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Preface to Cesar - Min's Compleat Interlinear Translation

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May 5, 2003, 9:31:34 PM5/5/03

Ad Caesarem Nostradamus filium,
To Caesar Nostradamus son.

Vie et felicite.
Life and felicity.

Ton tard aduenemet, Cesar Nostradame mon fils,
Your tardy advent, Cesar Nostradame my son,

m'a faict mettre mo long temps par cotinuelles
me to make put my long time by continual

vigilatios nocturnes referer par escript toy
vigils nocturnal to refer by script you

delaisser memoire, apres la corporelle extinction
to leave memoir, after the corporeal extinction

de ton progeniteur au commun proffit des humains,
of your progenitor to the common profit of the humans,

de ce que la Diuine essence par Astronomiques
of which this the Divine essence by Astronomic

revolutions m'o't done cognoissance.
revolutions me to you gave cognisance.

Et depuis qu'il a pleu au Dieu immortel que
And since that it has pleased to God immortal that

tu ne sois venu en naturelle lumiere das ceste
you did not come in natural light of this

terrene plaige, & ne veux dire tes ans qui
terrene shore, & not want to say your years which

ne sont encores accompagnez, mais tes mois Martiaux
not are still accompanied, but your months Martial

incapables a receuoir dedans ton bile entendement
incapable to receive inside your bile understanding

ce que ie seray contrainct apres mes iours
that which I will be constraining after my days

definer: veu qu'il n'est possible te laisser
to define: seeing that it not is possible to leave

par escrit, ce que seroit par l'iniure du temps
by script, that which will be by the injury of time

oblitere: car la parolle hereditaire de
obliterated: because the word hereditary of

l'occulte prediction sera dans mon estomach
the occult prediction will be in my stomach

intercluse: considerat aussi les aduentures de
closed up: considering also the adventures of

l'humain definiment estre incertaines, & que le tout
the human definitely to be uncertain, & that the all

est regi & gouuerne par la puissance de Dieu
is controlled & governed by the puissance of God

inestimable, nous inspirant non par bac-chante fureur,
inestimable, us inspiring not by bacchante fury,

ne par limphatique mouuement, mais par astronomiques
nor by lymphatic movement, but by astronomic

assertions. Soli numine divino afflari
assertions. Only by the will of God to divine affluent

praesagiunt et spiritu prophetico particularia:
presaging and in spirit of prophecy particularly:

Combien que de long temps par plusieurs fois
How much that of long time by numerous times

i'ay predict long temps auparauant ce que
I've predicted long time before that which

depuis est aduenu, & en particulieres regions
since has advent, & in particularly regions

attribuant le tout estre faict par la vertu
attributing the all to be made by the virtue

& inspiration diuine & autres felices
& inspiration divine & other felicities

& sinistres aduentures de acceleree promptitude
& sinister adventures of accelerated promptitude

pronocees que depuis sont aduenues par les climats
pronounced that since have advent by the climates

du monde ayant voulu taire & delaisser
of the world which wanted to silence & to leave over

pour cause de l'iniure, & non tant seulement
for cause of the injury, & not so much only

du temps present, mais aussi de la plus grande
of the time present, but also of the more great

part du futur, de mettre par escrit pource que
part of the future, to put by script because that

les regnes, sectes & religions feront changes
the reigns, sects, & religions will make changes

si opposites, voire du respect du present
so opposite, seeing from the respect of the present

diametralement, que si ie venois a referer
diametrically, that if I would come to refer

ce qu'a l'aduenir sera ceux de regne,
that which in the to advent will be those of reign,

secte religion, & foy trouueroyent si mal
sect religion, & faith will be found so bad

accordant si leur fantaisie auriculaire, qu'ils
according to thier fantasies auricular, that they

viendroyent a damner ce que par les siecles
will come to damn that which by the centuries

aduenir on cognoistra estre veu & apperceu.
to advent we will know to be seen & apperceived.

Considerant aussi la sentence du vray Sauueur
Considering also the sentence of the true Saviour

Nolite sanctum dare canibus nec mittatis
Not you thing sacred to give to dogs nor throw

margaritas ante porcos non conculcet
pearls before pigs that not they trample them

pedibus et couersi dirumpant vos.
underfoot and they having turned to disrupt you.

Qui a este la cause de faire retirer ma
That to have been the cause to make retire my

langue au populaire, & la plume au papier,
language from the populace, & the pen from the paper,

puis me suis voulu estendre declarant pour
then me to swine wanted to extend declaring for

le commun aduenement par obstruses & perplexes
the common adventing by obstructed & perplexed

sentences les causes futures, mesmes les plus
sentences the causes future, even the most

vrgentes, & celles que i'ay apperceu, quelque
urgent, & those that I've apperceived, some

humaine mutation qu'aduienne ne scandaliser
human mutation that adventing not to scandalize

l'auriculaire fragilite, & le tout escrit soubs
the auricular fragility, & the all script under

figure nubileuse plus que du tout prophetique,
figure nubilous more than for all prophetic,

cobien que, Abscondisti haec a sapientibus,
as much which, Absconded these from the sapient,

et prudentibus, id est, potentibus et
and the prudent, that is, the potentates and

regibus, et enucleastiea exiguis et
the kings, and have made clear to the exiguous and

tenuibus: & aux Prophetes par le moye de
the tenuous: & to the Prophets by the means of

Dieu immortel, & des bons Anges ont receu
God immortal, & the good Angels have received

l'esprit de vaticination, par lequel ils voyent
the spirit of vaticination, by which they to see

les choses loingtaines, & viennent a preuoir les
the causes far away, & to come to preview the

futurs aduenemens: car rien ne se peut
future adventures: because anything not will be able

paracheuer sans luy, ausquels si grande est la puissance,
to achieve without him, to which so great is the puissance,

& la bonte aux subiets que pendant qu'ils
& the goodness to the subjects that while that he

demeurent en eux, toutesfois aux autres effects
remains in them, nevertheless to the other effects

subiects pour la similitude de la cause du
subjects for the similitude of the cause of the

bon genius, celle chaleur & puissace viticinatrice
good genius, this heat & puissant vaticinator

s'approche de nous, comme il nous aduient des
is approaching of us, like he us advent of the

rayons du Soleil qui viennent iettat
rays from the Sun which come thrusting

leur influence aux corps elementaires, & non
their influence to the bodies elementary, & not

elementaires. Quand a nous qui sommes humains,
elementary. While to we who are humans,

ne pouuons rien de nostre naturelle
not we can do anything from our natural

cognoissance & inclination d'engin, cognoistre
cognizance & inclination of ingenuity, to cognize

des secrets obctruses de Dieu le Createur. Quia
the secrets obscure of God the Creator. Because

non est nostrum noscere tempora nec momenta,
not to be ours to know the time neither the moment,

&c. Combien qu'aussi de present peuuent
etc. How much which also of the present could

aduenir & estre personnagee, que Dieu le createur
to advent & to be the personage, which God the creator

aye voulu reueler par imaginatiues impressios
would want to reveal by imaginative impressions

quelques secrets de l'aduenir, accordez a
some secrets of the advent, according to

l'astrologie iudicielle comme du passe que
the astrology judicial like from to pass which

certaine puissance & volontaire faculte venoit par
certain puissance & voluntary faculty had come by

eux, come flambe de feu apparoit, que luy inspirant
them, like flame of fire appeared, those him inspiring

on venoit a iuger les diuines & humaines inspiratios.
we had come to judge the divine & human inspirations.

Car les oeuures diuines, que totalement sont
Because the works divine, which totally are

absolues Dieu les viet paracheuer: la moyene
absolute God the will come to achieve: the means of

qui est au milieu des Anges: la troisiesme
which is in the midst of the Angels: the third

les mauuais: Mais mon fils ie te parle cy vn
the bad: But my son I to you speak here a

peu trop obstrusement: mais quant aux occultes
little too obstrusively: but as for the occult

vaticinations qu'on vient a receuoir par le
vaticinations that we come to receive by the

subtil esprit de feu, qui quelquefois par
subtle spirit of fire, which sometimes by

l'entendement agite, contemplant le plus
the understanding agitated, contemplating the more

haut des astre, comme estant vigilant, mesmes
high of the stars, as to be vigilant, even

qu'aux prononciations, estant surprins escrits
those in pronunciations, standing surprised writings

prononcant sans contraincte moins attainct
pronouncing without constraint less attained

d'inuereconde loquacite mais quoy tout procedoit
of unashamed loquacity but which all proceeds

de la puissance diuine du grand Dieu eternel,
from the puissance divine of the great God eternal,

de qui toute bonte procede.
from whom all goodness proceed.

Encores, mon fils, que i'aye insere le nom de
Still, my son, that I've inserted the name of

prophete, ie ne veux attribuer tiltre de si
prophet, i do not seek to attribute title of such

haute sublimite pour le temps present: car
high sublimity for the time present: because

qui Propheta dicitur hodie, olim
which the Prophet as called today, was formerly

vocabatur videns: car Prophete proprement
called the seer: because the Prophet properly

mon fils, est celuy qui voit choses lointaines
my son, is the one who sees things far away

de la cognoissance naturelle de toute creature.
from the cognizance natural of every creature.

Et cas aduenant que le Prophete moyenant
And case adventing which the Prophet by means of

la parfaicte lumiere de la Prophetie luy apparaire
the perfect light of the Prophecy him to appear

manifestement des choses diuines, comme humaines,
manifestly of the things divine, as humans,

que ce ne se peut faire, veu que les effects
that this not he can do, to view these the effects

de la future prediction estendent loing. car
of the future prediction extending far. because

les secrets de Dieu incomprehensibles, & la vertu
the secrets of God incomprehensible, & the virtue

effectrice contingent de longue estendue de
effector contingent of long extention of

la cognoissance naturelle, prenant leur plus
the cognizance natural, taking their more

prochain origine du liberal arbitre, fait
nearby origin from the liberal arbiter, made

apparoir les causes que d'elles mesmes ne
to appear the causes which of selves even not

peuuent acquerir celle notice pour estre cogneues,
can acquire this notice for to be cognized,

ne par les humains augures, ne par autre
not by the human augurs, not by other

cognoissance de vertu occulte: comprinse
cognizance of virtue occult: comprehending

soubs la concauite du ciel mesme du faict
under the concavity of the sky even of the made

present totalement eternite, que vient en
present for all eternity, which comes in

soy embrasser tout le temps. Mais moyennant
his embrace all the time. But by means of

quelque indiuisible eternite par, comitiale
some indivisible eternity by, comitial

agitation Hiracliene, les causes par le celeste
agitation Herculean, the causes by the caelestial

mouuement sont cogneues. Ie ne dis pas, mon
movement are cognized. I never say never, my

fils, a fin que bien l'entendez, que la
son, to the end that well the hearing, which the

cognoissance de ceste mantiere ne se peut
cognizance of this matter not can be able to

encores imprimer dans ton debile cerueau, que
still imprint in your feeble brain, that

les causes futures bien loingtaines ne soyent
the causes future very far away not will be

a la cognoissance de la creature raisonable:
to the cognizance of the creature reasonable:

si sont nonobstant bonnement la creature
if are notwithstanding for the good the creature

de l'ame intellectuelle des choses presentes
of the soul intellectual of the things present

loingtaines ne luy sont du tout ne trop occultes,
far away not him are from all not too occult,

ne trop reseres: mais la parfaicte des causes
nor too reserved: but the perfect of the causes

notices ne se peut acquerir sans celle
notice not can be able to acquire without this

diuine inspiration: veu que toute inspiration
divine inspiration: seeing that all inspiration

prophetique recoit prenant son principal principe
prophetic receives taking its principal element

mouuant de Dieu le createur, puis de l'heur & de
moving of God the creator, then of the hour & of

nature. Parquoy estant les causes indifferentes
nature. By which standing the causes indifferent

indifferement produictes, & non produictes, le
indifferently produced, & not produced, the

presage partie aduient, ou a este predict.
presage part advent, where has been predicted.

Car l'entendement cree intellectuellement
Because the understanding created intellectually

ne peut voir occultement, sinon par la voix
not can see occultly, except by the voice

faicte au l'imbe moyennant la exigue flame,
made to the limb by means of the exiguous flame,

en laquelle partie les causes futures se viendront
in which part the causes future they will come

a incliner. Et aussi mon fils, ie te suplie
to be inclined. And also my son, I you supplicated

que iamais tu ne vueilles employer ton
which ever you not would want to employ your

entendement a telles resueries & vanitez
understanding to such dreams & vanities

qui seichent les corps & mettent a perdition
which dries the bodies & put to perdition

l'ame, donnant trouble au foible sens:
the soul, giving trouble to the feeble senses:

mesmes la vanite de la plus qu'execrable magie
even the vanity of the more than execrable magic

reprouuee iadis par les sacrees escritures, & par
reproved formerly by the sacred scriptures, & by

les diuins canons au chef duquel est
the divine cannons of the chief of which is

excepte le iugement de l'Astrologie iudicielle:
excepted the judgment of the Astrology judicial:

par laquelle, & moyennant inspiration & reuelation
by which, & by means of inspiration & revelation

diuine par continuelles supputations, auons nos
divine by continual deductions, we have our

propheties redige par escrit. Et combien que
prophecies redacted by script. And how much that

celle occulte Philosophie ne fusse reprouue,
this occult Philosophy not could be reproved,

n'ay oncque voulu presenter leurs effrenees
not've one which wanted to present their effronted

persuasions, combien que plusieurs volumes qui
persuasions, how much that numerous volumes which

ont este cachez par longs siecles me sont
have been hidden by long centuries to me have

este manifestez. Mais doutant ce qui aduiendroit,
been manifested. But doubting that which would advent,

en ay faict apres la lecture present a Vulcan,
in have made after the lecture present to Vulcan,

que cependant qu'il les venoit a deuorer,
which nevertheless that it the had come to devour,

la flamme leschant l'air rendoit vne clarte
the flame licking the air rendering one clarity

insolite, plus claire que naturelle flamme,
strange, more clear than natural flame,

comme lumiere de feu de clystere fulgurant,
like light of fire of baptism fulgurating,

illuminant subtil la maison: comme si elle
illuminating subtly the house: like if she

fust este en subite conflagration. Parquoy a
was to be in sudden conflagration. By which to

fin qu'a l'aduenir ne fussiez abuze,
the end that in the future not would be abused,

perscrutur la parfaicte transformation tant
scrutinizing the perfect transformation as much

seline que solitaire, & soubs terre metaux
selene as solar-only, & underground metals

incorruptibles, & aux ondes, ocultes, les ay
incorruptible, & to the waves, occult, the have

en cendres conuertis. Mais quant au iugement
in cinders converted. But as for the judgement

qui se vient paracheuer, moyennant le
which will come to achieve, by means of the

iugement celeste, cela te veux ie manifester:
judgement caelestial, that you seek I to manifest:

parquoy auoir cognoissance des choses futures,
by which to have cognizance of the things future,

reiectant loing les phantastiques imaginations
rejecting far the fantastic imaginations

qui aduiendront, limitant la particuliarite
which will advent, limiting the particularity

des lieux par diuine inspiration supernaturelle:
of the places by divine inspiration supernatural:

accordant aux celestes figures les lieux,
according to the caelestial figures the places,

& vne partie du temps de propriete occulte par
& one part of the time of propriety occult by

vertu puissance, & faculte diuine en presence de
virtuous puissance, & faculty divine in presence of

laquelle les trois temps sont comprins par
which the three times are comprehending by

eternite, reuolution tenant a la cause passee,
eternity, revolution holding to the cause past,

presente & future: quia omnia sunt nuda
present & future: because all things exist naked

et aperta, etc. Parquoy mon fils, tu peux
and open, etc. By which my son, you can

facilement, nonobstant ton tendre cerueau
facilely, notwithstanding your tender brain

comprendre que les choses qui doiuent aduenir,
to comprehend that the things which must to advent,

se peuuent prophetizer par les nocturnes & celestes
self can to prophesy by the nocturnal & caelestial

lumieres, qui sont naturelles, & par l'esprit de
lights, which are natural, & by the spirit of

prophetie: non que ie me vueille attribuer
prophecy: not that I me would want to attribute

nomination ny effect prophetique, mais par reuelee
nomination nor effect prophetic, but by revealed

inspiration, comme homme mortel esloigne non moins
inspiration, like men mortal far away not less

de sens au Ciel, que les pieds en terre.
of the sense to Heaven, than the feet in the earth.

Possum non errare, falli, decipi, suis pecheur
Are able not to err, fail, deceive, myself to sin

plus grand que nul de ce monde, subiect a toutes
more great than any of this world, subject to all

humaines afflictions. Mais estant surprins par
human afflictions. But standing surprised by

fois la sepmaine limphatiquant, & par longue
times the week lymphatically, & by long

calculation, rendant les estudes nocturnes de
calculation, rendering the studies nocturnal of

souefue odeur, i'ay conpose liures de propheties
sulfur odor, I've composed books of prophecies

contenant chacun cent quatrains astronomiques
containing each one a hundred quatrains astronomic

de propheties, lesquelles i'ay vn peu voulu
of prophecies, that which I've one little wanted

rabouter obscurement & sont perpetuelles vaticinations,
to join obscurely & are perpetual vaticinations,

pour d'yci a l'annee 3797. Que possible fera
for from here to the year 3797. Which possibly will make

retirer le front a quelques vns, en voyant longue
to retire the front to some ones, in seeing long

extention, & par soubs toute la concauite de la
extension, & by under all the concavity of the

Lune aura lieu & intelligence: & ce entendant
Moon will make lieu & intelligence: & this understanding

vniversellement par toute la terre les causes mon
universally by all the earth the causes my

fils, que si tu vis l'aage naturel & humain,
son, that if you to live the age natural & human,

tu verras deuers ton climat, au propre Ciel
you will see diverse your climate, to proper Sky

de ta natiuite, les futures aduentures preuoir.
of your nativity, the future adventures previewed.

Combien que le seul Dieu eternel soit celuy
How much that the sole God eternal would be the one

seul qui cognoist l'eternite de sa lumiere,
only who cognizes the eternity of his light,

procedant de luy mesmes, & ie dis franchement
proceeding from him the same, & I speak frankly

qu'a ceux a qui sa magnitude immense, qui
that to those to whom his magnitude immense, which

est sans mesure & inconprehensible, a voulu pour
is without measure & incomprehensible, to want for

longue inspiration, melancolique reueler, que
long inspiration, melancholic to reveal, that

moyennant icelle occulte cause manifestee
by means of this one occult cause manifested

diuinement, principalement de deux causes
divinely, principally from two causes

principales, qui sont comprinses a l'entendement
principal, which are comprehended to the understanding

de celuy inspire qui prophetise, l'vne
of the one inspired who prophesies, the one

est que vient a infuser, esclarcissant la
is who comes to infuse, clarifying the

lumiere supernaturelle, au personnage qui
light supernatural, to this personage who

predit par la doctrine des astres, & prophetise
predicts by the doctrine of the stars, & prophesies

par inspiree reuelation, laquelle est vne certaine
by inspired revelation, which is one certain

participation de la diuine eternite, moyennant
participation of the divine eternity, by means of

le Prophete vient a iuger de cela que son diuin
the Prophet come to judge of this which his divine

esperit luy a donne par le moyen de Dieu le
spirit him to give by the means of God the

createur, & par vne naturelle instigation, c'est
creator, & by one natural instigation, this is

a scauoir que ce predit, est vray, & a prins
to know what this predicts, is true, & has taken

son origine & ethereement: & telle lumiere & flamme
its origin & ethereally: & such light & flame

exigue est de toute efficace, & de telle altitude
exiguous is of all efficacy, & of such altitude

non moins que la naturelle clarte, & naturelle
not less than the natural clarity, & natural

lumiere rend les Philosophes si asseurez, que
light rend the Philosophies so assured, that

moyennant les principes de la premiere cause
by means of the principles of the premier cause

ont atteinct a plus profondes abysmes des
have attained to more profound abysms of the

plus hautes doctrines, Mais a celle fin mon fils
more high doctrines, But to this end my son

que ie ne vague trop profondement pour la
that I not wonder too profoundly for the

capacite fature de ton sens, & aussi que ie treuue
capacity future of your sense, & also which I find

que les lettres feront si grande & incomparable
that the letters will do so great & incomparable

iacture, que ie treuue le monde auant
jactation, that I find the world before

l'vniuerselle conflagration aduenir tant de
the universal conflagration to advent so much of

deluges & si hautes inondations, qu'il ne
deluges & so high inundations, that there not

sera quiere terroir qui ne soit couuert
will be much soil which not will be covered

d'eau, & sera par si long temps, que hors
of water, & will be by so long time, that outside

mis enogrophies & topographies que le tout ne
to put enographies & topographies that the all not

soit pery, aussi auant & apres telles
will be perished, also in advance & after such

inondations, en plusieurs contrees les playes
inundations, in numerous countries the rains

seront si exigues, & tonbera du ciel si
will be so exiguous, & will fall from the sky so

grande abondance de feu & de pierre candentes,
great abundance of fire & of stones candent,

qu'il n'y demeurera rien qui ne
that there not will remain anything which not

soit consomme: & cecy aduenir en brief,
will be consumed: & this will advent in brief,

& auant la derniere conflagration: Car
& in advance of the last conflagration: Because

encores, que la planette de Mars paracheue son
still, that the planet of Mars achieves his

siecle & a la fin de son dernier periode, si
century & to the end of his previous period, if

le reprendra il: mais assemblez les vns en
the will take it: but are assembled the ones in

Aquarius plusieurs annees, les autres en Cancer
Aquarius numerous years, the others in Cancer

par plus longues & continues. Et maintenant que
by more long & continuous. And now that

nous sommes conduicts par la Lune, moyennant la
we are conducted by the Moon, by means of the

totale puissance de Dieu eternel, qu'auant
total puissance of God eternal, that in advance

qu'elle aye paracheue son total circuit le
that she will have achieved her total circuit the

Soleil viendra, & puis Saturne. Car selon
Sun will come, & then Saturn. Because according to

les signes celestes, le regne de Saturne sera
the signs caelestial, the reign of Saturn will be

de retour, que le tout calcule, le monde
of return, which the all calculated, the world

s'approche, d'vne anaragonique reuolution: & que
is approaching, of one anaragonic revolution: & that

de present que cecy i'escrits auant cent
of present which this I write in advance of hundred

septante sept ans trois mois vnze iour par
seventy seven years three months eleven days by

pestilence, longue famine, & guerres, & plus par les
pestilence, long famine, & wars, & more by the

inondations le monde entre cy & ce terme
inundations the world between here & this term

prefix, auant & apres par plusieurs fois,
prefixed, in advance & after by numerous times,

sera diminue, & si peu de monde sera,
will be diminished, & so little of the world will be,

que l'on ne treuuera qui vueille prendre les
that we will not to find who would want to take the

champs: qui deuiendront libres aussi longuement:
fields: which will remain free also at length:

qu'ils, sont estez en seruitude & ce quant
which they, have been in servitude & that as for

au visible iugement celeste, qu'encores
to the visible judgment caelestial, that still

que nous soyons au septiesme nombre de mille
that we are in the seventh number of thousand

qui paracheue le tout nous approchant du
which achieve the all us approaching of

huictiesme, ou est le firmament de la huistiesme
the eighth, where is the firmament of the eighth

sphere, qui est en dimension latitudinaire, ou
sphere, which is in dimension latitudinal, where

le grand Dieu eternel viendra paracheuer la
the great God eternal will come to achieve the

reuolution, ou les images celestes retourneront
revolution, where the images caelestial will return

a se mouuoir & le moudument, superieur qui
to them to move & the movement, superior which

nous rend la terre stable & ferme non inclinabitur
us render the earth stable & firm not inclined

in soeculun soeculi: hors mis que son vouloir
in to the age of ages: outside to put as his wanting

sera accomply, mais non point autrement
will be accomplished, but not ever otherwise

combien que par ambigues opinions excedantes
how much that by ambiguous opinions exceeds

toutes raisons naturelles par songes Mathometiques,
all reasons natural by dreams Mathematic,

aussi aucunes fois Dieu le createur par les
also not at any time God the creator by the

ministres de ses messagiers de feu, enflamme
ministries of his messengers of fire, inflame

missiue vient a proposer aux sens exterieurs
missive comes to propose to the senses exterior

mesmement a nos yeux, les causes de future
evenly to our eyes, the causes of the future

prediction, significatrices du cas futur
prediction, significator of the case future

qui se doit a celuy qui presage manifester.
which he owes to the one whose presage to manifest.

Car le presaige qui se faict de la
Because the presage which he makes from the

lumiere exterieure vient infalliblement a iuger
light exterior comes infallibly to judge

partie auecques, & moyennant le lume
part with which, & by means of the lighted

exterieur: combien vrayement que la partie
exterior: how much truly that the part

qui semble auoir par l'oeil de
whose semblance to have by the eye of

l'entendement, ce que n'est par la lesion
the understanding, that which not is by the lesion

du sens imaginatif, la raison est par trop
of the sense imaginative, the reason is by too

euidente, le tout estre predict par afflation de
evident, the all to be predicted by afflation of

diuinite, & par le moyen de l'esprit angelique
divinity, & by the means of the spirit angelic

inspire a l'honme prophetisant, rendant oinctes
inspired to the man prophesying, rendering anointment

de vaticinations, le venant a illuminer, luy
of vaticinations, the coming to illuminate, him

esmouuant le deuant de la phantasie par diuerses
is moving the front of the fantasy by diverse

nocturnes apparitions que par diurne certitude
nocturnal apparitions than by diurnal certitude

prophetise par, administration Astronomique
prophesy by, administration Astronomic

conioincte de la sanctissime future prediction,
conjoined of the most sanctified future prediction,

ne considerant ailleurs qu'au courage libre.
not considering elsewhere than to courage free.

Vient a ceste heure entendre, mon fils, que
Come to this hour to understand, my son, that

ie trouue par mes reuolutions que sont accordantes
I find by my revolutions that are accordant

a reuelee inspiration, que le mortel glaiue
to revealed inspiration, that the mortal sword

s'approche de nous maintenant par peste,
is approaching of us now by pestilence,

guerre plus horrible qu'a vie de trois hommes
war more horrible than to life of three men

n'a este, & famine, lequel tombera
ever to have been, & famine, which one will fall

en terre, & y retournera souuent, car les
in earth, & there will return often, because the

Astres s'accordent a la reuolution, & aussi
Stars are accordingly to the revolution, & also

a dit: Visitabo in virga ferrea iniquitates
to say: Visiting in the rod of iron iniquities

eorum, et in verberibus percutiam eos:
theirs, and in whips beating them:

car la misericorde de Dieu ne sera point
because the mercifulness of God not will be ever

dispergee vn temps, mon fils, que la pluspart
dispersed one time, my son, that the more part

de mes Propheties, seront accomplies, &
of my Prophecies, will be accomplished, &

viendront estre par accomplissement reuolues.
will come to be by accomplishment revolved.

Alors par plusieurs fois durant les sinistres
Then by numerous times during the sinister

tempestes, Conteram ego, dira le Seigneur,
tempests, Crush to pieces self, dire the Seignior,

et confringam, et non miserebor, & mille
and break in two, and not be merciful, & thousand

autres aduentures qui aduiendront par eux
other adventures which will advent by them

& continuelles pluyes, comme plus a plain l'ay
& continual rains, as more at plain I've

redige par escrit aux miennes autres. Propheties
redacted by script to mine others. Prophecies

qui sont composees tout au long, in soluta
which are composed all at length, in unbound

oratione, limittant les lieux, temps & les termes
oration, limiting the places, times & the terms

prefix que les humains apres venus verront,
prefixed that the humans after Venus will see,

cognoissans les aduentures aduenues infailliblement,
cognizing the adventures to advent infallibly,

comme auons note par les autres parlant, plus
as we have noted by the others speaking, more

clairement, nonobstant que soubs nuee seront
clearly, notwithstanding that under a cloud will be

comprises les intelligences: sed quando submouenda
comprised the intelligences: but when to remove

erit ignorentia, le cas sera plus
the time comes the ignorance, the case will be more

esclaircy. Faisant fin, mon fils, prens donc ce
clarified. Making an end, my son, take then this

don de ton pere Nichel Nostradamus, esperant
gift from your father Michel Nostradamus, hoping

toy declarer vne chacune Prophetie des
you to declare one each one Prophecy of the

quatrains cy mis Priant Dieu immortel, qu'il
quatrains here put Praying God immortal, that he

te veuille prester vie longue, en bonne
you would want to advance life long, in good

& prospere felicite.
& prosperous felicity.

De Salon ce I. de Mars, 1555.
- From Salon this 1 of March, 1555.

-interlinear translation by Daniel Joseph Min
first publishing date 6 May 2003 rights free



May 5, 2003, 11:23:58 PM5/5/03
In article <>

Moth`Man <i`will`see`u`in`time@pre`c.gnitive`ASSHOLE> wrote:
> -interlinear translation by Daniel Joseph Min

Fuck you morphing asshole!!!!!!!!!

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