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Is this a joke or an insane person?

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Nov 14, 2001, 9:09:14 PM11/14/01
I wouldn't actually call this a UL, but I did get the following email:

If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the
technology to travel physically through time I need your help!

My life has been severely tampered with and cursed!!
I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!

I need to be able to:

Travel physically back in time.

Rewind my life including my age.

Be able to remember what I know now so that I can prevent my life from being
tampered with again after I go back.

I am in very great danger and need this immediately!

Now I will explain to you more about the technology I need and then a brief
description of my life:

I come to you for help, and need a way of doing this in the following way
exactly in such a way that there will be little or no danger. I come to you
in peace. Trust and honesty is an absolutely must!!

I need to be able to rewind my life including my age back to when I was 4
years old knowing all, or at least everything necessary that I know now so
that I can prevent this from happening again and have the normal healthy
happy life the way I truly know I was suppose to live it.

My concerns are can this be done exactly the way mentioned with little or no

Could I erase my time line?

When I rewind my life including my age, what will happen to the me in this
universe as of right now? Will I suddenly be gone and have disappeared to

When I go back in time, how am I going to be able to get younger and not go
back just how I am and bump into myself for the year of which I travel to?

When I rewind my life and am 4 again, will I have both the mind I have now
and also the mind I had then, be in the body I had then? Or would I strictly
have the mind I had then but remember Everything I know now as if I had one
long dream in dream format?

I have heard humans do not do well through certain types of time travel
because they would suffer severe mental problems and that thier organs could
not handle it. Is this true? And if
so how can time travel be done safely? I know there has to be a way because
I know of humans who have goten ahold of time warp technology from the
government and have gone back in time and age, but unfortanatly for less
needy reasons such as to know where to invest in the stock market to become
rich. I was also sent through time once as I explain in my story below

Here is a brief description of my life:

It all started out with this woman my dad dated when I was only 9 who
drugged and poisoned me, once even used another poison in my school lunch,
which made me suddenly, start crying for 2 hours straight after eating it.
She was into black magic. I and also my mom made my dad break up with her
after about a year. She was furious at me for arguing with my dad all the
time about everything, which she told me she was doing to me. He never
believed me about her or what she did, or the side effects I had from her
poisonings. I am 21 now, and since then my life has been obviously
completely tampered with. I did not learn that she was also into witchcraft
until years after she was gone, but I have since had out of this world weird
things happen, bad luck. Everything I come close to seceding at suddenly
turn around for the worst. All my dreams AND HOPES ONLY AVAILABLE in my past
destroyed. Many weird unexplained health problems, coming on from nowhere.
Which have gotten so bad today I have to fight to stay alive, and am always
in pain and suffering everyday. As of 7 months ago I have this horrible new
health problem in addition to my heart and many others which is right now
killing me! I believe it came from the dentist because I experienced the
symtoms 2 days later. The worst feeling of faint and dizzyness pressure in
my head, ringing in my ears of my life! My head feels heavy. I feel like a
am fighting to stay concious. I have pain inside my head on my brain!
focusing on anything makes things ten times worse! I am fighting just to
type this email right now! The only thing that has kept me even healthy
enough to get out of bed is my education on vegeterian diet and juicing. But
it is not working at all anymore! My memory has gone very bad! The symtoms
apear to be a form of cjs. One of the only diseases that does not repond to
nautural heeling. I am stuck in bed most of the day barly concious now
getting worse each day. I have also since been the victim many times of my
food from the grocery store or resteraunt having something put in it by some
sicko working for their company, Example: Such as a needle object in a bag
of party mix potato chips which cut my gland and put me in pain now to feel
like a am swallowing that needle again every time I eat certain foods in
addition to these other major health problems I have. Since she was around
weird things have not only happened to my luck, my everyday day life, and
also health, but also to my brother. He went processed and had some evil
super natural creature in him from another galaxy controlling his mind,
strength, and giving him powers to try and harm me physically and mentally,
He could read my mind exactly. He of course pretended to act normal around
other people and only acted this way and used his strength and power when he
was alone with me, so nobody would believe me. He had the strength to lift
400 pounds like nothing and would often attack me, even once with knife.
This went on for a period of six months. When he did return to his own body
he remembered nothing and wondered what happened. He is now starting to act
strange again.
Strangely Just 3 month before this woman even dated my dad and came around
there was this catering truck guy when I was 8 who gave my friend and me a
free hotdog. He was laughing as he handed me mine. Just 1 minute after
eating half of that hotdog tears started pouring down my eyes. And this
sicko catering truck man was laughing his brains out even harder. He
obviously must have used the same drug this woman my dad dated once used on
my school lunch in addition to whatever else she was putting in my food
every night at supper that my dad forced me to eat.

I know time travel is possible and the technology exist out there because
when I was 16 I had a 6 hour missing time experience back to the past when
there were UFOs in the sky, It went from morning to back to midnight at a
quick flash of light which sounded like a camera click. I'm sure you aliens
know exactly as to the experience I am talking about.

And finally I don't know if this is posable to change seeing I was just born
at the time, but as an infant I was one of the millions of babies who was
effected by the vaccine they inject into you. It effected my speech
development, communication skills, quick thinking, gave me ear infections,
constipation, and other health problems over the years. I consider myself a
very smart person as of now, I know I would have been a genius if I was
never injected with the useless foreign drug substances vaccines our lousy
government makes everybody believe is safe and to protect you against
when infact the only way to be healthy is to have a strong imune system by
eating only: vegetables fruits, nuts, grains, and seeds. No meat dairy,
sugar which has bone whitener, gelitin, or any diseased animals products
because of the horrible human pratice they do on animals that the
governmemnt is covering up.
I pray I get ahold of someone who can help me before it is to late! I'm

Only if you have this technology and can help me please send me a (separate)
email to:


Joe Thompson

Nov 14, 2001, 9:21:35 PM11/14/01
On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 21:09:14 -0500, das wrote:
> I wouldn't actually call this a UL, but I did get the following email:

I got that one twice. My best guess is that this person honestly
believes what he writes, and has chosen spam as the quickest means to get
it out to the greatest number of people. The number at the end is a
common flag that a spamware product sent the message, though I have no
idea what it's for. -- Joe
Joe Thompson | | PGP key: Finger
Yeah, it's crazy, but I just ate a giant pixy stick, and I'm excited
because my new computer is coming today. -- Apreche on Slashdot

Tom Sevart

Nov 14, 2001, 11:32:44 PM11/14/01

"das" <> wrote in message

> I need to be able to:
> Travel physically back in time.
> Rewind my life including my age.

Don't we all?


Ronnie Wexler

Nov 15, 2001, 2:29:45 AM11/15/01
In article <>, (Joe Thompson) wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 21:09:14 -0500, das wrote:
> > I wouldn't actually call this a UL, but I did get the following email:
> I got that one twice. My best guess is that this person honestly
> believes what he writes, and has chosen spam as the quickest means to get
> it out to the greatest number of people. The number at the end is a
> common flag that a spamware product sent the message, though I have no
> idea what it's for. -- Joe

Could be a paranoid schizophrenic or someone who's trying his/her hand at
sci-fi or "creative" writing.

Ronnie "Can you say 'Son of Sam'?" Wexler


keith lim

Nov 15, 2001, 6:58:44 AM11/15/01
das <> wrote:

> I wouldn't actually call this a UL, ...

Then why are you posting it to AFU?

keith "nicey-nice just encourages this sort of behavior" lim

keith lim
Do not make yourself more stupid than you are. It is not endearing.
--Daniel Ucko

Ray Depew

Nov 15, 2001, 11:28:37 AM11/15/01
Joe Thompson ( wrote:

: The number at the end is a

: common flag that a spamware product sent the message, though I have no
: idea what it's for. -- Joe

I think it's part of a secret CIA message. If you combine the numbers from all
the alleged spam sent to your mailbox, in order of "when sent", you will have
the complete message.


Charles Frederick Goodin

Nov 15, 2001, 12:34:42 PM11/15/01
In article <9sv86k$q0h$>, das <> wrote:
>I wouldn't actually call this a UL, but I did get the following email:
>If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the
>technology to travel physically through time I need your help!

Don't help this guy. I already gave him the technology to travel
physically through time twice now, and both times he screwed it up again.


John Francis

Nov 15, 2001, 1:19:21 PM11/15/01
In article <>,

Joe Thompson <> wrote:
>The number at the end is a common flag that a spamware product
>sent the message, though I have no idea what it's for. -- Joe

It's a naive attempt to foil automated spamtrappers which detect
multiple copies of the same message body. It doesn't work very
well, as most spamtrappers now use rather more sophisticated metrics.

A somewhat later variation appends the crud to the 'Subject' line.

Ronnie Wexler

Nov 15, 2001, 3:21:27 PM11/15/01
In article <>,
(Ray Depew) wrote:

Let me guess. All the numbers coincidentally add up to 91101, right?

Ronnie "I've got your number" Wexler



Nov 15, 2001, 4:59:32 PM11/15/01
>> I need to be able to:
>> Travel physically back in time.
>> Rewind my life including my age.
>Don't we all?
No. You would just make a different set of mistakes and probably end up worse
than you are now.

Dr H

Nov 15, 2001, 7:36:41 PM11/15/01

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, das wrote:

}I wouldn't actually call this a UL, but I did get the following email:
}If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the
}technology to travel physically through time I need your help!


Have you been hanging out in

Dr H

Lon Stowell

Nov 15, 2001, 10:30:49 PM11/15/01
In article <9sv86k$q0h$>, das <> wrote:
>I wouldn't actually call this a UL, but I did get the following email:
>If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the
>technology to travel physically through time I need your help!

Not an exclusive list... have YET to get the Nigerian scam at
my home email address, but just deleted the above one.

Lon Stowell

Nov 15, 2001, 10:31:33 PM11/15/01
In article <rwexler-1411...@>,

K-PAX actor, unemployed, more likely.

R H Draney

Nov 16, 2001, 12:48:15 AM11/16/01
On 15 Nov 2001 17:34:42 GMT, (Charles Frederick Goodin)

*You* gave him the technology?...sure, that's the way you remember it
in *this* time-line...before *I* gave him the technology you didn't
even get his message....

I'm kind of tempted to respond to his note, tell him I'm one of his
aliens...and that while we sympathize with his plight, we can't go
around making exceptions just to make some people's lives
we regret we have to decline his request....

R H "but I *do* somewhat sympathize, so I won't do that" Draney

John Hibbert

Nov 16, 2001, 7:20:07 AM11/16/01
In article <9t0ubi$9q$>, (Charles Frederick
Goodin) wrote:

I helped (will help) him too, but the idiot forgot (will forget) to bring
the financial section back.

- jh

Visit "The World's Littlest Web Server!"
A Mac SE running as a web server, at:

David Sewell

Nov 16, 2001, 8:47:20 AM11/16/01
In article <9sv86k$q0h$>, das <> wrote:
>I wouldn't actually call this a UL, but I did get the following email:
>If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the
>technology to travel physically through time I need your help!

This is a much longer version of a spam email that went out a few weeks
ago. At that time there was speculation that it was from a
spam-address-harvester who had found a clever way to get people to reply
to him, but this elaborated version strikes me as the product of someone
who has a genuine delusional system.

Dr H

Nov 16, 2001, 1:14:57 PM11/16/01

Y'know, if you people would just remember to use your aluminum foil
hat-liners, this sort of thing wouldn't happen nearly as often.

Dr H

Jami JoAnne

Nov 16, 2001, 3:24:05 PM11/16/01
Some twisted part of me wishes I had gotten this e-mail so I could reply. I
know exactly what I'd say -

"It's a scientifically proven fact that witchcraft, voodoo, etc cannot harm you
if you just do not believe in them. When you believe in them you yourself make
them come true. There are also no such thing as aliens and you'll never be able
to travel back in time. The only thing you can do is stop being such a fucking
retard and realize witches have no power and therefore have no power over you.
Also pray to God a lot. In fact, pray so much you don't have time to bother me
with your insane e-mail. Finally, get into a mental hospital cause brother -
you're insane!"
~Jami JoAnne Russell~
Super heros, fan fic, and the TRUE story of the 12 dancing princesses!

Joseph M. Shair

Nov 16, 2001, 4:19:43 PM11/16/01
After forgetting to take hir meds, in article
<>, Jami JoAnne felt
required to broadcast to the world...

> "It's a scientifically proven fact that witchcraft,
> voodoo, etc cannot harm you



Joe "So when and where is AFUSubH20? May I suggest
Bonaire, NA sometime in Jan. or Feb.? [1]" Shair

Remove invisible fnord words to reply.
"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a
logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe
is always one step beyond logic." -- (Attrib.) Maud'Dib.

Jami JoAnne

Nov 16, 2001, 6:26:31 PM11/16/01
>> "It's a scientifically proven fact that witchcraft,
>> voodoo, etc cannot harm you

Um - I was saying that's what I'd say if he sent it to me. Not that it was
TRUE. Geez. But if you must know I heard it on the news when some movie came
out years ago about a man under a voodoo curse. Can't remember the title. I
just remember in the trailers he said to someone as he lay in a coffin "Don't
let them bury me, I'm not dead." I also heard it on a few talk shows about
witchcraft and voodoo. I've also heard it said about psychic predictions. That
if you believe in them then you subconsiously do things to make them happen.
But if not then they never come true.

Tom Sevart

Nov 16, 2001, 9:49:14 PM11/16/01

"Jami JoAnne" <gambit...@aol.comNOTMALE> wrote in message

> I've also heard it said about psychic predictions. That
> if you believe in them then you subconsiously do things to make them
> But if not then they never come true.

Not true. Miss Cleo told me I'd have a high phone bill and she was right...

Tom "If she's really psychic, why didn't she forsee the lawsuit against her
by the MO Atty General?" Sevart


Nov 17, 2001, 12:11:22 AM11/17/01

"Ronnie Wexler" <> wrote in message

I hope he didn't quit his day job to write, because his fiction sucks.

Lee Ayrton

Nov 17, 2001, 2:29:40 PM11/17/01

On or about 15 Nov 2001, Charles Frederick Goodin of wrote:

> >If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the
> >technology to travel physically through time I need your help!
> [snipped]
> Don't help this guy. I already gave him the technology to travel
> physically through time twice now, and both times he screwed it up again.

Perhaps you'd better not let him go a third time. All of my history books
now show a _Second_ world war in the 20th century, and the damned common
cold wasn't eradicated in the 1950s.

At least his hasn't meddled with... Oh, damn. Now Nixon was president,

Lee "Things tend to go from bad to worse, and then the process
repeats" Ayrton

Richard Laysell

Nov 18, 2001, 5:31:56 PM11/18/01
In message <9sv86k$q0h$>, das <>

<Big Snip>

>I need to be able to:
>Travel physically back in time.

Be warned!

Don't lend this guy your time machine, he _still_ hasn't returned the
one I lent him next week.

Richard Laysell

Tom Sevart

Nov 18, 2001, 6:19:10 PM11/18/01

"Richard Laysell" <> wrote in message

> Be warned!
> Don't lend this guy your time machine, he _still_ hasn't returned the
> one I lent him next week.

Yes he will.


Dr H

Nov 19, 2001, 4:00:42 PM11/19/01

On 16 Nov 2001, Jami JoAnne wrote:

}Some twisted part of me wishes I had gotten this e-mail so I could reply. I
}know exactly what I'd say -
}"It's a scientifically proven fact that witchcraft, voodoo, etc cannot harm


Actually, with the addition of a period, that would have been sufficient.

Dr H

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