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Days of the Week: evidence proves skeptics completely wrong

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Dec 9, 2002, 10:53:49 PM12/9/02

Days of the Week: Proven Numbered by Sidereal Fifths.
-by Daniel Joseph Min (c)opyleft 2002--life is free!

At least since the days of Moses, author of the book
of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy
(albeit the latter has endured some heavy redaction),
it has been common knowledge among Egypto-Babylonian
peoples from all walks of life, that the days of the
week are numbered for the planets ordered by perfect
5ths from the Sun to Saturn (with the lone exception
of the interval from Mercury up to Jupiter, which is
by definition necessarily a diminished fifth per the
Locrian modality) so the days number from the Dorian
mode to the Mixolydian, as this chart clearly proves:

(same mode, common ascending, ancient descending)
Tonic Common Ancient Planet Heaven
D Dorian Phrygian Sun Fourth
A Aeolian Hypodorian Moon First
E Phrygian Dorian Mars Fifth
B Locrian Mixolydian Mercury Second
F Lydian Hypolydian Jupiter Sixth
C Ionian Lydian Venus Third
G Mixolydian Hypophrygian Saturn Seventh

# alpha AscendSteps Mode *Species
7 G W-W-H-W-W-H Mixolydian greater w/ b7
6 F W-W-W-H-W-W Lydian greater w/ #4
5 E H-W-W-W-H-W Phrygian lesser w/ b2
4 D W-H-W-W-W-H Dorian lesser melodic
3 C W-W-H-W-W-W Ionian greater natural
2 B H-W-W-H-W-W Locrian lesser w/ b2 b5
1 A W-H-W-W-H-W Aeolian lesser natural
*greater, major, perfect;
lesser, minor, imperfect.

You can see from the following chart, each planet's
sidereal placement determines the order of diatonic
modalities, each having seven tones in unique order,
thus determining the root pitch key for each planet:

(Orbit, Planet, Pitch, Mode, Muse, Goddess)
S# Pla Key Mod Mus God Relative Middle C
10 Plu C Ion Mne Mem <=C equal middle C
9 Nep B Loc Tha Com <=B below middle C
8 Ura A Aeo Ura Ast <=A below middle C <=bottom
7 Sat G Mix Pol Hym <=G above middle C
6 Jup F Lyd Eut Mel <=F above middle C
5 Mar E Phr Era Lyr <=E above middle C
4 Sun D Dor Mel Tra <=D above middle C
3 Ven C Ion Ter Dan <=C above middle C <=top
2 Mer B Loc Kal Epi <=B above middle C
1 Moo A Aeo Kli His <=A above middle C

In conclusion, there has never been a time where days
of the week were not directly associated with planets
for which weekdays are numbered strictly according to
the circle of fifths defined in their sidereal orbits.
This fact absolutely destroys any argument that there
was some alleged gap in common understanding that the
sidereal orbits of the planets numbered the week-days
by their diatonic fifths, and the heavens from I to X.

Therefore I'll quote from Young's literal translation
of Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-4, showing that even Moses did
know how the evenings-mornings of creation were named.
Meaning Egypto-Babylonians knew it, meaning the whole
world knew it; Egypt at the center of radial activity
after the third destruction circa 10,700 to 10,100 BC:

Sun's Day
"In the beginning of God's preparing the heavens and
the earth--the earth hath existed waste and void, and
darkness is on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of
God fluttering on the face of the waters, and God saith,
'Let light be'; and light is. And God seeth the light
that it is good, and God separateth between the light
and the darkness, and God calleth to the light 'Day',
and to the darkness He hath called 'Night'; and there
is evening, and there is morning--day one." Gen 1:1-5

Moon's Day
And God saith, 'Let an expanse be in the midst of the
waters, and let it be separating between waters and
waters.' And God maketh the expanse, and it separateth
between the waters which are under the expanse, and the
waters which are above the expanse: and it is so. And
God calleth to the expanse 'Heavens'; and there is
evening, and there is morning--day second." 6-8 ibid

Mars' Day
"And God saith, 'Let the waters under the heavens be
collected unto one place, and let the dry land be seen':
and it is so. And God calleth to the dry land 'Earth',
and to the collection of the waters He hath called
'Seas'; and God seeth that it is good. And God saith,
'Let the earth yield tender grass, herb sowing seed,
fruit-tree (whose seed is in itself) making fruit after
its kind, on the earth': and it is so. And the earth
bringeth forth tender grass, herb sowing seed after its
kind, and tree making fruit (whose seed is in itself)
after its kind; and God seeth that it is good; and there
is evening, and there is morning--day third." 9-13

Mercury's Day
"And God saith, 'Let luminaries be in the expanse of
the heavens, to make a separation between the day and
the night, then they have been for signs, and for seasons,
and for days and years, and they have been for luminaries
in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth':
and it is so. And God maketh the two great luminaries,
the great luminary for the rule of the day, and the small
luminary--and the stars also--for the rule of the night;
and God giveth them in the expanse of the heavens to give
light upon the earth, and to rule over day and over night,
and to make a separation between the light and the darkness;
and God seeth that it is good; and there is evening, and
there is morning--day fourth." 14-19

Jupiter's Day
And God saith, 'Let the waters teem with the teeming living
creature, and fowl let fly on the earth on the face of the
expanse of the heavens.' And God prepareth the great monsters,
and every living creature that is creeping, which the waters
have teemed with, after their kind, and every fowl with wing,
after its kind, and God seeth that it is good. And God blesseth
them, saying, 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters
in the seas, and the fowl let multiply in the earth': and
there is evening, and there is morning--day fifth." 20-23

Venus' Day
And God saith, 'Let the earth bring forth the living creature
after its kind, cattle and creeping thing, and beast of the
earth after its kind': and it is so. And God maketh the beast
of the earth after its kind, and the cattle after their kind,
and every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, and
God seeth that it is good. And God saith, 'Let Us make man in
Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over
fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over cattle,
and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that is
creeping on the earth.' And God prepareth the man in His image;
in the image of God He prepared him, male and female He prepared
them. And God blesseth them, and God saith to them, 'Be fruitful,
and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over
fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over every
living thing that is creeping upon the earth.' And God saith,
'Lo, I have given to you every herb sowing seed, which is upon
the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit
of a tree sowing seed, to you it is for food; and to every beast
of the earth, and to every fowl of the heavens, and to every
creeping thing on the earth, in which is breath of life, every
green herb is for food': and it is so. And God seeth all that
He hath done, and lo, very good; and there is evening, and
there is morning--day the sixth." 24-31

Saturn's Day
And the heavens and the earth are completed, and all their
host; and God completeth by the seventh day His work which
He hath made, and ceaseth by the seventh day from all His
work which He hath made. And God blesseth the seventh day,
and sanctifieth it, for in it He hath ceased from all His
work which God had prepared for making. These are births
of the heavens and of the earth in their being prepared,
in the day of Jehovah God's making earth and heavens; 2:1-4

Very Truly Yours,
Daniel Joseph Min

*Min's "Sidereal Planetary Orbits" Challenge:

*Min's Music of the Spheres:

*Min's Compleat Tarot Pak:

*Min's Official Home Page:


Robert Rules

Dec 9, 2002, 11:41:30 PM12/9/02

oh i get it. the circles that planets make going around the sun proves really smart
star gazers from before christ times known the sun must be at the center of the big circles,
or else how do they nuymber the circles by there bigger and bigger sizes?? from earth
you cant see the circles, but only you can figurte it out if your really smart.
the days of weeks match up with music fifths in very the same way. so they must know
the same circles by the same order in size as before.

so that " bobby d bryant " idiot claiming order just lucky is proven to be a stupid fuck
who dont know didly jack shit about what hes shooting his idiotic mouth off about.

thanks min. some how i just knew you could do it. " bobby d bryant " must feel like a dick.
robert rules

In article <>,
atheists.&.skeptics@just.haven' (XP*RT'ASTR*N*MER) typed:


Dec 10, 2002, 12:58:00 AM12/10/02

On 10 Dec 2002, Robert Rules <> wrote:
> oh i get it. the circles that planets make going around the sun proves really smart
>star gazers from before christ times known the sun must be at the center of the big circles,
>or else how do they nuymber the circles by there bigger and bigger sizes?? from earth
>you cant see the circles, but only you can figurte it out if your really smart.
> the days of weeks match up with music fifths in very the same way. so they must know
>the same circles by the same order in size as before.

Basically, while your terminology is perhaps simplistic,
your comprehension of the principles at work appears to
be right on the mark. If a basic description like yours
is what it takes for readers to grasp the ramifications
of my work in archaeo-astronomy & astrology, then so be
it. However, as for your scathing criticism of that guy
who apparently doesn't know anything about this subject,
there's no need to make inflammatory remarks about them.
Their own madness is more than enough to embarrass them.

Hopefully, someday, even the skeptics and atheists will
snap out of their "catalepsy" then come to their senses;
although I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for it
to occur. I'm content knowing I'm right & they're wrong.

Happy Holidays!
Daniel Joseph Min

*Min's "Sidereal Planets of the Week" Challenge:


Steve Campbell

Dec 10, 2002, 3:22:37 AM12/10/02

> (same mode, common ascending, ancient descending)
> Tonic  Common      Ancient       Planet   Heaven
> D    Dorian      Phrygian      Sun      Fourth
> A    Aeolian     Hypodorian    Moon     First
> E    Phrygian    Dorian        Mars     Fifth
> B    Locrian     Mixolydian    Mercury  Second
> F    Lydian      Hypolydian    Jupiter  Sixth
> C    Ionian      Lydian        Venus    Third
> G    Mixolydian  Hypophrygian  Saturn   Seventh
> # alpha AscendSteps  Mode       *Species
> 7   G   W-W-H-W-W-H  Mixolydian  greater w/ b7
> 6   F   W-W-W-H-W-W  Lydian      greater w/ #4
> 5   E   H-W-W-W-H-W  Phrygian    lesser w/ b2
> 4   D   W-H-W-W-W-H  Dorian      lesser melodic
> 3   C   W-W-H-W-W-W  Ionian      greater natural
> 2   B   H-W-W-H-W-W  Locrian     lesser w/ b2 b5
> 1   A   W-H-W-W-H-W  Aeolian     lesser natural
> *greater, major, perfect;
> lesser, minor, imperfect.

Intresting stuff, don't know whether to laugh or try to play it.
So, err, which of the 300 or so known tunings does shit describe the solar
system in? Surely you cannot be referring to the equal tempered western
tuning developed in western Europe in the last few centuries?, and as far
as I know, the cycle of fiths goes WAY out of whack in even pure major
tuning, never mind some warped Indian scale with 19 notes:)

You may as well try to demonstrate who the romans used computers as how the
ancients used modern musical concepts.

registered Linux user #212154
Don't get mad, get Linux


Dec 10, 2002, 1:22:42 PM12/10/02
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, "[#] jpturcaud" <> wrote:
>Well said Daniel ! But they won't wake up, they have been vaccinated with
>Aluminium, they drink Fluor, Phosphorus and Chlorine, the feed on the most
>noted poisons forbidden by of Nature-Abiding-Civilisations i.e sugar and
>salt ! They beuuuuuuullieve in anything foraged down their throats trough
>their Youniversities like the MITH, OXFOD or the ANUS
>The Mass is said my friend _ Ite missa est _ and the proof is they are all
>becoming sterile, indeed their electronic potential is at the image of their
>intellectual one.
>THE FIRE OF THOTH ! What is it ? This is the electric discharge upon the
>spermatozoide reaching the ovair ! It's value ? ... approx 500 000 Volts !
>... and the Egyptians knew it !
>By the way they knew of the Dark Sun : Osiris or Aton ! BUT the fraudulent
>gods of appearance have triumphed : Amon and Ra !!!
>That Dying Civilisation has put most in short-circuit and the remedies of
>course exist, but the officialdom haven't them !
>That Civilisation will disappear beuuuuuuuuuulieving in Glaciations,
>Paleo-Glacial Climates and Orogenesis in solid phase + a hundred more
>follies !

My hat's off to you, Jean-Paul. An hundred-plus follies is
being conservative, as I'm sure you'll agree. The orthodox
scientists seem to gather like flies to feast in cesspools
of rancid folly. Afar off they shall be and I thank heaven
for that! Their follies are futile and reeking with stench.
The further away they stay from me the happier I'll remain.
>I have given hope myself .
>Best wishes for the "Sol Invinctus" feast or Winter Soltice feast
> Regards
Ah yes, Natalis Solis Invicti, Birth of the Sun-Invincible.
Io Saturnalia! mon ami. Joyeux Noel, and happy holidays....

Daniel Joseph Min

*Min's "Sidereal Planets of the Week" Challenge:

*Min's "Sidereal Planetary Orbits" Challenge:

*Min's Official Home Page:

>Jean-Paul Turcaud
>Hydro & Mining Prospector
>Pioneer Of Australian Mining
>Discoverer of Telfer; Kintyre & Nifty Mines in The Great Sandy Desert.
>Discoverer of the South Atlantic Submarine Gold Placers
> _ 40 Millions Tons estimate _
>Founder of The TRUE GEOLOGY
>* The Greatest Australian Mining Covered Up Swindle Of The 20th Century
>* The True Geology ( previously Refutation of the Horrid Geological Myths )
> ( Not available due to plagiarism hazards )
>Breaking News
>"Gold and Intrigue in the Desert"
>"The true story of the discovery of the Telfer gold mine"
>Author : Bob Sheppard, President of the Australian Prospectors' Union
>Author's contact & web page :
>Order from : Hesperian Press, PO Box 317 Victoria Park, 6979 W.Australia.
>AUS 40.00 + post
>Official launching in Perth 15th December 2002

Stephen Astro

Dec 10, 2002, 5:49:42 PM12/10/02
XP*RT'ASTR*N*MER <atheists.&.skeptics@just.haven'> wrote

The orthodox
> scientists seem to gather like flies to feast in cesspools
> of rancid folly. Afar off they shall be and I thank heaven
> for that! Their follies are futile and reeking with stench.
> The further away they stay from me the happier I'll remain.

But the orthodox scientists put men on the moon. They must be doing
something right.

The science of the ancients told them when to plant corn. Hey, not a
bad start, but not exactly rocket science.

Steve O.


Dec 10, 2002, 7:29:37 PM12/10/02
>XP*RT'ASTR*N*MER <Daniel Joseph Min is a Major Loon AND Just @hasn'> scribbled desperately
when his attendants were not nearby:

> The orthodox scientists seem to gather like flies to feast in cesspools
> of rancid folly. Afar off they shall be and I thank heaven
> for that! Their follies are futile and reeking with stench.
> The further away they stay from me the happier I'll remain.
************ *************
If you really mean that, then you can start by remaining far away
from any Newsgroup pertaining to science ---- send your spamming
troll messages elsewhere.
Of course, you continue to pollute any Science Newsgroup.
I'LL REMAIN" then, please, do.
If you stay away I promise we will not serach you out.
Can you do what you say?
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