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ucsm cabal circular #207-a

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Jun 25, 2003, 12:21:59 PM6/25/03

"Richard P. Grant" <> wrote in message
> Hey babes,
> Sorry this is so late, I've been thinking about websites. One of them
> will appear shortly :)
> First, I'm really impressed by the speed with which the Peters A and D
> implemented last meeting's plan. I think we've thrown them off the
> scent for now.
> That Ceresole chap is getting a bit much - like one of those puppies
> that gets hold of your leg and won't let go until - well, you know.
> Steve F, can you do something? Great.
> Simon D - well done. I think we need another blazing row though, can
> you and Daniele think about this?
> Debs, by the way, that's brilliant work on the bb distro list, and not
> too many cabalists on there either. Woody, I haven't seen many grammar
> mistakes from you lately, please abuse some apostrophes so I can flame
> you.

I am currently lulling them into a false sense of security. As soon as they
drop their guard I will get them, no worries..



Jun 25, 2003, 12:48:11 PM6/25/03

"Richard P. Grant" <> wrote in message
> Woody, your newswerver is broken. That was posted by nistake and
> superseded. Please fix.

Its not actually mine - Its either the free german one or one belonging to
freeserve (it seems to vary between computers). I don't think they will let
me fix it, which is probably wise :)

My newserver actually works fine at the moment, although I haven't started
using it yet. As does my imap server, which I have.


James Savage

Jun 25, 2003, 2:31:44 PM6/25/03
Richard P. Grant <> wrote:

> Woody, your newswerver is broken. That was posted by nistake and
> superseded. Please fix.

You think supercede works.


Jun 25, 2003, 5:45:32 PM6/25/03
Vg znxrf ab zber frafr jura lbh ebg-13 vg.


Jun 27, 2003, 8:53:46 AM6/27/03
PeterD <pd....@dsl.pipex.invalid> wrote:

> Vg znxrf ab zber frafr jura lbh ebg-13 vg.

My favourite rot13able text:

Aha! Nun or abjurer be nowhere? Bar one: Ova bin rail envy.
Onyx ant balk nag; she sync fur flap. Gel tang irk vex gnat try.

Clever, huh?


"I'm not sure how useful this is, but it's bloody clever."
- Jonathon Sanderson in uk.comp.sys.mac
Are you posting responses that are easy for others to follow?

Bella Jones

Jun 28, 2003, 7:14:09 AM6/28/03
in article, zoara at
wrote on 27/6/03 9:53 am:

> PeterD <pd....@dsl.pipex.invalid> wrote:
>> Vg znxrf ab zber frafr jura lbh ebg-13 vg.
> My favourite rot13able text:
> Aha! Nun or abjurer be nowhere? Bar one: Ova bin rail envy.
> Onyx ant balk nag; she sync fur flap. Gel tang irk vex gnat try.
> Clever, huh?

OK. What is this, please? Can email the dreaded secret if you like...

Bruce Horrocks

Jun 28, 2003, 10:43:30 PM6/28/03
In message <>, Bella Jones
<> writes

No secret. ROT13 just means add 13 characters onto the letter to
code/decode it, so A->N, B->O ... Z->M. It's the Usenet equivalent of a
magazine printing the answer to a quiz upside down.

A quirk is that some messages ROT13 onto themselves, or something very
similar, so the ones above are:

Aha! Nun or abjurer be nowhere? -> Nun! Aha be nowhere or abjurer?
Bar one: Ova bin rail envy. -> One bar: Bin ova envy rail.
Onyx ant balk nag -> Balk nag onyx ant
she sync fur flap. -> fur flap she sync.
Gel tang irk vex gnat try. -> Try gnat vex irk tang gel.


Bruce Horrocks
<firstname>@<surname> -- fix the obvious for email

Bella Jones

Jun 29, 2003, 10:01:09 AM6/29/03
in article UZ36hgCSoh$, Bruce Horrocks at wrote on 28/6/03 11:43 pm:

>>>> Vg znxrf ab zber frafr jura lbh ebg-13 vg.

>>> My favourite rot13able text:
>>> Aha! Nun or abjurer be nowhere? Bar one: Ova bin rail envy.
>>> Onyx ant balk nag; she sync fur flap. Gel tang irk vex gnat try.

>> OK. What is this, please? Can email the dreaded secret if you like...

> No secret. ROT13 just means add 13 characters onto the letter to
> code/decode it, so A->N, B->O ... Z->M. It's the Usenet equivalent of a
> magazine printing the answer to a quiz upside down.
> A quirk is that some messages ROT13 onto themselves, or something very
> similar, so the ones above are:
> Aha! Nun or abjurer be nowhere? -> Nun! Aha be nowhere or abjurer?
> Bar one: Ova bin rail envy. -> One bar: Bin ova envy rail.
> Onyx ant balk nag -> Balk nag onyx ant
> she sync fur flap. -> fur flap she sync.
> Gel tang irk vex gnat try. -> Try gnat vex irk tang gel.

Guess that makes sense, there being 26 letters in the alphabet.

Thanks for enlightening me. The cabal can run, but it can't hide...

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