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analized match

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Dec 26, 2001, 11:36:38 PM12/26/01
how can analized macht (i played in gamesgrid), in gnubackgamon

JP White

Dec 27, 2001, 9:10:36 AM12/27/01

In the gamesgrid client resave the match as a .sgg file (Snowie

GNUBG can import snowie gamesgrid files directly.


JP White


Dec 27, 2001, 3:58:52 PM12/27/01
This has been posted many times previously, but I will try it again.'s the "quick" version for the GNU aficianadoes......
1. Save the gamesgrid match as Snowie match (xxxx.sgg)
2. Use GNU File>Import>sgg match to import the saved match.
3. Browse to the opening move of the match in the GNU Game Record window
(I would now CLOSE the Game Recoed window)
4. Ensure your GNU match play Settings are as desired.
5. Use GNU Analyse>AnalyseMatch to start the analysis.
(I would now minimize the GNU window, waiting for minimization "between"
move analysis)
6. On completion you should File>Save the analysis, though this is NOT
7. You can now view.browse the Analysis in the GameRecord and Annotation
windows of GNU's the LONG version for Tyros!
When you play your match at gamesgrid you must have the recorder running.
Using the recorder buttons usually found to the right of the toolbar above
the playing area, press (mouse click) the large button on the extreme right.
When you exit the match a dialog box displays to let you save the match.
By default it will save in the SaveGame subdirectory of the GamesGrid
folder, but you can browse within the dialog to any folder you desire.
You should use the SaveAsType list in the dialog to ensure that the match
will be saved as a "Gamesgrid Snowie Match" with the "extension" .sgg then
press the Save button in the dialog.
Open the GNU program (this applies to the windows version and I assume here
that you ARE using that as you're playing Gamesgrid under Windows anyway!).
You only need the GNU Backgammon window open at this stage. In practise I
Minimize the displayed DOS window.
In the File menu "point" at Import to display the list of Import options and
click "sgg match" (usually at the bottom of the list).
This displays the Import sgg dialog which has a rudimentary browser to allow
you to find your saved match.
By default, it shows the list of files in the main gnubg folder.
To find your saved match you must double-click through your folders in the
left pane to the appropriate folder.
FOR EXAMPLE, assuming you saved in the GamesGrid default directory:
Scrolling the left pane at each step to display the appropriate folder
within the pane, double-click in turn....
C:\.>>Program Files>>GamesGrid>>SaveGame (note that the double click
changes the folder in the pane but the folder path is displayed as the
Selection in the text box below the pane)
Now you scroll the right pane to display your saved game file in the pane.
Select it using the mouse and press the OK button (OR double-click the
filename) to import the match to GNUbg.
The final position is displayed in the GNU window. At this stage you will
notice that the Analyse menu options are NOT available.
To analyse the match:
Under the Windows menu select the GameRecord option to display the match
record window. The current LAST move is highlighted in the LAST game move
Use the BIG double toolbar buttons to scroll through the match games to the
FIRST game first move.
You can now close the GameRecord option (to save a small amount of time that
GNU uses to update this window during its analysis).
NOW... in the Analyse menu you can select the Analyse Match option to allow
GNU to perform it's analysis.
CAVEAT here..... depending on the options you previously chose in the
Settings menu there may well be a longish time to wait for the program to
complete it's analysis. During the analysis, the open GTK windows will
freeze while any single move is analysed.
What I do is to have ONLY the GNU board window open during analysis and I
minimize this window, waiting for the first move analysis to complete before
observing that the window minimizes.

NOW, on completion of the analysis, you can open the GameRecord and
Annotation windows from the Windows menu.
Size these windows to display those parts of the game record and annotation
that you desire and position the windows on the desktop appropriately. You
can now browse through the match to any desired move in the Game Record
window to display the GNU analysis for that move in the Annotation window.
The position PRIOR to the selected move will display in the GNU play window.

I advise that BEFORE GNU analyses, or at least BEFORE you browse the
analysis you SAVE the imported match as a GNU match so you can use the
File>Open>Match option to display it in case MSWINDOWS breaks! (note that i
assume MSWINDOWS is a SINGULAR noun here... it's not an error!)

This is now over! whew!
spurs may try and document and Online Help GNUbg.... given the time!

Roy Passfield @ Oxnard, California

"Making a living is NOT the same as making a life"
(Roy Passfield, 1999)


"Ale" <> wrote in message

> how can analized macht (i played in gamesgrid), in gnubackgamon
> Thxs
> Ale

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Dec 27, 2001, 4:02:13 PM12/27/01
I am sure it's a language problem Ale, but in English it's quite Freudian to
use the term ANAL-IZED!
spurs loves his language!

Roy Passfield @ Oxnard, California

"Making a living is NOT the same as making a life"
(Roy Passfield, 1999)

"Ale" <> wrote in message

> how can analized macht (i played in gamesgrid), in gnubackgamon
> Thxs
> Ale

Mike Rudman

Dec 29, 2001, 10:31:42 PM12/29/01
Use Blowfish :)

"Ale" <> wrote in message

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