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Parrot 0.1.0 Released

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Leopold Toetsch

Feb 29, 2004, 9:45:49 AM2/29/04
to P6I, P6L,,
Parrot 0.1.0 "Leaping Kakapo" Released!

The Parrot team proudly presents the Parrot 0.1.0 leap release. It
provides some milestones like objects and multi-threading1[1] and
supports many more platforms.

After some pause you can grab it from
<> or
just get the latest and best from CVS by following the directions at

Turn your web browser towards <> for more
information about Parrot, get involved, and:

Have fun!

[1] The list of changes includes:

- "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... objects!"
- Huge documentation overhaul
- More supported platforms, s. PLATFORMS
- Basic thread support for pthread based architectures
- Basic event handling for timers and signals including:
- PASM callbacks for NCI (native C) functions.
- Improved platform configuration
- COW stacks now working, stacks code redone
- Structure handling vastly improved
- Random PMC and rand primitives
- Better subroutine call syntax in PIR
- Make PIR subroutines compliant with pdd03
- Improved profiling (DOD, GC timings)
- Hash code improvements, incl. random key order support
- Experimental freeze/thaw code for some PMC types
- IO improvements for buffered layer and Win32
- String iterators
- String bitwise vtables
- Many new opcodes
- Suppport for JIT, where malloced memory isn't executable
- Priority DOD scheme for objects that need timely destruction
- Improved byte code loading (e.g. onLoad functions)
- Language updates: forth, Perl6/P6C, m4
- Libraries: Getopt_Long, SDL, Dumper, Sort
- new JAPH examples
- Unified imcc and parrot test handling
- Many new tests (make test reports 1386 tests)
- Numerous bug fixes

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