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Trains between the rails

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Dec 8, 1994, 1:09:19 PM12/8/94
The other night my wife and I were talking about something we had seen in the
past. I think it was on Beyond 2000 or something like that. It was a new
coaster design that had the cars between the rails. The show said it was a
prototype and probably wouldn't get to the real world for a coulpe of years.
Did it ever make it? Is it the Pipeline that is talked about in this group?
If so can someone please tell me what park it is in so we can get a ride on
it? It sure looked interesting, and i remember thinking the rails beside
the car would block your side vision. Any help is greatly appriciated.
your choice of responce via e-mail or this group. Thanks! JDC

Dave Althoff

Dec 10, 1994, 2:09:33 AM12/10/94
to wrote:
: The other night my wife and I were talking about something we had seen in the

Yup, that's the Pipeline.
Nope, you can't ride it in any park...not yet, anyway.
There is another variety of that concept, the TOGO Ultra-Twister...I
believe it is at AstroWorld.

I'll leave it at that.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
(Hard Hat Area: .sig under construction)

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