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Thousands Chinese civilians KILLED

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Who Knows?

Jun 4, 1989, 2:29:29 AM6/4/89

[ This was originally posted to "human-nets", but I thought it
was more pertinent here - CWM]

I am forwarding the following news.

From: IN%"" 3-JUN-1989 16:49
Subj: thousands killed

Date: Sat, 3 Jun 89 16:34:59 -0700
Subject: thousands killed

The situation is Beijing is MUCH WORSE that what is reported by the
media. A friend of mine just made a phone call to her brother at
Beijing Normal Univ. Her brother said that thousands have been killed,
many of them run over by tanks. This news is confirmed by an American
friend of mine. His son is studying at Beijing Univ. His son called
back this morning and asked his mom (my friend) what has been reported
by the media. she said 60 killed, hundreds injured. He said MUCH
WORSE. He is trying to take a tape to Hong Kong. It may be
broadcasted by ABC news tonight if he can succeed.

In the San Francisco area, we are planning a huge rally tomorrow (6/4)
noon in front of the Chinese Consulate at SF. Chinese students,
Chinese Americans and American people concerned with the violence in
Beijing will all participate. I am sure you will have rallies
locally. I urge everyone to participate. If we don't fight, there is
no future for China or ourselves.


[ This is obviously a tremendously important topic, not just in human
terms, but in political terms as the people of the People's Republic
of China begin to try and alter their government. Not only students,
but workers and elements of the army are heavily involved. I will
recap some of what I consider some of the most important developments
of recent days:

Sunday PLA (People's Liberation Army) units brought in from an
area away from Beijing (and apparently made up of a different ethic
group from the inhabitants of Beijing) moved into the capital and
broke up the demonstration in and around Tiananmen Square by firing
into the crowd. Casualty estimates range from around 300 to around
3,000 killed, with many more wounded. This followed ineffective
action by the Beijing garrison, apparently due to an unwillingness on
the part of the garrison to put down the demonstration.

The troops then set about occupying the square and Beijing in
general with tanks, armored personel carriers and trucks.
Demonstrators (and perhaps the troops themselves) sporatically
attacked and burned the vehicles and troops. Some small number of
troops were killed, as well as an indeterminate number of civilians as
the occupying troops drove about the streets firing at people,
buildings, and into the air.

Li Peng, now number two man in the government, was shot and
wounded by a policeman as he entered the Great Hall of the People
after visiting Tiananmen Square. The policeman was killed, and all
policemen in the building disarmed. Deng Xiaoping is ill in the
hospital, and is rumored to have died.

Troops from the Beijing garrison have recently been reported
moving into the city, and firing and explosions have been heard south
and west of the city.

... what we appear to be witnessing is a state coming apart at the
seams as a broadly supported reform movement has been put down by the
government, and events have gotten completely out of hand. Any
discussion of the political events in China would be of interest
(there is obviously immense traffic on the usenet's chinese newsgroup,
but I could not begin to try and wade through it all). Please send to
this group directly. Please remember that comments of sort of "send
money to ", and "call this number" and so forth cannot be included in
the digest. - CWM]

Jun 8, 1989, 11:56:54 AM6/8/89

jmc...@SPOCK.AME.ARIZONA.EDU (Who Knows?) writes:

> Date: Sat, 3 Jun 89 16:34:59 -0700
> From:
> Subject: thousands killed
> To:
> The situation is Beijing is MUCH WORSE that what is reported by the
> media. A friend of mine just made a phone call to her brother at
> Beijing Normal Univ. Her brother said that thousands have been killed,

As things change they remain the same.

The events in China should not surprise anyone, only its
television coverage impact. Was this the first time people in
communist countries have demonstrated for democracy? No! The
communist regimes do not represent the people and do not have the
peoples license to govern. Did anyone really think the Beijing
government would not open fire on the students. What surprises
me is that they waited so long to give the orders. How many
people died in the Great Cultural Revolution?

Last month, men, women, and children peacefully demonstrated in
the Georgian Republic of the Soviet Union. Soviet Army units
used Nerve Gas agents and shovels to kill and repulse the people.
Did everyone forget this? Would it had been more real if we had
seen it on television in our living rooms. The problem is not
with the Soviet, Chinese, Cambodian, Burmese, etc governments.
The problem is communism. Communism does not pretend to
represent the masses, it is only a method by which to govern

This year's list is long : Uzbek SSR, Armenia SSR, Lithuania SSR,
Latvia SSR, Georgia SSR, The Mongolian PR, Tibet, Cambodia, and
Burma. Just add China to the ever increasing list. You can be
sure that the list will get longer. In a few months the whole
thing will be forgotten and the Beijing Government will even
deny that it really happened.

As long as the West continues to support repressive communist
regimes, these people will continue to be kept in bondage.
Diplomatically (legally), who is the United State Government
supporting? Is it the students?

Moses Mason

May 29, 2011, 7:18:45 AM5/29/11
After 20+ yrs, Chinese government just become much more EVIL.


May 29, 2011, 3:05:02 PM5/29/11
"Moses Mason" <> wrote on 29th May:

> After 20+ yrs, Chinese government just become much more EVIL.

Why, what have they done now?

A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.

Nov 13, 2012, 9:22:29 PM11/13/12
Way to ruin a historic entry you idiot, you just had to try and see if you can post huh?

Seems Google forgot to lock this one up...


Dec 5, 2012, 12:42:21 PM12/5/12
I'm confused because it says here, it was posted on June 4, 1989 2:29:29
??? I don't know what to believe, but if this news is happening in China
then it is really sad. As usual I think this crisis is more on political and
power struggle.

Moses Mason <> wrote:

> After 20+ yrs, Chinese government just become much more EVIL.
> On Sunday, June 4, 1989 2:29:29 PM UTC+8, Who Knows? wrote:
> > [ This was originally posted to "human-nets", but I thought it
> > was more pertinent here - CWM]
> >


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