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Min's Light & Sound - Chapter 2 of 10

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Apr 20, 2003, 4:55:09 PM4/20/03

Chapter 2
Primaries and Secondaries

CONTINUING WITH our analysis of the demonstrably zodiacal
qualities of light & sound, Newton's experiments in light
and color show -- i.e., vs. "tell" -- that light refracts
primarily into Red or "least refrangible", Orange, Yellow,
Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet, with gradients between them.
Nature has demonstrated this for God knows how long, with
rainbows of color appearing everywhere you look in nature.

To wit, "nor are there only rays proper and particular to
the more eminent colors/all their intermediate gradations"
To paraphrase "two sorts of colors...original...the other
compounded of these...original or primary colors[ROYGBIV]
and two, an indefinite variety of intermediate gradations"
-ibidem from Isaac Newton's first paper on Light & Color

Newton shows that "one sort of rays hath been well parted
from those of other kinds, it hath afterwards obstinately
retained its color notwithstanding my utmost endeavors to
change it"; ergo any infinitesimal slice of the color pie
retains its quote "species of color". Furthermore, Newton
shows that any two or more colors in composite reveal the
compounding of those colors, yet their composited mixture
can again be separated into its integral color components;
to paraphrase "rays severed exhibit the same colors which
they did before they entered the composition" (of colors),
as in modern color televisions or computer monitors where
the "red" is in fact a slightly orangish-red, and "green"
is slightly yellowish-green, with slightly indigoish-blue,
no doubt in compensation. Practice oft-exceeds chalkboard
theories, e.g., "additive" and "subtractive" color, since
the human eye makes no distinction whatsoever as to where
light & color originates before entering through its lens
and pupil, but only sees a light that has reached the eye
and is processed, and is finally interpreted by the brain
as visible light/color from moment to moment, in realtime.
Whether light is refracted or reflected the eye cares not.
The brain cares very much as the brain interprets signals.

Judicial astrology holds that there are seven primary and
five secondary colors visible to the naked eye, with very
smooth--apparently infinite--gradations between them. The
human iris is named for the goddess of the rainbow or the
visible spectrum of light, as called the covenant, or bow.

The persistence and attenuation of signals after entering
the human eye and brain processes ultimately decides what
colors are seen by each human observer. It's the majority
consensus among humans which confirms for us that "red is
red" and "yellow is yellow". Some people experience forms
of color blindness, and a host other vision abnormalities.
And some persons might report seeing a shade that you see
as gray as something that has distinctive color, or might
report reading "black" printed text on a neutral paper as
having distinctive colors or audible tones, or vice versa.
This demonstrates that human brain functions are integral
to how human eyes see and human ears hear light and sound.
Theoreticians would like to keep these components totally
separate, but in practice the human brain is more complex
than their simpleton theories can account for or agree on.

Ultimately the human soul experiences the light and sound.
Psyche is the scourge on the back of secular science! The
soul of man is always an integral component of experience
in the living human body. Ignore soul and you ignore life;
ignore life, and you are no longer a scientist but you've
abandoned logic and reason for superstition and ignorance.

While his observations on biblical prophecies are inexact,
Newton's empirical observations and scientific deductions
are impeccable, as I've abundantly quoted from this paper
that was first published 1672, Philosophical Transactions,
hereinbelow redacted for emphasis, brevity, justification:

"6. The same colors in specie with these primary ones may
be also produced by composition: for a mixture of yellow
and blue makes green; of red and yellow makes orange; of
orange and yellowish green makes yellow...colors not too
far distant one from another, they by their mutual alloy
compound that color...midway between them.... Orange and
indigo produce not intermediate green, scarlet and green
not intermediate yellow...."
"7. But the most surprising and wonderful composition was
that of one sort of rays which alone can
exhibit its composition are requisite all the
aforesaid primary colors mixed in due proportion..."
"8....whiteness is the usual color of light; for light is
an aggregate of rays indued with all sorts of colors....
but if any one predominate must incline to that color as
in the blue flame of brimstone....yellow flame of candle
and the various colors of the fixed stars."
"9...rays constituting incident light, those which differ
in color proportionally differ in re-frangibility..."
"10...colors of the rainbow..drops which refract the rays"
"11....disposed more or less to reflect or transmit color.
"12...transparent vessels, tilled the one with a red, the
other with blue liquor...if one transmitted only red and
the other only blue, no rays could pass through both."
"13...natural bodies reflect one sort of light in greater
plenty than another...any body may be made to appear any

The correlation of the visible light spectrum and audible
sound with the planetary zodiac is fundamentally diatonic
and chromatic, i.e. seven by twelve, sidereal and synodic.
Within these broad and fundamental relationships are more
complex dynamics of light and sound, just as planets move
sidereally and synodically, with reference to the Sun and
the Earth respectively. The zodiac begins its subdivision
with the bisection of the 360-degree caelestial firmament,
with Libra beginning the caelestial hemisphere of evening,
and Aries commencing the caelestial hemisphere of morning.

The two celestial hemispheres are bisected into quadrants,
with Capricorn beginning the center of caelestial evening,
and Cancer commencing at the center of caelestial morning.
The caelestial quadrants are each trisected forming three
signs per quadrant. Each sign is trisected into decanates
of ten sidereal degrees ecliptic longitude by one hundred
and eighty degrees in sidereal latitude (ecliptic pole to
pole). Each of these thirty-six decanates are bisected in-
to pentades of five sidereal degrees longitude each. This
means that there are three decanates and six pentades per
zodiacal constellation on the Earth's celestial firmament.

The rudiments of this astrological delineation of the sky
are unambiguously mathematical--the universal language of
the cosmos. While the corporeal manifestations of numbers
run the gamut from kindergarten maths to hyperdimensional
physics, from counting sheep to ecstatic luminations, the
astrological division of the zodiac is far from arbitrary,
but resounds in nature, and resonates with human instinct.
The ancients recognized the inherent mathematical quality
of light & sound as the planetary zodiac clearly reflects.

In the chapter three, I've charted the relationships with
visible colors & audible tones and the decanates/pentades
within each sign of the zodiac. These principles, applied
to planets on Earth's caelestial sphere are archetypal or
universal in nature; whereas, the same principles applied
to planets in Earth's terrestrial sphere--meridian houses
of the horoscope--are temporal, and correspond to life in
the body. Soul is universal while the body is terrestrial,
and where the Gods congregate there is judicial astrology.

See Chapter 3 for continuation...
Daniel Joseph Min


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