table definition; There can only be one auto
>column and it must be defined as a key
>Does InnoDB tables support MULTIPLE KEYS with an AUTO COlumn?

Not officially. The InnoDb manual states auto-increment fields
must be in a key by themselves. :-(

But I've discovered you can have a compound index with an
auto-increment field as long as the auto-increment field is the *first*
field of the index. So if you switch your primary key to


it should work. :-)


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ImpactNET - Edgar R Gutierrez

Mar 13, 2002, 6:52:33 PM3/13/02
Hi BD! :)

First of all, Thanks for the reply....

Anyway, actually what i would like to do is group data so that each group
will have its own "increment" series when data is inserted for that group.

For example


0A0AA 0B0B 1
0A0AA 0B0B 2
0A0AA 0AEA 1
0A0AA 0AEA 2
0A0AA 0AEA 3
0AB0B 0B0B 1

This works if my table is MyISAM. It doesn't work in InnoDB.......

I hope there is a solution...

Thanks again!

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