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Min's Tarot Deck Specifications - Final Edition

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The Magvs

Oct 29, 2002, 11:45:15 PM10/29/02

HAVING CAREFULLY reviewed and evaluated several
dozen authorities on kabalah (var. qabala, etc),
I've opted not to add any apocryphal references
to Hebrew or Greek letters in my astronomically,
astrologically and mythologically precise tarot
deck. I've found substantial disagreement among
renowned teachers of kabalah over which letters
are synonymous with which of the planets, signs,
houses, modalities, et cetera. Only those items
which are absolutely certain have been included
in the tarot design parameters contained herein.

All of the essential tarot elements are present.
The accuracy of these cards is wholly unrivaled.
Finally, you have a tarot deck that is accurate
astronomically, astrologically & mythologically!
The only thing still missing is artistic design,
which in keeping with the classical Greco-Roman
motif inspiration shouldn't be too hard to find.

I'll say this one more time. Only the essential
items for each card are listed hereinbelow, and
are mandated for inclusion as without exception.
Beyond these, artistic liberties are encouraged
so long as my design parameters are left intact
and credit for authoring is awarded yours truly,
Daniel Joseph Min

by Daniel J. Min
(c)copyleft 2002


Planet: The Moon
Roman: LVNE/Diana
Greek: Artemis/Hekate
Sphere: Foundation
Synodic: 29.53
Sidereal: 27.322/0.075
Heaven: First
Arcana: Ace
Pitch: A > C
Species: lesser natural
Order: W-H-W-W-H-W (7)
Mode: Aeolian
Muse: Klio
Goddess: History

Planet: Mercury
Greek: Hermes
Sphere: Intellect
Synodic: 115.9
Sidereal: 87.969/0.241
Heaven: Second
Arcana: II
Pitch: B > C
Species: lesser w/b2 b5
Order: H-W-W-H-W-W (7)
Mode: Locrian
Muse: Kaliope
Goddess: Epic

Planet: Venus
Greek: Aphrodite
Sphere: Beauty
Synodic: 583.9
Sidereal: 224.70/0.615
Heaven: Third
Arcana: III
Pitch: C > C
Species: greater natural, top
Order: W-W-H-W-W-W (7)
Mode: Treble Ionian
Muse: Terpsichore
Goddess: Dance

Trump: THE SUN
Planet: Sun
Roman: SOLIS/Apollo
Greek: Apollon/Helios
Sphere: Majesty
Synodic: n/a
Sidereal: 365.26/1.000
Heaven: Fourth
Arcana: IV
Pitch: D > C
Species: lesser melodic
Order: W-H-W-W-W-H (7)
Mode: Dorian
Muse: Melpomene
Goddess: Tragedy

Planet: Mars
Greek: Ares
Sphere: Victory
Synodic: 780.0
Sidereal: 686.98/1.881
Heaven: Fifth
Arcana: V
Pitch: E > C
Species: lesser w/b2
Order: H-W-W-W-H-W (7)
Mode: Phrygian
Muse: Eratho
Goddess: Lyric

Planet: Jupiter
Roman: IOVIS/Deus
Greek: Zeus
Sphere: Charity
Synodic: 399.9
Sidereal: 4332.2/11.86
Heaven: Sixth
Arcana: VI
Pitch: F > C
Species: greater w/#4
Order: W-W-W-H-W-W (7)
Mode: Lydian
Muse: Euterpe
Goddess: Melody

Planet: Saturn
Roman: SATVRNI/Cronus/Scythe
Greek: Kronos
Sphere: Judgment/Time
Synodic: 378.1
Sidereal: 10760./29.45
Heaven: Seventh
Arcana: VII
Pitch: G > C
Species: greater w/b7
Order: W-W-H-W-W-H (7)
Mode: Mixolydian
Muse: Polihymnia
Goddess: Hymnody

Planet: Stars/Uranus
Roman: Caelest.Firma./Uranus
Greek: Kosmikos/Ouranos
Sphere: Infinity
Synodic: 369.7
Sidereal: 30685./84.02 (Uranus)
Sidereal: 1.00004 (Earth-stars)
Heaven: Eighth
Arcana: VIII
Pitch: A < C
Species: lesser natural, +bass
Order: W-H-W-W-H-W-W (8)
Mode: Bass Aeolian
Muse: Urania
Goddess: Astronomy

Planet: Seasons/Neptune
Roman: Mobile/Neptune
Greek: Poseidon
Sphere: Wisdom
Synodic: 367.5
Sidereal: 60190./164.8 (Neptune)
Sidereal: 1.00000 (Earth-seasons)
Heaven: Ninth
Arcana: IX
Pitch: B < C
Species: lesser w/ b2 b5, +bass
Order: H-W-W-H-W-W-W-H (9)
Mode: Bass Locrian
Muse: Thalia
Goddess: Divine Comedy

Planet: Earthly Experence/Terra Firma/Pluto
Roman: EMPIREVM/Empyrean/Primum Mobile/Pluto
Greek: Empeiros/Emperamos/Gaea/Pluton-Hades
Sphere: Center
Synodic: 366.7
Sidereal: 90800. 247.9 (Pluto)
Sidereal: 0.00000 (Earth-geocentric)
Heaven: Tenth
Arcana: X
Pitch: C = C
Species: greater natural, +middle
Order: W-W-H-W-W-W-H-W-W (10)
Mode: Center Ionian
Muse: Mnemosyne
Goddess: Memory


Trump: DEVIL
Glyph: Ram
Quality: Ambition
Ensign: Aries
Bearing: 0-30* (east above)
Number: 1
Tone: C
Color: Red
Ruler: Mars-inferior
Roman: Martivs/March
Babylon: Nisanu/Nisan(Abib)

Glyph: Bull
Quality: Passion
Ensign: Taurus
Bearing: 30-60* (north east)
Number: 2
Tone: C#/Db
Color: Red-Orange
Ruler: Venus-inferior
Roman: Aprilis/April
Babylon: Aiaru/Iyyar(Zif)

Glyph: II (twins)
Quality: Communication
Ensign: Gemini
Bearing: 60-90* (north below)
Number: 3
Tone: D
Color: Orange
Ruler: Mercury-inferior
Roman: Maivs/May
Babylon: Simanu/Sivan

Glyph: Crab
Quality: Imagination
Ensign: Cancer
Bearing: 90-120* (north above)
Number: 4
Tone: D#/Eb
Color: Orange-Yellow
Ruler: Moon
Roman: Jvnivs/June
Babylon: Duzu/Tammuz

Glyph: Lion
Quality: Power
Ensign: Leo
Bearing: 120-150* (north west)
Number: 5
Tone: E
Color: Yellow
Ruler: Sun
Roman: Jvlivs/July
Babylon: Abu/Av(Ab)

Glyph: Virgin
Quality: Virtue
Ensign: Virgo
Bearing: 150-180* (west below)
Number: 6
Tone: F
Color: Green
Ruler: Mercury-superior
Roman: Avgvstvs/August
Babylon: Ululu/Elul

Glyph: Scales
Quality: Justice
Ensign: Libra
Bearing: 180-210* (west above)
Number: 7
Tone: F#/Gb
Color: Green-Blue
Ruler: Venus-superior
Roman: September/September
Babylon: Tashritu/Tishri(Ethanim)

Trump: DEATH
Glyph: Scorpion
Quality: Vitality
Ensign: Scorpio
Bearing: 210-240* (south west)
Number: 8
Tone: G
Color: Blue
Ruler: Mars-superior
Roman: October/October
Babylon: Arahsamnu/Heshvan(Bul)

Glyph: Archer
Quality: Fortune
Ensign: Sagittarius
Bearing: 240-270* (south below)
Number: 9
Tone: G#/Ab
Color: Blue-Indigo
Ruler: Jupiter-superior
Roman: Nouember/November
Babylon: Kislimu/Kislev

Glyph: Horned Goat
Quality: Discipline
Ensign: Capricorn
Bearing: 270-300* (south above)
Number: 10
Tone: A
Color: Indigo
Ruler: Saturn-superior
Roman: December/December
Babylon: Tebetu/Tebet

Glyph: Water Bearer
Quality: Inspiration
Ensign: Aquarius
Bearing: 300-330* (south east)
Number: 11
Tone: A#/Bb
Color: Indigo-Violet
Ruler: Saturn-inferior/Uranus
Roman: Janvarivs/January
Babylon: Shabatu/Shebat

Glyph: Fishes
Quality: Mysticism
Ensign: Pisces
Bearing: 330-360* (east below)
Number: 12
Tone: B
Color: Violet
Ruler: Jupiter-inferior/Neptune
Roman: Febrvarivs/February
Babylon: Addaru/Adar*

(houses of horoscope)

Court: King of Wands
Quality: Cardinal Self
Force: Strong Nuclear
Element: Fire
Suit: Clubs
House: First
Tone: C
Color: Red
Sign: Ego (aries)
Ruler: Mars-inferior

Court: Queen of Pentacles
Quality: Fixed World
Force: Gravitation
Element: Earth
Suit: Diamonds
House: Second
Tone: C#/Db
Color: Red-Orange
Sign: Riches (taurus)
Ruler: Venus-inferior

Court: Knight of Swords
Quality: Mutable Consciousness
Force: Electromagnetic
Element: Air
Suit: Spades
House: Third
Tone: D
Color: Orange
Sign: Brothers (gemini)
Ruler: Mercury-inferior

Court: King of Cups
Quality: Cardinal Unconscious
Force: Weak Nuclear
Element: Water
Suit: Hearts
House: Fourth
Tone: D#/Eb
Color: Orange-Yellow
Sign: Parents (cancer)
Ruler: The Moon

Court: Queen of Wands
Quality: Fixed Self
Force: Strong Nuclear
Element: Fire
Suit: Clubs
House: Fifth
Tone: E
Color: Yellow
Sign: Sons (leo)
Ruler: The Sun

Court: Knight of Pentacles
Quality: Mutable World
Force: Gravitation
Element: Earth
Suit: Diamonds
House: Sixth
Tone: F
Color: Green
Sign: Servants (virgo)
Ruler: Mercury-superior

Court: King of Swords
Quality: Cardinal Consciousness
Force: Electromagnetic
Element: Air
Suit: Spades
House: Seventh
Tone: F#/Gb
Color: Green-Blue
Sign: Marriage (libra)
Ruler: Venus-superior

Court: Queen of Cups
Quality: Fixed Unconscious
Force: Weak Nuclear
Element: Water
Suit: Hearts
House: Eighth
Tone: G
Color: Blue
Sign: Death (scorpio)
Ruler: Mars-superior/Pluto

Court: Knight of Wands
Quality: Mutable Self
Force: Strong Nuclear
Element: Fire
Suit: Clubs
House: Ninth
Tone: G#/Ab
Color: Blue-Indigo
Sign: Spirit (sagittarius)
Ruler: Jupiter-superior

Court: King of Pentacles
Quality: Cardinal World
Force: Gravitation
Element: Earth
Suit: Diamonds
House: Tenth
Tone: A
Color: Indigo
Sign: Society (capricorn)
Ruler: Saturn-superior

Court: Queen of Swords
Quality: Fixed Consciousness
Force: Electromagnetic
Element: Air
Suit: Spades
House: Eleventh
Tone: A#/Bb
Color: Indigo-Violet
Sign: Friends (aquarius)
Ruler: Saturn-inferior/Uranus

Court: Knight of Cups
Quality: Mutable Unconscious
Force: Weak Nuclear
Element: Water
Suit: Hearts
House: Twelfth
Tone: B
Color: Violet
Sign: Debts (pisces)
Ruler: Jupiter-inferior/Neptune


Card: Ace Card: Ace
Planet: Moon Planet: Moon
Trump: The Moon Trump: The Moon
Keyword: Feeling Keyword: Feeling
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: Ace Card: Ace
Planet: Moon Planet: Moon
Trump: The Moon Trump: The Moon
Keyword: Feeling Keyword: Feeling
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: II Card: II
Planet: Mercury Planet: Mercury
Trump: The Magvs Trump: The Magvs
Keyword: Intellect Keyword: Intellect
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: II Card: II
Planet: Mercury Planet: Mercury
Trump: The Magvs Trump: The Magvs
Keyword: Intellect Keyword: Intellect
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: III Card: III
Planet: Venus Planet: Venus
Trump: Empress Trump: Empress
Keyword: Beauty Keyword: Beauty
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: III Card: III
Planet: Venus Planet: Venus
Trump: Empress Trump: Empress
Keyword: Beauty Keyword: Beauty
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: IV Card: IV
Planet: Sun Planet: Sun
Trump: The Sun Trump: The Sun
Keyword: Majesty Keyword: Majesty
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: IV Card: IV
Planet: Sun Planet: Sun
Trump: The Sun Trump: The Sun
Keyword: Majesty Keyword: Majesty
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: V Card: V
Planet: Mars Planet: Mars
Trump: The Tower Trump: The Tower
Keyword: Crossroads Keyword: Crossroads
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: V Card: V
Planet: Mars Planet: Mars
Trump: The Tower Trump: The Tower
Keyword: Crossroads Keyword: Crossroads
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: VI Card: VI
Planet: Jupiter Planet: Jupiter
Trump: Emperor Trump: Emperor
Keyword: Joviality Keyword: Joviality
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: VI Card: VI
Planet: Jupiter Planet: Jupiter
Trump: Emperor Trump: Emperor
Keyword: Joviality Keyword: Joviality
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: VII Card: VII
Planet: Saturn Planet: Saturn
Trump: Judgment Trump: Judgment
Keyword: Finality Keyword: Finality
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: VII Card: VII
Planet: Saturn Planet: Saturn
Trump: Judgment Trump: Judgment
Keyword: Finality Keyword: Finality
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: VIII Card: VIII
Planet: Uranus Planet: Uranus
Trump: The Star Trump: The Star
Keyword: Extremes Keyword: Extremes
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: VIII Card: VIII
Planet: Uranus Planet: Uranus
Trump: The Star Trump: The Star
Keyword: Extremes Keyword: Extremes
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: IX Card: IX
Planet: Neptune Planet: Neptune
Trump: The Hermit Trump: The Hermit
Keyword: Wisdom Keyword: Wisdom
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: IX Card: IX
Planet: Neptune Planet: Neptune
Trump: The Hermit Trump: The Hermit
Keyword: Wisdom Keyword: Wisdom
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts

Card: X Card: X
Planet: Pluto Planet: Pluto
Trump: The Fool Trump: The Fool
Keyword: The Earth Keyword: The Earth
Suit: Wands Suit: Pentacles
Hoyle: Clubs Hoyle: Diamonds
Element: Fire Element: Earth
King: Ego King: Society
Queen: Sons Queen: Riches
Knight: Spirit Knight: Servants

Card: X Card: X
Planet: Pluto Planet: Pluto
Trump: The Fool Trump: The Fool
Keyword: The Earth Keyword: The Earth
Suit: Swords Suit: Cups
Hoyle: Spades Hoyle: Hearts
Element: Air Element: Water
King: Marriage King: Parents
Queen: Friends Queen: Death
Knight: Brothers Knight: Debts


Court Card: Page
Force: Strong
Triplicity: Wands
Trinity: 1s,5b,9p
Quality: Self
Element: Fire
Suit: Clubs
Tones: C,E,G#/Ab
Color: Red,Yellow,
& Blue-Indigo
Signs: Ego,Sons,Spirit
Rulers: Mars-inferior,Sun,
& Jupiter-superior

Court Card: Page
Force: Gravity
Triplicity: Pentacles
Trinity: 2s,6p,10b
Quality: World
Element: Earth
Suit: Diamonds
Tones: C#/Db,F,A
Color: Red-Orange,
Green & Indigo
Signs: Riches,Servants,
& Society
Rulers: Venus-inferior,Mercury-
superior & Saturn-superior

Court Card: Page
Force: Electromagnetic
Triplicity: Swords
Trinity: 3s,7p,11b
Quality: Consciousness
Element: Air
Suit: Spades
Tones: D,F#/Gb,A#/Bb
Color: Orange, Green-Blue
& Indigo-Violet
Signs: Brothers,Marriage,
& Friends
Rulers: Mercury-inferior,Venus-
inferior & Uranus

Court Card: Page
Force: Weak
Triplicity: Cups
Trinity: 4b,8p,12s
Quality: Unconscious
Element: Water
Suit: Hearts
Tones: D#/Eb,G,B
Color: Orange-Yellow,
Blue & Violet
Signs: Parents,
Death & Debts
Rulers: Moon,Mars-superior,
Jupiter-inferior & Neptune

- From near the Continental Divide of Central Colorado, USA
This 30. of October, 2002.
Done by Daniel Joseph Min

*Min's Home Page (updated 20-Oct-2002):



Oct 30, 2002, 3:30:52 AM10/30/02

"The Magvs" <souereign....@parthian.magoi> wrote in message

> HAVING CAREFULLY reviewed and evaluated several
> dozen authorities on kabalah (var. qabala, etc),

RIPOFF!!!! Nothing like the ol' cut and paste, huh.

> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

PROMISE!? Remember this one folks HE PROMISED THIS IS THE END.....


Oct 31, 2002, 6:43:28 PM10/31/02
mommadona <> wrote:



The Magvs

Oct 31, 2002, 11:49:31 PM10/31/02
>oh come on minski. yu get all the nitty gritty down to science
>but yu give up on jewish alphabet?? please don't give up on the letters
>so easy. i luv yur tarot pak. now only artist and printer to sell.
>good luk.
>bobby r. :-)
>In message <>,
>souereign....@parthian.magoi (The Magvs) typed:

Thanks for your interest, but the true correspondence
of alphabetical letters to the ten planets and twelve
signs has not been clearly established. I don't doubt
that such a correspondence might be logically deduced,
given sufficient studies on the matter but even world-
renowned kabbalists have disagreed for centuries over
which letter goes with which planet or sign--not very
encouraging when you consider that every other aspect
of my tarot design is entirely scientific and precise.

I'd need to see proof that a certain letter goes with
a certain sign or planet. Proof must be independently
and scientifically verifiable thus can never be based
on opinion alone no matter how respected or concerted
ones opinion may be. I'd need to see astronomical and
astrological evidence that proves letter-to-planet or
letter-to-sign correspondence conclusively. Otherwise
it would be little more than educated conjecture; fun
food for thought, but wholly inadequate for inclusion
in my tarot design. I'm interested in what's provable,
demonstrable facts conclusively evident not otherwise.
I've not seen any such evidences presented concerning
the alleged correspondences of the letters to planets
and signs. Until then, I'll leave my tarot deck as is,
and I would advise against modification without proof.

When you think about it, the only motivation to prove
that letters correspond to astrological elements, etc
is to verify what's written, e.g., in SePheR YeTzYRaH:

This requires us to assume that YHWH speaks in Hebrew,
or that Zeus speaks in Attic Greek, or that Devs must
speak in Latin, Allah in Arabic or Brahma the Creator
in Sanskrit, Vishnu the Sustainer and Shiva-destroyer,
likewise in the ancient Vedic; Odin, Woden, Old Norse,
ad infinitum. I think you get the picture. To ass-ume
makes an ass out of u and me. God, by any attribution,
isn't likely to be limited to the common languages of
mere mortal humans. In fact, the Illimitable God gets
his myriad aliases ascribed, imputed, forced upon him
by mere mortal men--as if the Almighty Creator has to
bow before mortal men to receive his unspeakable name!

Count me out of that argument. I am more than content
with my tarot deck as it is. I'm quite proud of it in
fact--with, or without any corresponding alphabetical
characters alleged to sound like the Almighty Creator.

The signs, the planets, elements, qualities, sidereal
orbits and modes, muses and their orders, the synodic
phases of the planets, key signatures of the Gods and
Goddesses; the trinities, the directions, the aspects
of heavenly consciousness and rulerships in the signs,
and in the houses, the courtyards, the graces, furies,
fates, superior & inferior conjoins, benefic, malefic,
interbetween these forces. Altogether, my tarot cards
are verily complete, lacking in nothing save artistic
design, printing, and marketing en masse. Fair enough?

In Vigilance, Vis,
Daniel Joseph Min

*Min's Home Page (updated 31-Oct-2002):



Nov 3, 2002, 11:46:18 PM11/3/02
The Magvs <souereign....@parthian.magoi> wrote:

> Thanks for your interest, but the true correspondence
> of alphabetical letters to the ten planets and twelve
> signs has not been clearly established.

It's _occult, "clearly established" is the opposite of that.

>I don't doubt that such a correspondence might be logically deduced,
>given sufficient studies on the matter but even world- renowned
>kabbalists have disagreed for centuries over which letter goes with
>which planet or sign

Actually, it's pretty well settled. There might still be some
controversy about 2 of the cards' attributed paths on the tree of life,
but that's about it.


> I'm interested in what's provable, demonstrable facts conclusively evident
> not otherwise. I've not seen any such evidences presented concerning the
> alleged correspondences of the letters to planets and signs.

Charts, graphs, a Power Point demonstration? Not likely.

> When you think about it, the only motivation to prove
> that letters correspond to astrological elements, etc
> is to verify what's written, e.g., in SePheR YeTzYRaH:


> This requires us to assume that YHWH speaks in Hebrew,
> or that Zeus speaks in Attic Greek, or that Devs must
> speak in Latin, Allah in Arabic or Brahma the Creator
> in Sanskrit, Vishnu the Sustainer and Shiva-destroyer,
> likewise in the ancient Vedic; Odin, Woden, Old Norse,
> ad infinitum. I think you get the picture. To ass-ume
> makes an ass out of u and me. God, by any attribution,
> isn't likely to be limited to the common languages of
> mere mortal humans. In fact, the Illimitable God gets
> his myriad aliases ascribed, imputed, forced upon him
> by mere mortal men--as if the Almighty Creator has to
> bow before mortal men to receive his unspeakable name!

It's about communication, not language. And meditation, not syntax.
Traditionally the letters are sacred, and the 22 tarot cards supposedly
illustrate each of those energies with different symbols. Look up
"chakras" on Google.

> Count me out of that argument. I am more than content
> with my tarot deck as it is. I'm quite proud of it in
> fact--with, or without any corresponding alphabetical
> characters alleged to sound like the Almighty Creator.

Lotta work reading those tarot books.

> The signs, the planets, elements, qualities, sidereal
> orbits and modes, muses and their orders, the synodic
> phases of the planets, key signatures of the Gods and
> Goddesses; the trinities, the directions, the aspects
> of heavenly consciousness and rulerships in the signs,
> and in the houses, the courtyards, the graces, furies,
> fates, superior & inferior conjoins, benefic, malefic,
> interbetween these forces. Altogether, my tarot cards
> are verily complete, lacking in nothing save artistic
> design, printing, and marketing en masse. Fair enough?

Sure. Go for it.

> In Vigilance, Vis,

If you'd bother to really look, you'd discover that the underlying
teaching has nothing to do with fear.

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