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Where are t/*/*.pasm

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Leopold Toetsch

Apr 10, 2004, 8:45:01 AM4/10/04
to P6I
They used to be there after make test. Gone. Which isn't good. After a
failed test I'd like to run the PASM or PIR manually through parrot.


Will Coleda

Apr 10, 2004, 10:17:16 AM4/10/04
to Leopold Toetsch, P6I
That'd be my fault.

The files are probably currently in "/tmp". The offending lines are 273
- 276 in lib/Parrot/, cvs latest. I peeled off the file name of
the generated .pasm, and stuck the file in the temp directory.

Sorry about that.

Will "Coke" Coleda will at coleda
dot com

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