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Min's Light & Sound - Chapter 1 of 10

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Apr 20, 2003, 4:55:09 PM4/20/03



--by Daniel Joseph Min
(C) Copyleft 2003
all rights are free


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Dark Side of the Moon
Chapter 2 - Primaries and Secondaries
Chapter 3 - Signs, Decans & Pentads
Chapter 4 - Chart of a Genius
Chapter 5 - Chromatic Transposition
Chapter 6 - Going In Circles
Chapter 7 - Center Of Creation
Chapter 8 - By Jove!
Chapter 9 - 13 Baktun
Chapter 10 - <unfinished>


Chapter 1
Dark Side of the Moon

THE CHROMATIC IRIS & octave of the planetary zodiac are
referred to the familiar spectrums of visible light and
audible sound, respectively. Light & Sound bear witness
to the diatonic and chromatic qualities of astrological
forces, from which the four elements of creation derive
and manifest throughout the universe. As humans see and
hear, these forces are perceived in primary colors: Red,
Yellow and Blue; secondary colors Orange, Green, Violet;
and tertiary colors russet, citron and olive (composite
Indigo), hence the diatonic "ROYGBIV" primary colors of
light, i.e., Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue-Indigo-Violet
refraction dispersal of visible wavelengths--as through
a prism, from about 700 nm just above infrared, down to
about 400 nm just below ultraviolet. Color intensity or
chroma is its degree of saturation -and- departure from
pure light, whose "color" is white; although white, and
black, are not colors by definition, since white is the
appearance of all visible wavelengths, whereas black is
the absence of the appearance of any visible wavelength.

As with light the primary "colors" of audible sound are
Red, Yellow and Blue, the three diatonic tones numbered
1-3-5, which are the root tone, major third and perfect
fifth, which together form the C-major triad. Secondary
colors Orange, Green, and Violet correspond to the root
tone, minor third and natural sixth (note perfect sixth
implies a major third but the minor third is dissonant),
which form the D-minor sixth triad. The tertiary colors
are formed by the interval of two chromatic tones, such
as olive which is yellow-green of diminished saturation,
which falls between the E and F, thus is E and F played
together, E as the root tone, and F as the minor second,
the epitome of dissonance like the theme from the movie
"Jaws", exemplary of how this interval is used in music
to build tension or conflict by the complex ratio 11:12
(cf Judas Iscariot and ensign of Jupiter-inferior which
is the twelfth sign, Pisces, archetypal "Hanged Man" of
Tarot, his mystical musical niche replaced by Matthias).

Thus there are seven diatonic colors in the iris: 1 Red,
2 Orange, 3 Yellow, 4 Green, 5 Blue, 6 Indigo, 7 Violet;
therefore there are twelve chromatic colors in the iris,
1 Red, 2 Red-Orange, 3 Orange, 4 OrangeYellow, 5 Yellow,
6 Green, 7 Green-Blue, 8 Blue, 8 Blue-Indigo, 10 Indigo,
11 IndigoViolet, 12 Violet. These are the 7 x 12 colors
in the planetary zodiac with 7 x 12 corresponding tones.

The chart below illustrates the color/tone relationship
in the zodiac with the planets and their signs. See how
the C-major scale corresponds with the "ROYGBIV" colors,
the C-major triad is consonant with Red, Yellow, & Blue,
the D-minor sixth triad matches Orange, Green, & Violet.

|<-------perfect 5th------->|
| |
|<----perfect 4th-->| |
| | |
|<--major 3rd-->| | |
| | | |
Ari Gem Leo Vir Sco Cap Pis
Mar Mer Sun Mer Mar Sat Jup
Red Ora Yel Gre Blu Ind Vio
Tau | Can | Lib Sag Aqu |
Ven | Moo | Ven Jup Sat |
ROr | OYe | GBl BIn IVi |
C# | D# | F# G# A# |
| | |
|<minor 3rd>| |
| |
|<----------natural sixth---------->|

For example, the C-major triad is dominated by the 'C'
with the major third 'E' and perfect fifth 'G' mixing
their respective colors on full intensity. This color
is dominated by 'C' or Red, but the Yellow of 'E' and
Blue of 'G' are charted as if mixed on full intensity.
As such color/sound analyses are refined and expanded,
dynamic colors and tones may be further accounted for
such as tertiary colors which require lower intensity,
on down to the intuitive level--which is just as well,
since intuition is truly the lifeblood of imagination,
while empirical observation and theoretical knowledge
alone are only the beginning of such applied learning.
Sooner or later this knowledge and experience must be
integrated into ones cognizance and feeling of living,
which clearly transcends the mundane secular academia.

In all fairness to "RGB" advocates the primary color of
Green corresponds to the perfect fourth of Red, thus is
Red-Green-Blue equal to 1-4-5 the fundamentals of music,
a convincing argument except that Green is made by Blue
plus Yellow. Conversely, however, Cyan is made by Green
plus Blue. When you look at the zodiac of these primary
and secondary colors, you immediately see that Cyan and
Yellow, with Green between them, oppose Magenta, and is
precisely the CYM color model of subtractive color. And
furthermore, Green and Blue, with Cyan between them, is
at opposition to Red, i.e. the additive RGB color model.

For the purpose of this analysis however, the diatonic
ROYGBIV primary-color model is the most natural of all,
and most familiar to all--and has been for millions of
years and counting. It's the iris, rainbow, the zodiac
of color, with seven primaries and five secondaries as
comparable to classification & numbering of human ribs,
human chakras, etc. The ROYGBIV color-model is natural,
as the simple refraction of light always bears witness.

The following chart summarizes the relationship of
the planets, and the zodiac, with tones and colors,
and the 12 signs, & 10 planets of the major arcana.

Any single tone or combination of tones, signs, or
colors, or major arcana trumps etc. results in the
denoted mixture of the aforesaid; e.g., Gemini and
Libra/D + F#/Orange + Green-Blue, is a major third
with D as the root, or a diminished sixth below Gb,
emphasizing the root tone, color, sign, trump, etc,
as comparing the aspect of tension Libra to Gemini
verses Gemini to Libra. Musical intervals help you
to recognize respective astrological relationships,
as with colors in contrast, or when mixed together.
This forms the essence of the music of the spheres,
the harmonic tension among and between the planets
in their innate sidereal modes and synodic motions
to Earth. See "Beginner's Reference" for more info.

Note that "lunaires" refers to the synodic aspects
or phases of the planets to the Earth, or "lunars";
while the "solaires" refers to the innate sidereal
orbits of the planets about the Sun, ergo "solars":
_ _
| | _ _ _ _ __ _(_)_ _ ___ ___
| |_| || | ' \/ _` | | '_/ -_|_-<
|____\_,_|_||_\__,_|_|_| \___/__/

__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __
} { } | { } { } | { } { } { } | {
F | W | T | H | D | H | L | C | S | P | J | D | F | W | T | H | D | H
O | O | E | A | E | I | O | H | T | R | U | E | O | O | E | A | E | I
R | R | M | N | V | E | V | A | R | I | S | A | R | R | M | N | V | E
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
S | C | A | P | A | T | G | C | L | V | L | S | S | C | A | P | A | T
A | A | Q | I | R | A | E | A | E | I | I | C | A | A | Q | I | R | A
G | P | U | S | I | U | M | N | O | R | B | O | G | P | U | S | I | U
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
J | S | S | J | M | V | M | M | S | M | V | M | J | S | S | J | M | V
U | A | A | U | A | E | E | O | U | E | E | A | U | A | A | U | A | E
P | T | T | P | R | N | R | O | N | R | N | R | P | T | T | P | R | N
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
B | I | I | V | R | R | O | O | Y | G | G | B | B | I | I | V | R | R
I | N | V | I | E | O | R | Y | E | R | B | L | I | N | V | I | E | O
n | D | o | O | D | r | A | e | L | E | l | U | n | D | i | O | D | r
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ab | |Bb | | |Db | |Eb | | |Gb | |Ab | |Bb | | |Db
G# | |A# | | |C# | |D# | | |F# | |G# | |A# | | |C#
__] [___] | [___] [___] | [___] [___] [___] | [__
| | | | | | | | | | |
| S | H | F | S | T | E | J | M | M | E |
| T | E | O | U | O | M | U | O | A | M |
| A | R | O | N | W | P | D | O | G | P |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| U | N | P | S | M | J | S | M | M | V |
| R | E | L | U | A | U | A | O | E | E |
| A | P | U | N | R | P | T | O | R | N |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| 8 | 9 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | A | B | C |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |<----------Mixolydian(G-G)--/
| | | | | |<--------------Lydian(F-F)--------/
| | | | |<-------------Phrygian(E-E)-------------/
| | | |<--------------Dorian(D-D)--------------------/
| | |<---------------Ionian(C-C)-------------------->|
| |<---------------Locrian(B-B)------------------->|

___ _ _
/ __|___| |__ _(_)_ _ ___ ___
\__ Y _ \ / _` | | '_/ -_|_-<
|___|___/_\__,_|_|_| \___/__/

Before moving on to chapter 2, it should be noted that
theories regarding energy and cosmology in general are
numerous and often in conflict one with the next. This
is why it is so important to see the actual results of
plausible theories--and put their veracity to the test.
Many theories show merit or repeatable demonstrability,
promoting acceptance among the experts of world renown.
The problem is that most of these experts share common
agendas in that their motives are venal, or reinforced
by repeated oversights compounding into daft sophistry
as perpetuated in even the finest university libraries.
"A lie is not a lie when you are ordered (paid) to lie."

Conversely, an ancient maxim survives the test of time,
as with proverbs, parables, providential admonishments.
That which holds true for thousands of years is likely
to be true. But that which is promoted as a "new truth"
or "fact" for mere decades is more likely to be faulty;
such theories must endure for millennia at least to be
judged over the course of time to be good and reliable.

More often than not we find that worldly academia have
promoted mistaken conclusions by their fellow gentiles,
taking for granted the auspice of those who are misled
in their collective arrogance and disdain for the Gods.
These aren't accusatory assertions, but is observation
of their own word & deed. *They* do not believe in God.
And they are the first to admit it--even brag about it!

For example, consider the misguided notion that modern
science is somehow "wiser" than the wisdom of the ages.
Unscrupulous scientists and whole institutions disavow
facts & truths universally held for thousands of years
around the ancient and antediluvian world. Nothing new
under the sun--the decline of civilization is reaching
its zenith after the first holocaust and the elemental
energies join in bringing devastation to a stiffnecked
and adulterous people (to paraphrase Cayce 5750-001#5).

Only the teacher within can instruct you in the way of
the light and sound. Mere men can only hope to inspire,
lest they seek to mislead you even as they were misled.

See Chapter 2 for continuation...
Daniel Joseph Min


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