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Microemacs + DND.PKA problems

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Gregory Schmergel

Aug 21, 1987, 11:14:39 AM8/21/87

I have all the parts to the recent MicroEmacs posting, and I extracted
the 547K file MEIBM.EXE on my PC XT. When I type MEIBM, though, the
system hangs and I have to reboot. Does anyone know what's going on?

I also ran into a problem with the posted game DND.PKA.
Using PKXARC.COM I get a message "DND.PKA is not an archive." and it
refuses to extract the file. It does extract Cavern.bin and cleric.doc,
but only an unusable 40K of dnd.exe.


Greg Schmergel Address:
Internet> shme...@think.UUCP
UUCP> seismo!think!shmergel
UUCP> ihnp4!think!shmergel

William T. Douglass

Aug 21, 1987, 2:16:52 PM8/21/87
In article <77...@think.UUCP> shme...@think.COM (Gregory Schmergel) writes:
>I have all the parts to the recent MicroEmacs posting, and I extracted
>the 547K file MEIBM.EXE on my PC XT. When I type MEIBM, though, the

>system hangs and I have to reboot. Does anyone know what's going on?

Just guessing here, but I generally suspect any MS-DOS executable that's
over 500k in size :-)

Seriously, I have had much trouble also with corrupted uuencoded files
taken off the net. I can't determine if local or net software is to
blame, but about 75% of the encoded .exe & .arc files I pull in are

Is this a common experience for others? I would appreciate hearing about this.

Bill Douglass

David Herron aka Admiral Gollum

Aug 21, 1987, 10:06:23 PM8/21/87
MEIBM is around 75k, like the others in the archive. If your PC isn't
true blue you may be better off with MEANSI.

DND.PKA was, as I recall, posted all at once despite being
much too large a file in UUE form. It was chopped by the mailers.

If the other poster is having that much trouble with uuencoded files
I would have to suspect the local software; I've gotten clean copies
of mEMACS, Hack 3.6, List 6.2, Timepark, SIMCGA, etc. In fact I
think the only one that *didn't* work was DND.PKA

Kenneth Herron

Aug 23, 1987, 12:10:08 PM8/23/87
In article <77...@think.UUCP> shme...@think.COM (Gregory Schmergel) writes:
>I have all the parts to the recent MicroEmacs posting, and I extracted
>the 547K file MEIBM.EXE on my PC XT. When I type MEIBM, though, the
>system hangs and I have to reboot. Does anyone know what's going on?
The version that was posted was not a legitimate version.....It was an
intermediate version which I had placed on my BBS for people who had to
be up to date..even at the expense of some untested code. The next
release version has been sent to comp.unix.sources and should be out
soon. It is available now on my BBS at (317) 742-5533. BTW the MEIBM.EXE
file is about 75K large....a 547K large file is obviously corrupted.

>I also ran into a problem with the posted game DND.PKA.
>Using PKXARC.COM I get a message "DND.PKA is not an archive." and it
>refuses to extract the file. It does extract Cavern.bin and cleric.doc,
>but only an unusable 40K of dnd.exe.

This also brings up an interesting story. The originial DND program is
one that I wrote for the PDP-11 and PDP-10 in 1976. The version you are
refering to was much later ported to the IBM-PC by some company in Texas
(whom I will not give free advertising) and they then claimed to have
written, not mentining me or my previous versions which looked almost
exactly like theirs. (This is down to the dungeon names, the bit mapped
dungeon maps and the spell lists/effects ect). They then go on to ask
you to send them money if you use it.

I am very upset about this "trick" that these people have tried to pull,
and I very urgently urge people not to send these guys money.

Daniel Lawrence (317) 742-5153
UUCP: ihnp4!pur-ee!!nwd
FIDO: 201/2 The Programmer's Room (317) 742-5533

Dick Flanagan

Aug 23, 1987, 7:38:13 PM8/23/87




The meibm.exe file should be 76,112 bytes in size, not 500+Kb. It sounds
like you have a corrupted file.

My success to failure rate with net-downloaded uuencoded arc/exe files
is running about 85% good, with only a handful being corrupted (The
recent timed-park routine was the first bad one I've had in a long time).

I assume the original poster realizes that the .arc file is in PKARC
format, not standard SEA arc format--it appears that some of our net
moderators feel that everyone should be forced to use PKARC because
they (the moderators) obviously know what's best for us netlanders. As
soon as I get a copy of one of these .PKA files, I immediately convert
it to a normal .ARC in case I ever need to give it to someone else
who is not so fortunate(?) as to be PK-literate.

If that might be your problem, and if you would like a plain vanilla
.ARC file, let me know and I'll arrange to get a copy to you one way
or another.

Good Luck. . . .
Dick Flanagan, W6OLD Long Live Zero Print Control
UUCP: ...!ucbvax!sun!plx!dick

Brandon Allbery

Aug 25, 1987, 9:35:52 PM8/25/87
As quoted from <> by (David Herron aka Admiral Gollum):

| If the other poster is having that much trouble with uuencoded files
| I would have to suspect the local software; I've gotten clean copies
| of mEMACS, Hack 3.6, List 6.2, Timepark, SIMCGA, etc. In fact I
| think the only one that *didn't* work was DND.PKA


DND.PKA was corrupted when it reached ncoast; I set it aside and then stupidly
did a "sendlist *". As it turned out, I was lucky it was corrupted; it is
NOT legally distributable. Please Stop Complaining About DND.PKA!!!
Brandon S. Allbery, moderator of comp.sources.misc
ARPA: necntc!ncoast! Fido: 157/502 MCI: BALLBERY
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